Here is a full Jr Fair Schedule of events at the upcoming Washington County Fair
Month: August 2024
Kids Events at the Fair
Make it and Take it—Sunday, 10:00am to 12noon, Junior Fair Building
Any youth attending the fair may complete a make it and take it item during this event. Participants will be offered a craft option with all supplies provided. Most supplies are donated by Joann Fabrics through the Kids in Need Program. Items may vary and are available on a first come first serve basis.
4-H Cloverbud Activities—Monday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, Jr. Fair Building
All 4-H Cloverbud members and any youth between the ages of five and seven are eligible to participate in the 4-H Cloverbud Activities. These activities are educational and exciting. 4-H Volunteers and Jr. Fair Board members will guide each activity station and encourage the youth to participate. Activities will be interactive, hands-on and free!
Lego Build Event for all Ages – Sunday, 1:00 to 3:00 in the Jr Fair Building – Sponsored by WCP Libraries
All About Goats Webinars
The Ohio State University Extension Small Ruminants Team is hosting a 6-part All About Goats! Fall Webinar series. This webinar series is going to answer producers burning questions concerning their own herd and help new producers start their herds. Whether you are thinking about or currently raising Dairy or Meat goats- this webinar is for you! All youth livestock exhibitors are encouraged to attend. Registration is required and can be completed by visiting
Bullseye Announcement – No Fall Session
The Bullseye Shooting Sports Club has posted an update about the Fall 2024 Session. The club volunteers have decided as instructors to cancel the Fall Session. The instructors feel as a group they need to regroup and come up with some new ideas for the disciplines.
Also, they are still looking for Junior Leaders and Instructors in every discipline. This club could not be a success if it wasn’t for the volunteers. Please Misty Mason if you have any questions or would be interested in helping or attending a training session.
Please be on the lookout for an email and on Facebook around February with more details regarding Spring 2025 Session. We hope to see you all back then.
County Fair Wrist Bands for Jr Fair Members & Adult Tickets
Are you needing to purchase County Fair MEMBERSHIP TICKETS or Jr Fair Member WRISTBANDS?
Below are the office hours so you can make those purchases. Jr Fair members (current 4-H & FFA members), your $5 wristband not only includes admission, but includes free rides during the county fair! The fairboard has a membership list to verify members are in good standing.
August 1 – 24 Wednesdays 4-7 pm, Saturdays 8 am to noon
August 26 & 27: 4 – 7 pm
August 28 thru Sept 3: 9 am to 9 pm
Sept 4: 11-3
Steer, DFS, Goat, Lamb, Dairy Cow, and Rabbit Email
This email was sent today (8/23/24)
Dear Washington County Jr Fair Steer, DFS, Goat, Lamb, Dairy Cow, and Rabbit Exhibitors:
REQUIRED DRUG USE NOTIFICATION FORM (DUNF): The link is now live and must be completed by Thursday, August 29. This is required for Market Steers, Dairy Feeder Steers, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Market Chickens, Market Turkeys and Market Rabbits. You will complete a DUNF for each animal/pen you are bringing to the fair and you will also need your animal’s ear tag or rabbit tattoo. You will get an email confirmation after the DUNF is submitted. –
Remember: The DUNF is a legal and binding document! If the information is not correct (tag numbers, etc) it will be rejected and a new form must be completed
BUYER INVITATIONS: Personally contact buyers and business people in your area. Last year’s buyers are listed in the Junior Fair Guide. For new buyers – call the Extension Office 740-376-7431 with name of business, name of contact person, and mailing address. We will send them a new buyer’s packet.
