Waterford Hog Show and Sale Announcement

Thank you for your patience as the Waterford Fairboard worked out the details for youth exhibitors to continue to have a successful fair. The changes and expectations put into place as a result of COVID-19 must be followed for everyone’s safety. Please do your part since we really are all in this together!

The following letter is being mailed to all Waterford Hog Exhibitors.

Waterford Exhibitor Letter – 2020

Washington Co Fair & Barlow Independent Fair Plans

Since Governor DeWine announced on July 28 that all remaining fairs will be Junior Fairs only, please be patient and supportive of both of these Fair Boards as they work together to weigh their options. Once these Fair Boards have met and determined the best plan for their fairs we will share the news with 4-H families.


County Fair Pen Setup & Tear Down Announcement!!

With the concerns of COVID-19 and social distancing, pen setup and pen tear down has been cancelled for 2020. The Washington County Fair Board will be working with a small group of volunteers to setup and tear down the pens. If you are interested in helping the fair board members with this task, please contact the appropriate fair board barn superintendents listed in the Jr Fair Guide.

The date selected for setup is Friday, August 14 at 6:00 pm

Waterford Community Fair Health Department Plan-APPROVED

The following post was shared on the Waterford Community Fair Facebook page on July 22, 2020
Section 1 – Explanation of Document.
*Item 1 of Section 1 – COVID-19 Plan.
This document is the 2020 Community Fair, Inc., Waterford, Ohio, COVID-19 Contingency Plan, and it outlines the practices planned to be put in place for the fair in 2020. This plan has been established on June 25, 2020, by said fair board in special committee with the power to act, with the intention of applying these practices specifically for the 2020 fair event, as well as any other events put on by the same fair board on the same fairgrounds for both the duration of 2020 and the duration of the current pandemic. This contingency plan and the measures specified herein are being established as a response to the ongoing pandemic conditions; this document outlines the general extraordinary measures that will be temporarily implemented based on practices recommended to county and independent fairs by the state health department. This document is available on the Community Fair, Inc. official website, in the fair book, and in the fair board office on the fairgrounds.
Section 2 – General Good Practices.
*Item 1 of Section 2 – Blanket Disclaimer.
A blanket disclaimer informing fairgoers of the inherent risk of possible exposure to COVID-19, and their own personal and voluntary assumption of liability for said risk, will be utilized by the fair board to inform and educate the public. This statement of blanket disclaimer will be displayed prominently on signage throughout the fairgrounds during the event, including at the main admission gate, in barns, and in buildings. The statement will also be prominently featured in the fair book, on the fair’s website, and on its social media outlets. The blanket disclaimer statement reads as follows: “Any interaction with the general public poses an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19. People who show no symptoms can spread COVID-19 if they are infected. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. The CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to severe illness from COVID-19. By visiting the Community Fair, Inc., Waterford, Ohio, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.”
*Item 2 of Section 2 – Traffic Flow.
One-way traffic flow of fairgoers will be encouraged by the fair board, especially in all buildings, wherever that is possible. Visual cues and signage will be in place throughout the fairgrounds to remind fairgoers to observe one-way traffic habits and maintain appropriate spacing amongst themselves throughout the fairgrounds.
*Item 3 of Section 2 – Social Distancing.
Social distancing among fairgoers will be encouraged by the fair board. Visual cues and signage will be in place throughout the fairgrounds to remind fairgoers to observe social distancing habits and maintain appropriate spacing amongst themselves throughout the fairgrounds.
*Item 4 of Section 2 – Crowding.
Crowding and bunching up in large groups will be discouraged throughout the fairgrounds by the fair board. The fair board will use a combination of signage, verbal cues, visual cues, and communication to encourage the social distancing habit of maintaining six feet between family groups whenever and wherever possible amongst fairgoers.
*Item 5 of Section 2 – Sanitation.
The fair board is highly prioritizing the accessibility to proper and frequent hand washing for all fairgoers. Therefore, the fair board has authorized getting 15 sanitation stations for use on the fairgrounds throughout the fair; also, the committee establishing this plan has requested the acquisition of 40 gallons of hand sanitizer for the fair event.
Section 3 – Livestock Competitions.
*Item 1 of Section 3 – Social Distancing.
Participants, spectators, judges, and show staff will be directed and assisted in observing social distancing habits so that reasonable appropriate spacing can be maintained without compromising any physical safety concerns for all parties and livestock. All parties will be instructed verbally, and through the combination of signage and visual cues, to maintain a distance of six feet between themselves or their family groups whenever possible. Reasonable efforts at the safety of all parties and livestock will be continually monitored and balanced with the expectation of social distancing.
