The 5-day Overholt Drainage School will cover a wide range of topics including planning, design and installation, drainage economics, topographic mapping, drainage law, GPS surveying, drainage design software, and conservation practices to manage water quality. The program is open to anyone interested in subsurface drainage design and installation, including drainage contractors, professional engineers, district technicians, consultants, NRCS, and agency professionals. Landowners and producers who intend to install or repair drainage systems on their own can greatly benefit by learning the key principles of drainage design and installation. Training is provided by a team of experts from The Ohio State University, experienced professionals from federal and state agencies such as the Ohio Department of Agriculture, and industry partners like the Ohio chapter of Land Improvement Contractors of America (OLICA). Check out the official flyer and agenda.
Cost: The cost of registration is $600 with discounts available for OLICA members, former Overholt School attendees, and multiple attendees from the same family, company, or agency. Lunch is included in the registration.
Registration information: Visit for print and online registration forms, detailed session information, and hotel information. Availability may be limited, so early registration is encouraged. The registration deadline is February 28. Please contact me ( with any questions.
Training Schedule: Please see the attached flyer for a detailed agenda. Note that Day 1 on March 10th is optional for advanced participants.