MARKET ANIMAL ARRIVAL & WEIGH IN: Animals will be weighed at the Washington County Fairgrounds on Friday, August 30. Please note the following schedule:
6:00 – 7:00 pm Market Lamb Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
6:00 – 7:30 pm Market Rabbit Rabbit & Poultry Barn
6:00 – 6:30 pm Turkey Weigh-in Rabbit & Poultry Barn
6:30–9:00 pm Market Chickens, Weigh-in Rabbit & Poultry Barn
7:00–8:00 pm Market Goat, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
8:00-8:30 pm Dairy Feeder, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
8:30-9:00 pm Market Steer, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
Friday, 7:00-9:00 pm Multi-purpose Building & Rabbit & Poultry Barn
Saturday, 12:00 – 2:00 pm Multi-purpose Building & Rabbit & Poultry Barn
Saturday, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Market Steers – Multi-purpose Building
The pictures will be available on Tuesday prior to the sale for you to pick-up. The steers, dairy feeder, goat and lamb pictures will be located in the small barn office in the Livestock Barn. The turkey, chicken and rabbit pictures will be sitting on the table in the Rabbit & Poultry Barn. It is recommended that you purchase a frame for the 5 X 7 photo.
EXHIBITOR DINNER ON WEIGH-IN NIGHT: Look for pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, cookies, & water donated by Smittys and several donors at the Livestock Barn. Horse, Rabbit & Poultry exhibitors are invited too! Please thank these donors!!
EXHIBITOR NUMBERS: will be handed out along with safety pins when you check-in prior to weigh-in. These must be worn during showmanship and market classes.
MEMBERSHIP TICKETS & ADMISSION: $30 membership tickets or season passes will be sold at the Senior Fair Board Office and Junior Fair wristbands (includes grandstand and rides) will be sold for $5 until Friday, August 30 at the Senior Fair Board Office. Those purchasing a membership ticket can vote in the annual fair election on Monday, September 2 from 1:00-7:00 pm. Daily gate admission will be $10 per person (4 year and under free).
- August 26 & 27: 4 – 7 pm
- August 28 thru Sept 3: 9 am to 9 pm
- Sept 4: 11-3
WASH RACK: If it is not your day to show, please stay off the wash rack until the animal shows are over.
FEEDING TIMES: Get your feeding and pen cleaning done in a reasonable amount of time and keep the barns clean and your animals watered.
ANIMALS ON THE FAIRGROUNDS: Animals must remain in their appropriate barn from time of weigh-in until sale time. This means they cannot be walked or carried around the fairgrounds.
BUYERS GIFTS: Rather than providing gifts to buyers, we encourage you visit the buyer’s place of business or mail them a thank you card after the sale. Buyers appreciate your thoughtfulness, but they can be overwhelmed with gifts during the sale and trying to transport them home.
ANIMAL NUMBERING: (for goats, lambs, DFS, & steers) – These animals will be marked with a sale order number on Tuesday morning. All goat and lamb blankets must be removed by 8:00 am Tuesday morning. Let the paint fully dry before washing your animal.
SALE: The sale will be held on Tuesday, September 3 at 1:00 pm in the Multi-purpose Building. Exhibitors will be taking their animals into the ring during the auction. Sale Order: Chickens, Dairy Feeder Steers, Rabbits, Market Steers, Goats, Turkeys, Lambs.
- The rabbit and poultry barn will be locked/closed during the sale. Please get all your personal items out of the barn prior to the barn being closed. Leave feed and water in your pens for your animals.
- All kids must be in the barn to pick up their animals during the group prior to their turn to sell. For example, when goats are selling, turkey exhibitors should be at the rabbit/poultry barn picking up their animals and going to the livestock barn to be ready to sell. Once you have sold your animals, please take the animal back to the rabbit/poultry barn. Any animal being removed from the rabbit/poultry barn will be signed out and signed back in once the sale is complete.
- Approximately 30 minutes after the sale of each small animal group, the animals will be released in this order – packers, buyers and then kids. No one will be in the barn unless it is their turn to pick up the animals.
- All poultry & rabbits must be removed by 10:00 pm. Make sure you check-in at the barn to see if your market animals were donated back or taken by the buyer.
PEN TEAR DOWN: will be Sunday, September 8 at 3:00. You must attend either attend setup or tear down. Any exhibitor not signing out will forfeit 20% of their total sales.