*Item 2 of Section 3- Show Seating.
Family members of participants will have priority in the viewing area during any showing. In fact, seating during show times will be limited to the immediate family members of the participants in the viewing area.
*Item 3 of Section 3 – Seating Spacing.
Each family will be encouraged by both verbal instruction and signage to group together in the viewing area and leave six feet of spacing between family groups. Furthermore, a barrier will be installed on every other row of bleacher seating in the viewing area to compel more effective social distancing practices amongst viewers.
*Item 4 of Section 3 – Microphones.
Microphones will not be shared amongst announcers, judges, or other officials. Microphones will be cleaned by users prior to use and prior to storing after use.
*Item 5 of Section 3 – Sale Time.
The fair board will implement practices to encourage maintaining appropriate social distancing habits during the hog auction. Buyers will have priority for seating in a reserved viewing area. Seating will be set up in such a way that it is spaced out to accomplish social distancing habits. The barriers on every other bleacher row will remain in place throughout the fair, including the duration of the sale.
*Item 6 of Section 3 – Buyers’ Reception.
Steps are being implemented to handle administrative aspects of registration prior to the event in order to mitigate congestion, bunching up in lines, and crowding. Receiving buyers at the fair will be streamlined into a simple check-in confirmation process, and any necessary check-in stations will be spread out. Also, any complimentary beverages or edibles typically offered to buyers as a token of appreciation to them will be prepackaged and passed out to them.
*Item 7 of Section 3 – Sanitation.
Sanitation stations for personal hand washing will be easily accessible from the livestock area. Hand sanitizer will also be readily available in the barn area.
Section 4 – Grandstand Events.
*Item 1 of Section 4 – Feature Seating.
The fair board offers limited bleacher seating trackside and general hillside seating for the featured events on the track. The bleacher seating will have barriers installed to compel greater spacing on the bleachers. The hillside seating will have visual cues installed to compel greater spacing on the hillside.
*Item 2 of Section 4 – Social Distancing.
The fair board will utilize verbal cues, visual cues, signage, and barriers to encourage fairgoers to practice social distancing habits while seated in the limited bleachers or on the hillside for watching featured track events. The fair board will encourage spectators to sit in family groups and to leave a distance of six-foot gaps between family groups. One-way traffic and limited access are already a regular restriction on the track and in the holding area for the track; these safety practices will be continued.
*Item 3 of Section 4 – Sanitation.
Sanitiation stations for personal hand washing will be easily accessible from the limited bleachers area or hillside area. Hand sanitizer will also be readily available from both of these areas.
Section 5 – Non-livestock Still Exhibits.
*Item 1 of Section 5 – Good Practices.
The good practices applied to other fair activities and exhibitions will be, where applicable, applied to non-livestock still exhibits at the fair.
Section 6 – Barns and Buildings.
*Item 1 – Good ventilation.
The buildings on the fairgrounds include open-air roofed structures and buildings with windows and doors that can be opened up for good ventilation. Any features inherent in the structures that will optimize ventilation will be used to the utmost effectiveness.
Section 7 – Camping.
*Item 1 of Section 7 – Public Camping.
There is no public camping offered on the fairgrounds. There is limited camping on private property that is immediately adjoined to the fairgrounds. The fair board does not assume liability for any of the camping activity on said adjoining property.
Section 8 – Food Concessions.
*Item 1 of Section 8 – Concessions.
Food concessions will be advised by the fair board that they must comply with the standard RestartOhio COVID-19 rules for restaurants. These include six-foot spacing marks for those in line, no self-serve areas, condiments placed on food by servers or offered in self-contained packets, and if there is a seating area, the tables or benches must be six feet apart to assure distance between parties.
*Item 2 of Section 8 – Vendors.
Vendors will wholly assume the burden of compliance with the RestartOhio COVID-19 rules in place at the time of the fair in addition to their agreements with the fair. The fair board will not assume liability or the burden of compliance on behalf of the food vendors.
*Item 3 of Section 8 – Sanitation.
Sanitation stations for personal hand washing will be easily accessible from the concessions area. Additionally, hand sanitizer will be readily available in the concessions area. Furthermore, the fair board will provide each food vendor with a gallon of hand sanitizer to be made available to fairgoers.
*Item 4 of Section 8 – Tables.
The fair board will not offer tables in the concessions area or pavilions for the 2020 fair. If a food vendor chooses to provide a table or utilize a table owned by the fair board, the food vendor will assume responsibility for continually cleaning that table area throughout the fair.
*Item 5 of Section 8 – Social Distancing.
