Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications due August 13

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2021-22 year are now available and can be found on the Ohio 4-H website at go.osu.edu/TLC! Please let any interested individual know so they may apply. Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply.

  • Applications and more information about the group can be found online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due (received, not postmarked!) by Friday, August 13, 2021 to Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu).  The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2021-August 31, 2022.
  • TLC members currently serving from Washington County include:
    Burke Josie Washington Council Member
    Matics Melina Washington Committee Chair

Trash Can Painting Contest

Trash cans should include your group’s name and the year 2021. Trash cans will be judged on creativity, neatness, and overall appearance. This contest is open to all 4-H Clubs, FFA and FCCLA Chapters, and Girl Scout and Boy Scout Troops.

Washington County Fair:  Go to Washington County Fair Grounds and pick up a trash can to paint. When the can is completed, please make sure you bring it, along with a completed entry form, to the Junior Fair Office by 9:00pm, Thursday, September 2

Barlow Independent Fair:  Go to the Barlow Fairgrounds and pick up a trash can.  Painted cans should be dropped off at the Jr. Fair Building on September 22 by 8:00 pm with the completed entry form.

Forms can be printed here: County & Barlow Trash Can Contest form


4-H Camper Drop Off and Pick Up Instructions

Camper Drop off and Pick up Instructions

  • Cars will enter the main camp gate and keep to the right side of the gravel drive.
  • The car will drive until you reach the craft hall drive.
  • You will proceed to make a wide U-turn in the gravel area between the craft hall drive and dining hall.
  • Please stay in your vehicle and we will check the camper(s) temperature.
  • You will let you camper(s) out at this time. (as long as the temperature is in the COVID safe level)
  • Please give any medicine to the nurse.
  • If you have any medical concerns or need to speak with the nurse privately, please let a staff member know so we can give you further instructions.
  • After your child is safely out of the vehicle, you will continue your U-turn and go back down the right side of the gravel drive and out the camp gate.
  • Procedure will be the same at pick up, only you will tell the name of your camper(s) to a staff member or counselor at the gate and the camper(s) will get into your vehicle when you reach the craft hall drive.

Please be patient at drop off and pick up time, as this procedure is new to all of us.

Please try not to get to the camp facility earlier than 8:45am or 3:45pm/7:45pm as the counselors and staff may not be ready until that time.

Date Drop off time Pick Up time
6/29 & 6/30 9-9:20am 4:00pm
7/5-7/8 9-9:20am 8-8:15pm


Barlow Tag-in July 17

Reminder of Barlow Tag-in on Saturday, July 17 from 8-10 AM at the Barlow Fairgrounds. This is for Feeder Calves & Market Dairy Goats. Market Dairy Goat exhibitors must bring their Blue Breed Verification Card signed by the Breeder and Exhibitor.  Cards are still available at the Extension Office if needed or printed at https://washington.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/washington-county-fairs.

Feeder calves must have a halter on so calves can be tagged on the trailer. NO CHUTE WILL BE SET UP THIS YEAR!

Ohio State Fair Virtual Skillathon Registration deadline has been extended to June 18th

The Ohio State Fair has extended the virtual skillathon registration deadline until June 18.

It is important that OSF exhibitors know that the virtual skillathon is required to compete for Overall Breeding Exhibitor at the state fair. It’s also great practice and shows a lot of what to expect for the in-person skillathon.  4-H/FFA youth do not have to be exhibiting or taking animal projects to participate.

OSF Skillathon Rules and Dates

How to Register
• Please register by visiting:
• Please answer allofthe survey prompts.
• Each youth will need a unique email addressto be used as your log-in credential.
• For example, a family with 3 children participating must have a unique email address for eachchild.
• If you have any questions, please contact 4hanimalscience@osu.edu.
• Session 1 (June 28, 9a –4p): Dog, Horses
• Session 2 (June 29, 9a –4p): Goats, Sheep, Alpacas/Llamas
• Session 3 (June 30, 9a –4p): Dairy, Beef, Swine
• Session 4 (July 1, 9a –4p): Poultry, Rabbit, Cavy

Chicken & Duck Pickup Dates

The Market Chickens and Market Ducks have been ordered.  The birds will be shipping out in July.  Members need to have their facilities or pens ready to go in July and look to pick up their market chickens on July 7 and the market ducks on July 21.  Please hold these dates and be ready to meet us at Heritage Country Store on Third Street in Marietta.  Please look for a post closer to the dates to be sure the pick up day is the same.  We will be working with the hatchery to determine a pick up date and time.  More information to come.  For questions please contact the extension office at 740-376-7431.