SALE CHECKS: Checks can be picked up October 12 & 13, 2024 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm at the Senior Fair Board Office, 922 Front St, Marietta. A W-9 must be completed and on file at the Sr Fairboard Office when the sale check is picked up. Printed forms are available at the Sr Fairboard Office for new exhibitors. If exhibitors already completed a form in 2022 or 2023, then another form is not needed. New exhibitors can pick up, complete, and turn in a W-9 at the Sr Fairboard Office.
THANK YOU POSTER CONTEST: Posters will be judged at the fair and must be in place by Friday evening of the fair. Judging is based on originality, neatness & creativity on relaying a “Thank You” message to the buyers. Awards will be 1st $15; 2nd $10; & 3rd $5. Please list exhibitor’s name & age on front of poster. All market project exhibitors are required to display a poster.
- Setup – Wednesday, Aug 28 from 2:00 am to 9:00 pm
- Setup – Thursday, Aug 29 from 2:00 to 9:00 pm
- Tear Down – Tuesday, Sept 3 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm or Wed, Sept 4 from 9:00 am to Noon
JR FAIR BUILDING: In addition to 4-H & FFA Booths there will be the following events.
- Corn Hole – Open Play – Saturday at 6:00 – 9:00 pm
- Square Dance – Sunday 9 – 11 pm
- Lego Build Event for all ages Sunday 1 – 3 pm
- Pancake Flippin’ Breakfast – Monday 8 – 10 am
- Make & Take Craft Activities – Monday at 10 – noon
- Cloverbud Activities – Monday 1 – 3 pm
- Bouncy Horse Relay – Civitan Park – 2:00 pm
HORSE SHOW: Move-In Friday 3:30 to 7:00 pm and Move-Out Tuesday 4:00 pm
It is your responsibility to read and practice the rules for the fair. The Junior Fair Activities Guide and the County Fair Book have this information. Junior Fair Activity Guides are available at the Ohio State University Extension Office.
Ronnie Offenberger – President, Washington County Fair board
Curt Welch – President, Livestock Committee
Bruce Zimmer – Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Market Chicken Email
This email was sent today (8/23/24)
Dear Washington County Jr Fair Market Chicken Exhibitors:
REQUIRED DRUG USE NOTIFICATION FORM (DUNF): The link is now live and must be completed by Thursday, August 29. This is required for Market Steers, Dairy Feeder Steers, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Market Chickens, Market Turkeys and Market Rabbits. You will complete a DUNF for each animal/pen you are bringing to the fair and you will also need your animal’s leg bands listed at the end of this message. You will get an email confirmation after the DUNF is submitted. –
Remember: The DUNF is a legal and binding document! If the information is not correct (tag numbers, etc) it will be rejected and a new form must be completed
Your Assigned Leg Band numbers are listed at the end of this email – USE THEM IN THE DUNF
BUYER INVITATIONS: Personally contact buyers and business people in your area. Last year’s buyers are listed in the Junior Fair Guide. For new buyers – call the Extension Office 740-376-7431 with name of business, name of contact person, and mailing address. We will send them a new buyer’s packet.
MARKET ANIMAL ARRIVAL & WEIGH IN: Animals will be weighed at the Washington County Fairgrounds on Friday, August 30. Please note the following schedule:
6:00 – 7:00 pm Market Lamb Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
6:00 – 7:30 pm Market Rabbit Rabbit & Poultry Barn
6:00 – 6:30 pm Turkey Weigh-in Rabbit & Poultry Barn
6:30–9:00 pm Market Chickens, Weigh-in Rabbit & Poultry Barn
7:00–8:00 pm Market Goat, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
8:00-8:30 pm Dairy Feeder, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
8:30-9:00 pm Market Steer, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
Friday, 7:00-9:00 pm Multi-purpose Building & Rabbit & Poultry Barn
Saturday, 12:00 – 2:00 pm Multi-purpose Building & Rabbit & Poultry Barn
Saturday, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Market Steers – Multi-purpose Building
The pictures will be available on Tuesday prior to the sale for you to pick-up. The steers, dairy feeder, goat and lamb pictures will be located in the small barn office in the Livestock Barn. The turkey, chicken and rabbit pictures will be sitting on the table in the Rabbit & Poultry Barn. It is recommended that you purchase a frame for the 5 X 7 photo.