The fair board will provide a wider and increased space for fairgoers in the food vendor alley to allow room for social distancing and spacing in food stand lines. Signage and visual cues will be utilized to remind fairgoers to use social distancing habits and encourage them to maintain six feet distance between their groups whenever possible. Barriers can be utilized to discourage crowding or bunching up in large groups as needed.
Section 9 – General Sanitation.
*Item 1 of Section 9 – Stations.
Sanitation stations will be installed throughout the fairgrounds for the duration of the fair for personal hand washing to be readily available to all fairgoers. These sanitation stations will be available in addition to the regular restrooms. Furthermore, hand sanitizer will be readily available at each of these sanitation stations. The fair board has authorized obtaining 15 of the sanitation stations for the 2020 fair.
*Item 2 of Section 9 – Map of Stations.
An attachment to this document is a map that shows a detailed depiction of where the sanitation stations will be placed throughout the fairgrounds.
*Item 3 of Section 9 – Restrooms.
Permanent restroom facilities are available on the fairgrounds to fairgoers at all times. The fair board is securing professional cleaning staff to ensure continual cleaning and sanitation of these restrooms. The fair board wants to ensure that the restrooms are cleaned regularly throughout the fair and hourly during the busiest times of the fair.
Portable restroom facilities are also available during the fair to all fairgoers. This service is contracted out by the fair board; the service provider maintains the cleanliness and upkeep of the portable restrooms throughout the fair.
Section 10 – Physical Contact.
*Item 1 of Section 10 – Education.
The fair board will use signage, verbal reminders, and visual cues to help inform the public of the need to use practices that minimize risk of exposure to contagious illness. Accordingly, practices such as excessive or unnecessary physical contact with other people, especially those outside of their own households or family groups, will be discouraged. In that regard, officials and fair board members will especially be instructed to avoid physical contact such as “high five’s” and handshakes.
Section 11 – Hygiene.
*Item 1 of Section 11 – Good Practices.
The fair board will strive to implement and exemplify good practices that are reasonable, sensible, and well-informed. All parties involved in the fair will be continually encouraged to follow good hygiene practices including frequent hand washing with soap and water, hand sanitizer use as an alternative to soap and water when necessary, covering any and all coughing or sneezing, avoiding gathering in large groups, attempting to maintain social distancing, assessing personal health and wellness daily, and voluntarily refraining from participating if experiencing any symptoms of illness.
Section 12 – Amusement Rides.
*Item 1 of Section 12 – Rides.
Currently there are no rides planned for the 2020 fair; however, the fair board may, between the establishment of this contingency plan and the time of the fair, secure amusement rides for the 2020 fair. In the event that the fair does offer amusement rides at the 2020 fair, the fair board will insist that the contracted vendor providing the amusement rides and accompanying services is in compliance with all orders of the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Section 13 – Parade.
*Item 1 of Section 13 – No Parade.
The committee has determined there will be no parade held in conjunction with the Community Fair, Inc., Waterford, Ohio, this year. This is a step the committee has asserted that the fair board can take to definitely prevent a crowding event.
Section 14 – Disclaimer Statement.
*Item 1 of Section 14 – Assuming Risk.
Any interaction with the general public poses an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19. People who show no symptoms can spread COVID-19 if they are infected. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. The CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to severe illness from COVID-19. By visiting the Community Fair, Inc., Waterford, Ohio, the fairgoer is voluntarily assuming all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Rabbit Tattooing – August 8

All Market Rabbit exhibitors are required to bring rabbits to the tattooing held on August 8 from 8am to 10am at the Washington County Fair grounds. Exhibitor not required to be present, only animals. A special market tattoo is used.

May tattoo up to nine (9). All spares tattooed in after primary animals can be shared only by brothers and sisters. Pens for fair will consist of 3 rabbits.

New Livestock Buyer Names & Addresses Needed

It is time to turn in new livestock sale buyer names for the Waterford, County Fair and Barlow Sales! Please call the name, mailing address, phone number and email of NEW BUYERS to the Extension Office  to have a new buyer’s packet mailed directly to them.

Previous Year Buyers and those registered at a sale will automatically receive a Buyer’s Packet in the mail.

Just a recap on contacting buyers:

  • Personal invitations with buyers are best
    • Face to Face Visits
    • Letters
    • Cards
    • Follow-up Phone Call
  • Make a list of potential buyers your family has contact with or does business with
    • Stores & businesses your family patronizes
    • Family members/friends of the family
    • Find out who has bought in the past
    • Invite at least TWO new buyers
  • Put together an invitation to the sale
    • Provide information about you, your parents and your project
    • Ask them to “support the sale” not to “purchase your animal”
    • Include pictures if possible