Incoming 9th through 12th grade high school students will learn how to design programs and solve problems using a c
omputational thinking approach.
Date of Camp: June 17-21, 2024 (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily)
Cost: $100.00 per camper
Incoming 9th through 12th grade high school students will learn how to design programs and solve problems using a c
omputational thinking approach.
Date of Camp: June 17-21, 2024 (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily)
Cost: $100.00 per camper
For youth 14 and older, this will be a unique opportunity to learn about the beef industry. We will have a hands-on day walking youth through the beef production cycle focusing on cow-calf management.
Parents are welcome, as we have a tour scheduled in the morning of the ATI and CFAES Wooster campus with admissions staff.
For registration visit:
Registration Deadline – June 7, 2024
Cost: Youth $30, Parents $15. Lunch Included.Limited to first 30 Youth Registrations.
Attention 4-H Club Volunteers – don’t forget to send or email a copy of your club’s revised constitution and bylaws to the Extension Office by May 1. Need a copy for your club?
Here is the constitution to adopt and sign: 2024 Revisions 4-H Club Constitution 4.2023
Here are the bylaws to revise for your club: 2024 Revisions 4-H Club By-laws – required
Part of the 4-H club news reporter’s responsibilities is to share news about your 4-H club meetings and events. After a club meeting write a short article about the big items of Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Once the article is complete you can ask your advisor to post it on your club Facebook page or share it with families. You can also ask a parent to help you upload it to the the Marietta Times for printing.
Here are the easy instructions for uploading a 4-H club article. You can also add pictures of special events! Make sure you identify the people in the picture by providing their names.
The 4-H Merch items are available again! If you missed the first opportunity, you have a another chance. Orders are due May 1.
The 4-H Advisory Committee is working with local company – Hoyt Custom Designs to provide several options.
Orders can be placed online at:
Or you can print the order form: 2024 shirt order – May 1 deadline
The Washington County Livestock Committee and County Fairboard will be hosting Red, White and Groom. This will be a Jackpot Heifer and Steer Show.
Show Order: Showmanship, Heifers, Steers, County Heifers, County Steers Senior, Intermediate, Junior, and Beginner Classes
Food Trucks, Heritage Cooperative, and Sutherland Valley will be present.
Interested in helping for the event? Contact Dan Mason at 740-336-4530
This show weekend will include a free clinic for 4-H & FFA members on May 10 from 6-9 pm. More details can be found on their Facebook page at: “Cutting Edge Classic Inaugural Cattle Show”.
Noble County Spring Classic – Steer & Heifer Show – April 27
The Patriot Jackpot Pig Show – July 6
Summer Sizzler – Goat & Lamb Show – July 13
Please come support the Chicken BBQ Dinner at Hervida on Saturday, May 4. Meal served 5:00 to 7:00pm. Dinners will be available for eat-in or carry-out.
This is also a great opportunity to volunteer for camp by serving, clearing tables, or donating a dessert! Donations for the Country Store are always welcome!!
Here is a link to make a dessert, donate items for the country store, cut & keep desserts stocked, serve & stock beverages, clear tables & wipe trays, run dishwasher, or prepare carry-out meals.
Hervida has received several donations and grants to purchase 155 new camp mattresses. Now we need some helpers to unload the truck when it arrives on Friday, April 26 at 8:00 am. If you are available to help, just be at Camp Hervida by 8:00 am
The total project budget for 155 mattresses is: $27,929.50. Special thanks to our contributors!!