EXHIBITOR DINNER ON WEIGH-IN NIGHT: Look for pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, cookies, & water donated by Smittys and several donors at the Livestock Barn. Horse, Rabbit & Poultry exhibitors are invited too! Please thank these donors!!
EXHIBITOR NUMBERS: will be handed out along with safety pins when you check-in prior to weigh-in. These must be worn during showmanship and market classes.
MEMBERSHIP TICKETS & ADMISSION: $30 membership tickets or season passes will be sold at the Senior Fair Board Office and Junior Fair wristbands (includes grandstand and rides) will be sold for $5 until Friday, August 30 at the Senior Fair Board Office. Those purchasing a membership ticket can vote in the annual fair election on Monday, September 2 from 1:00-7:00 pm. Daily gate admission will be $10 per person (4 year and under free).
- August 26 & 27: 4 – 7 pm
- August 28 thru Sept 3: 9 am to 9 pm
- Sept 4: 11-3
WASH RACK: If it is not your day to show, please stay off the wash rack until the animal shows are over.
FEEDING TIMES: Get your feeding and pen cleaning done in a reasonable amount of time and keep the barns clean and your animals watered.
ANIMALS ON THE FAIRGROUNDS: Animals must remain in their appropriate barn from time of weigh-in until sale time. This means they cannot be walked or carried around the fairgrounds.
BUYERS GIFTS: Rather than providing gifts to buyers, we encourage you visit the buyer’s place of business or mail them a thank you card after the sale. Buyers appreciate your thoughtfulness, but they can be overwhelmed with gifts during the sale and trying to transport them home.
ANIMAL NUMBERING: (for goats, lambs, DFS, & steers) – These animals will be marked with a sale order number on Tuesday morning. All goat and lamb blankets must be removed by 8:00 am Tuesday morning. Let the paint fully dry before washing your animal.
SALE: The sale will be held on Tuesday, September 3 at 1:00 pm in the Multi-purpose Building. Exhibitors will be taking their animals into the ring during the auction. Sale Order: Chickens, Dairy Feeder Steers, Rabbits, Market Steers, Goats, Turkeys, Lambs.
- The rabbit and poultry barn will be locked/closed during the sale. Please get all your personal items out of the barn prior to the barn being closed. Leave feed and water in your pens for your animals.
- All kids must be in the barn to pick up their animals during the group prior to their turn to sell. For example, when goats are selling, turkey exhibitors should be at the rabbit/poultry barn picking up their animals and going to the livestock barn to be ready to sell. Once you have sold your animals, please take the animal back to the rabbit/poultry barn. Any animal being removed from the rabbit/poultry barn will be signed out and signed back in once the sale is complete.
- Approximately 30 minutes after the sale of each small animal group, the animals will be released in this order – packers, buyers and then kids. No one will be in the barn unless it is their turn to pick up the animals.
- All poultry & rabbits must be removed by 10:00 pm. Make sure you check-in at the barn to see if your market animals were donated back or taken by the buyer.
PEN TEAR DOWN: will be Sunday, September 8 at 3:00. You must attend either attend setup or tear down. Any exhibitor not signing out will forfeit 20% of their total sales.
SALE CHECKS: Checks can be picked up October 12 & 13, 2024 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm at the Senior Fair Board Office, 922 Front St, Marietta. A W-9 must be completed and on file at the Sr Fairboard Office when the sale check is picked up. Printed forms are available at the Sr Fairboard Office for new exhibitors. If exhibitors already completed a form in 2022 or 2023, then another form is not needed. New exhibitors can pick up, complete, and turn in a W-9 at the Sr Fairboard Office.
