4-H Personal Development Scholarship Applications – due March 2

Thinking about continuing your education or attending a certification program? Then you might want to apply for a personal development scholarship!

Scholarship Guidelines:

  1. Applicants must be at least a high school senior, high school graduate, Washington County 4-H Alumni OR current Washington County 4-H Volunteer.
  2. Applicants must have been involved in the Washington County 4-H Program a minimum of three years as a member or volunteer.
  3. The purpose of this scholarship is to reimburse applicants for expenses incurred for further training or technical education. Reimbursable expenses include: books, tools, supplies, tuition, school fees, continuing education fees, room & board, etc.
  4. Scholarship winners will be required to provide a copy of receipts to be reimbursed. Funds must be claimed by July 1, 2021.
  5. The Washington County 4-H Advisory Committee will award four $250 scholarships.
  6. Awardees will be notified by April 1st.

Application: 2020 Personal Development Application

4-H College Scholarship Applications – Due March 2

Washington County 4-H is announcing a NEW College Scholarship for 2020!!

Scholarship Guidelines:

  1. Applicants must have been enrolled and in good standing (completed projects) in Washington County 4-H Program at least three years.
  2. Applicants must attach a letter of acceptance (if available) from the college you are planning to attend Fall 2020. Can be any accredited associates or bachelors program.
  3. Applicants must be a high school senior or college freshman at the time of application.
  4. Include a current photo with the application. (Senior picture preferred)
  5. The Washington County 4-H Advisory Committee will award two $500 college scholarships.
  6. Scholarships are not renewable and will be a one-time recipient.
  7. Awardees will be notified by April 1st.

Application: 2020 College Scholarship Application

Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Now Open – due Feb 14

A conference for teens and volunteers is being planned for Saturday, March 14.  The Conference and Luncheon will be held at the Columbus Convention Center.  This conference offers a wide variety of sessions to attend.  The luncheon is attended by all participants and will recognize volunteers for years of volunteer service.  Registrations are due as soon as possible.  The actual deadline is February 14th, however if you want to get your first choice of sessions it is important to register early.  The registration form and conference booklet are attached.  The 4-H Advisory Committee provides funds to cover the registration fee, however a $10 commitment fee is required.

Registration form: 2020 Reg Form with Wash Co Info

Registration booklet to choose classes: 2020 O4HC Reg Book

Volunteers Needed for 4-H Open House

Older youth and adults are needed to help with the Washington County 4-H Open House on Thursday, March 12

The event will be held from 6:00 – 7:30 at the Jr Fair Building on the Washington County Fairgrounds. All volunteers are asked to arrive by 5:30. Everyone will be notified where your help is needed.

The 4-H Open House is a fun-filled evening of games, prizes, and learning about 4-H membership and opportunities. Each of the stations will provide interactive and hands-on activities to engage the children and adults as they visit the open house.

Helper Form: 2020 Helper Request Form

Club Advisor Training – Feb 17 or 20

Annual 4-H Club Advisor Training – two choices

Our annual club advisor training will be:

  • Monday, February 17 from 10:00 am – 12:00 at the Extension Office or
  • Thursday, February 20 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Extension Office.

At least one volunteer per club must attend.

Topics will include: program updates for 2020, fair updates, volunteer training topics, new opportunities for 2020


4-H Club Candy Bar Orders – Due Jan 31

Attention 4-H Club Advisors! Have you ordered your club’s candy?

Orders Due: Jan 31

Pickup will begin Monday, February 17 at the Advisor Update.

Two Options for 2020

  • Signature Chocolate Bars—20 almond, 16 caramel, 10 crisp, 8 dark chocolate, 6 milk chocolate
  • Funtastic Collection—18 almond, 18 caramel, 12 crisp, 6 regular gummy bears, 6 sour gummy bears

Candy sells for $1 with 60% profit for the club treasury and 40% profit for the 4-H Advisory Committee

Camp Counselor Applications Due Jan 31

  • Teens (age 14 by camp time) are invited to apply for 4-H Camp Counselor positions
  • Teens are needed for all of these camps. You can help with one or all three (based on age)
    • Cloverbud Day Camp at Camp Hervida          June 30            No Charge
    • Beginner Camp at Camp Hervida                     July 1-2           $20 registration fee
    • Junior Camp at Camp Hervida                         July 6-10         $40 registration fee
    • Senior Camp at Camp Hervida                         July 20-24      $40 registration fee
    • Space Adventure Camp at Marietta College   June 9-11         No Charge

Online Application, Reference Link and Interview Signups can be found at this link:


Check out our new camp counselor video!It is posted on Facebook for viewing: https://www.facebook.com/OhioStateWashingtonCounty4H/videos/465989274342811/

2020 Livestock Changes

Major Changes Affecting Livestock Projects for 2020 include:

  • County Fair will be opening on Friday with animals moving in on Thursday night
  • Dairy Feeder Steers may be purchased anywhere in the state of Ohio and exhibitors may sell up to two dairy feeders
  • Only castrated male Market Lambs and male Market Goats will be exhibited (no females)
  • Dairy Feeders, Market Lambs and Market Goats must be castrated by tag-in (June 6). A Veterinarian will be present at tag-in (see rule  35 for details).
  • See your Jr Fair Guide for county fair show time/day changes
  • Waterford Hog exhibitors will need to provide their own 5 X 7 picture for livestock sale buyers
  • Barlow Duck exhibitors will show showmanship on Thursday evening and market classes on Friday morning.

See your 2020 Jr Fair Guide for complete updates!