THANK YOU POSTER CONTEST: Posters will be judged at the fair and must be in place by Friday evening of the fair. Judging is based on originality, neatness & creativity on relaying a “Thank You” message to the buyers. Awards will be 1st $15; 2nd $10; & 3rd $5. Please list exhibitor’s name & age on front of poster. All market project exhibitors are required to display a poster.
- Setup – Wednesday, Aug 28 from 2:00 am to 9:00 pm
- Setup – Thursday, Aug 29 from 2:00 to 9:00 pm
- Tear Down – Tuesday, Sept 3 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm or Wed, Sept 4 from 9:00 am to Noon
JR FAIR BUILDING: In addition to 4-H & FFA Booths there will be the following events.
- Corn Hole – Open Play – Saturday at 6:00 – 9:00 pm
- Square Dance – Sunday 9 – 11 pm
- Lego Build Event for all ages Sunday 1 – 3 pm
- Pancake Flippin’ Breakfast – Monday 8 – 10 am
- Make & Take Craft Activities – Monday at 10 – noon
- Cloverbud Activities – Monday 1 – 3 pm
- Bouncy Horse Relay – Civitan Park – 2:00 pm
HORSE SHOW: Move-In Friday 3:30 to 7:00 pm and Move-Out Tuesday 4:00 pm
It is your responsibility to read and practice the rules for the fair. The Junior Fair Activities Guide and the County Fair Book have this information. Junior Fair Activity Guides are available at the Ohio State University Extension Office.
Ronnie Offenberger – President, Washington County Fair board
Curt Welch – President, Livestock Committee
Bruce Zimmer – Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Chicken Leg Bands 2024 | Pen #1 | Pen #2 | |
Barth | Dylan | G-001 002 003 | G- 004 005 006 |
Barth | Kaylie | G-007 008 009 | G- 0010 0011 0012 |
Barth | Khloie | G- 0013 0014 0015 | G- 0016 0017 0018 |
Barth | Presley | G-0019 0020 0021 | G- 0022 0023 0024 |
Bauerbach | Brett | G- 0025 0026 0027 | G- 0028 0029 0030 |
Biehl | Madison | G- 0031 0032 0033 | G- 0034 0035 0036 |
Harmon | Ian | G- 0037 0038 0039 | G- 0040 0041 0042 |
Hindel | Zoey | G- 0043 0044 0045 | G- 0046 0047 0048 |
Kramer | Launce | G-0049 0050 051 | G- 052 053 054 |
Kramer | Silas | G-055 056 057 | G-058 059 060 |
Mason | Ryan | G- 061 062 063 | G-064 065 066 |
McKenzie | Trinidee | G-067 068 069 | G-070 071 072 |
Miller | Isabel | G-073 074 075 | G-076 077 078 |
Reese | Liam | G-079 080 081 | G-082 083 084 |
Robinson | Adalynn | G-085 086 087 | G-088 089 090 |
Roush | Kaydence | G-091 092 093 | G-094 095 096 |
Saltzwedel | Bryce | G-097 098 099 | R-055 009 010 |
Schwendeman | Kayla | R-012 016 017 | R-026 028 034 |
Shankland | Chandler | R-035 036 038 | R-039 041 042 |
Totman | Kathryn | R-044 045 049 | R-050 054 056 |
Totman | Sydney | R-078 080 081 | R-083 084 085 |
Market Turkey Email
This was emailed today (8/23/24)
Dear Washington County Jr Fair Market TurkeyExhibitors:
REQUIRED DRUG USE NOTIFICATION FORM (DUNF): The link is now live and must be completed by Thursday, August 29. This is required for Market Steers, Dairy Feeder Steers, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Market Chickens, Market Turkeys and Market Rabbits. You will complete a DUNF for each animal/pen you are bringing to the fair and you will also need your animal’s leg band listed below. You will get an email confirmation after the DUNF is submitted. –
Remember: The DUNF is a legal and binding document! If the information is not correct (tag numbers, etc) it will be rejected and a new form must be completed
Your Assigned Leg Band numbers are listed at the end of this email – USE THEM IN THE DUNF
BUYER INVITATIONS: Personally contact buyers and business people in your area. Last year’s buyers are listed in the Junior Fair Guide. For new buyers – call the Extension Office 740-376-7431 with name of business, name of contact person, and mailing address. We will send them a new buyer’s packet.
MARKET ANIMAL ARRIVAL & WEIGH IN: Animals will be weighed at the Washington County Fairgrounds on Friday, August 30. Please note the following schedule:
6:00 – 7:00 pm Market Lamb Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
6:00 – 7:30 pm Market Rabbit Rabbit & Poultry Barn
6:00 – 6:30 pm Turkey Weigh-in Rabbit & Poultry Barn
6:30–9:00 pm Market Chickens, Weigh-in Rabbit & Poultry Barn
7:00–8:00 pm Market Goat, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
8:00-8:30 pm Dairy Feeder, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
8:30-9:00 pm Market Steer, Weigh-in Multi-purpose Building
Friday, 7:00-9:00 pm Multi-purpose Building & Rabbit & Poultry Barn
Saturday, 12:00 – 2:00 pm Multi-purpose Building & Rabbit & Poultry Barn
Saturday, 3:00 – 4:00 pm Market Steers – Multi-purpose Building
The pictures will be available on Tuesday prior to the sale for you to pick-up. The steers, dairy feeder, goat and lamb pictures will be located in the small barn office in the Livestock Barn. The turkey, chicken and rabbit pictures will be sitting on the table in the Rabbit & Poultry Barn. It is recommended that you purchase a frame for the 5 X 7 photo.
EXHIBITOR DINNER ON WEIGH-IN NIGHT: Look for pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, cookies, & water donated by Smittys and several donors at the Livestock Barn. Horse, Rabbit & Poultry exhibitors are invited too! Please thank these donors!!
EXHIBITOR NUMBERS: will be handed out along with safety pins when you check-in prior to weigh-in. These must be worn during showmanship and market classes.
MEMBERSHIP TICKETS & ADMISSION: $30 membership tickets or season passes will be sold at the Senior Fair Board Office and Junior Fair wristbands (includes grandstand and rides) will be sold for $5 until Friday, August 30 at the Senior Fair Board Office. Those purchasing a membership ticket can vote in the annual fair election on Monday, September 2 from 1:00-7:00 pm. Daily gate admission will be $10 per person (4 year and under free).
- August 26 & 27: 4 – 7 pm
- August 28 thru Sept 3: 9 am to 9 pm
- Sept 4: 11-3
WASH RACK: If it is not your day to show, please stay off the wash rack until the animal shows are over.
FEEDING TIMES: Get your feeding and pen cleaning done in a reasonable amount of time and keep the barns clean and your animals watered.
ANIMALS ON THE FAIRGROUNDS: Animals must remain in their appropriate barn from time of weigh-in until sale time. This means they cannot be walked or carried around the fairgrounds.
BUYERS GIFTS: Rather than providing gifts to buyers, we encourage you visit the buyer’s place of business or mail them a thank you card after the sale. Buyers appreciate your thoughtfulness, but they can be overwhelmed with gifts during the sale and trying to transport them home.
ANIMAL NUMBERING: (for goats, lambs, DFS, & steers) – These animals will be marked with a sale order number on Tuesday morning. All goat and lamb blankets must be removed by 8:00 am Tuesday morning. Let the paint fully dry before washing your animal.
SALE: The sale will be held on Tuesday, September 3 at 1:00 pm in the Multi-purpose Building. Exhibitors will be taking their animals into the ring during the auction. Sale Order: Chickens, Dairy Feeder Steers, Rabbits, Market Steers, Goats, Turkeys, Lambs.
- The rabbit and poultry barn will be locked/closed during the sale. Please get all your personal items out of the barn prior to the barn being closed. Leave feed and water in your pens for your animals.
- All kids must be in the barn to pick up their animals during the group prior to their turn to sell. For example, when goats are selling, turkey exhibitors should be at the rabbit/poultry barn picking up their animals and going to the livestock barn to be ready to sell. Once you have sold your animals, please take the animal back to the rabbit/poultry barn. Any animal being removed from the rabbit/poultry barn will be signed out and signed back in once the sale is complete.
- Approximately 30 minutes after the sale of each small animal group, the animals will be released in this order – packers, buyers and then kids. No one will be in the barn unless it is their turn to pick up the animals.
- All poultry & rabbits must be removed by 10:00 pm. Make sure you check-in at the barn to see if your market animals were donated back or taken by the buyer.
PEN TEAR DOWN: will be Sunday, September 8 at 3:00. You must attend either attend setup or tear down. Any exhibitor not signing out will forfeit 20% of their total sales.
SALE CHECKS: Checks can be picked up October 12 & 13, 2024 between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm at the Senior Fair Board Office, 922 Front St, Marietta. A W-9 must be completed and on file at the Sr Fairboard Office when the sale check is picked up. Printed forms are available at the Sr Fairboard Office for new exhibitors. If exhibitors already completed a form in 2022 or 2023, then another form is not needed. New exhibitors can pick up, complete, and turn in a W-9 at the Sr Fairboard Office.
THANK YOU POSTER CONTEST: Posters will be judged at the fair and must be in place by Friday evening of the fair. Judging is based on originality, neatness & creativity on relaying a “Thank You” message to the buyers. Awards will be 1st $15; 2nd $10; & 3rd $5. Please list exhibitor’s name & age on front of poster. All market project exhibitors are required to display a poster.
- Setup – Wednesday, Aug 28 from 2:00 am to 9:00 pm
- Setup – Thursday, Aug 29 from 2:00 to 9:00 pm
- Tear Down – Tuesday, Sept 3 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm or Wed, Sept 4 from 9:00 am to Noon
JR FAIR BUILDING: In addition to 4-H & FFA Booths there will be the following events.
- Corn Hole – Open Play – Saturday at 6:00 – 9:00 pm
- Square Dance – Sunday 9 – 11 pm
- Lego Build Event for all ages Sunday 1 – 3 pm
- Pancake Flippin’ Breakfast – Monday 8 – 10 am
- Make & Take Craft Activities – Monday at 10 – noon
- Cloverbud Activities – Monday 1 – 3 pm
- Bouncy Horse Relay – Civitan Park – 2:00 pm
HORSE SHOW: Move-In Friday 3:30 to 7:00 pm and Move-Out Tuesday 4:00 pm
It is your responsibility to read and practice the rules for the fair. The Junior Fair Activities Guide and the County Fair Book have this information. Junior Fair Activity Guides are available at the Ohio State University Extension Office.
Ronnie Offenberger – President, Washington County Fair board
Curt Welch – President, Livestock Committee
Bruce Zimmer – Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
Turkey Leg Bands 2024 | |||
Brunoni | Gabriella | Y-051 | Y-054 |
Chovan | Jacob | Y-056 | Y-058 |
Enochs | Daryan | Y-060 | Y-061 |
Kroll | Royce | Y-064 | Y-066 |
Lang | Mollie | Y-067 | Y-068 |
McKenzie | Ashlyn | Y-074 | Y-075 |
Mendenhall | Jessica | Y-072 | Y-073 |
Morris | Ashley | Y-076 | Y-078 |
Morris | Travis | Y-087 | Y-088 |
Roe | Hailey | Y-080 | Y-081 |
Solnickova | Katerina | Y-082 | Y-083 |
Ohio Farm Bureau ExploreAg Camp
Ohio Farm Bureau Federation is pleased to announce we will be hosting two free ExploreAg Camp experiences this fall!
If you know of any students who would be interested in applying, please encourage them to do so by Sept. 30.
ExploreAg Overview
- Purpose: Discover careers linked to agriculture and related STEM fields through a series of immersive and hands-on experiences and tours.
- Who: Ohio students entering grades 9-12 in the fall, or recent high school graduates.
- Cost: Free
Learn more and apply by Sept. 30 at
2024 ExploreAg Fall Sessions
- Oct. 11, COLT Electric Lineman Training, Mt. Gilead
- Nov. 1, OSU Columbus Campus
ExploreAg is Ohio Farm Bureau’s signature ag literacy and workforce development program, offering free week, multi-day and day-long immersion programs for high school students. In ExploreAg, teens learn about agriculture and related STEM fields from industry experts, scientists and educators.
Questions or concerns? Contact
Waterford Community Fair Hog Results
2024 brought another successful Junior Fair at the Waterford Community Fair and the show judge was Jamie May from Greenfield, OH. 215 hogs were purchased by 132 buyers on Saturday, August 17. The total Market Hog sale was $426,375. The average price per head was $1983.
Complete Sale Results: 2024 Market Hog Sale Report
Market Hog Champion, Reserve & Premier Exhibitor
- Grand Champion Market Hog: Alexis White, Fort Frye FFA, purchased by Rodney Rohrbaugh Trucking for $4,100
- Reserve Champion Market Hog: Maci A Zimmer, SL Homemakers LS Boys 4-H Club, purchased by The Galley & Big Hometown Motorsports for $4,350
- Premier Exhibitor Market Hog: Katelynn Valandingham, Waterford FFA, purchased by Skinner Firestone for $3,100. Premier award was sponsored by Jeremiah’s Coffee House.
Market Hog Class Winners:
- Class 1: Ella Cisler, Frontier FFA
- Class 2: Kenslee Griffin, SL Homemakers LS Boys 4-H Club
- Class 3: Taylor Zoller, Fur & Feather 4-H Club
- Class 4: Carly Kesterson, Cutler Clovers 4-H Club
- Class 5: Eli Eichmiller, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club
- Class 6: Mckenzie Schaad, Fur & Feather
- Class 7: Jessica Mendenhall SL Homemakers, LS Boys 4-H Club
- Class 8: Mira Hanger, Warren Wranglers 4-H Club
- Light Weight Champion: Kenslee Griffin
- Light Weight Reserve Champion: Mira Hanger
- Class 9: Maggie Fulton, Fort Frye FFA
- Class 10: Kamden Bohlen, Frontier Country 4-H’ers
- Class 11: Adilynn Mitchell, Running Wild 4-H Club
- Class 12: Alexis White, Fort Frye FFA
- Class 13: Jayce Kenney, Palmer Lads & Lassies 4-H Club
- Class 14: Connor McCartney, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club
- Class 15: Madi Zimmer, SL Homemakers LS Boys 4-H Club
- Middle Weight Champion: Alexis White
- Middle Weight Reserve Champion: Madi Zimmer
- Class 16: Aubrie Lang, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club
- Class 17: Adalyn Eichmiller, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-HClub
- Class 18: DeLaney Gates, Warren FFA
- Class 19: Emma Hartline, Waterford FFA
- Class 20: Katelynn Valandingham, Waterford FFA
- Class 21: Karli Schaad, Churchtown Community Crew 4-H Club
- Class 22: Maci A. Zimmer, SL Homemakers, LS Boys 4-H Club
- Heavy Weight Champion: Maci A. Zimmer
- Heavy Weight Reserve Champion: Alyssa White
Market Hog Skillathon Winners:
- Junior –Eli Eichmiller, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club
- Intermediate-Adalyn Eichmiller, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club
- Senior- Alexis White, Fort Frye FFA
Skillathon Medallions sponsored Triple I Trucking
Market Hog Showmanship Winners:
- Junior- Taytum Skinner, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club
- Intermediate – Natalie Lawrence, Cutler Clovers 4-H Club
- Senior- Katelynn Valandingham, Waterford FFA
Hog Poster Contest Winners:
- 1st Place: Lily Atkinson, Farmer & Homemakers 4-H Club
- 2nd Place: Dalton Schott, Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club
- 3rd Place: Sydney Gorrell, Runing Wild 4-H Club
Poster Awards sponsored by Triple I Trucking