Market Beef and Dairy Market Beef Tagging, Weighing, and DNA Sample Collection Procedure for 2025

Weigh-in for all calves intended for the market beef show in 2025 is March 8th, by appointment!

It’s time once again to prepare for Jr. Market Beef tagging and weigh-in. This year it is being conducted in a fashion like recent years and continues to include exhibitors planning to participate in the ‘finished’ Dairy Beef Steer project that was created last year in Fairfield County.

Market beef weigh-in for traditional beef animals as well as dairy market beef is set for Saturday, March 8, 2025, at Fairfield Cattle Company located at 3443 Cincinnati-Zanesville Road (S.R. 22), Lancaster, from 8:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. In advance of March 8th exhibitors will be required to tag their own market beef animals with an 840 EID tag (unless the calf already has an EID tag). Visual numbered tags are encouraged but will not be provided or required this year. As in the recent past, participants will submit a hair follicle DNA sample at the weigh-in for each calf.

Again this year families with market beef and dairy market beef projects are also required to reserve a weigh-in time for the 8th, and only those directly involved in transporting and weighing-in calves should plan to attend . . . please, no spectators! The goal remains to reduce congregation at weigh-in and minimize the transfer of paperwork. Specifically, the step-by-step process and requirements include . . . Continue reading Market Beef and Dairy Market Beef Tagging, Weighing, and DNA Sample Collection Procedure for 2025

Livestock Tagging/Weighing and MQP Dates for 2025

Get the tagging and weigh-in dates on your calendar.

The good news is . . . participation in livestock projects remains strong while muscle quality and performance carcass-based project participation continues to grow in Fairfield County. The rest of the good news is, although there will be a few changes, plans continue to accommodate all the livestock project participation that is being experienced. That said, for the most part weigh-in/tagging dates, as well as harvest dates will remain similar in 2025 to what they were in 2024.

The changes being considered involve the Beef Performance & Carcass Quality (BPCQ), Swine MQP and Goat MQP programs.

A third, optional, early harvest date for participants in the BPCQ is being added for those youth with early born calves who would like to conclude their carcass-based project in August. The youth participating in the August harvest will weigh/tag their BPCQ calves on February 1. The two later September beef harvest dates will also be maintained and calves being harvested then will be weighed/tagged along with the ‘live’ beef cattle on March 8. Youth had the opportunity to apply for BPCQ with an application deadline for the 2025 BPCQ contest of January 8, 2025 and on a first come, first served basis select their preferred harvest date.

Swine MQP will be considering two changes. First change being considered is pigs will be weighed/tagged in specifically for either the MQP or ‘live’ show. The pigs for each contest will be Continue reading Livestock Tagging/Weighing and MQP Dates for 2025

Details of Swine, Lamb, Goat and Dairy Feeder Check-in are Released

Market animals will be checked-in June 29!

Today, Junior Fair Director Doug Shell released details for the rapidly approaching Jr. Fair market swine, lamb, goat and dairy feeder check-in.

Swine MQP: Shell is contacting each swine MQP exhibitor directly and will work with them in the coming days to get MQP pigs weighed and check-in.

Pigs checking in for the live show in October: Pigs will be check-in at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 29 between 7 a.m. and Noon. Prior to the 29th exhibitors must tag their pigs with an EID 840 tag unless the pigs already has one. Details for securing tags and tagging may be found linked at

Swine exhibitors should enter the Fairgrounds gate on Fair Avenue with their tagged pigs between 7 a.m. and Noon on June 29 and upon arrival will be directed to follow the traffic line on the left, and proceed into the Ed Sands building. If pigs are being housed at a place other than the exhibitor’s residence, completed housing forms should be submitted on the 29th at check-in. Housing forms may be downloaded here.

Market lambs: Lambs will be Continue reading Details of Swine, Lamb, Goat and Dairy Feeder Check-in are Released

Plans for tagging Market Lambs, Goats, Hogs and Dairy Beef Feeders in 2024 Announced

Youth must tag their animals before arrival on June 29.

The time for tagging and weigh-in of Fairfield County’s dairy beef feeders, market lambs, market goats and market hogs is upon us. Based on the success of the tagging and weigh-in process that has been utilized in recent years, this year will be conducted in a similar fashion at the fairgrounds with only a few modifications.

This year’s check-in/weigh-in for dairy beef feeders, market lambs, market goats and market hogs will happen at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, June 29. The exception is that MQP goats will be weighed-in on May 18.

New this year, in advance of the check-in/weighing process youth will be required to tag their own market animals with an EID 840 tag (unless the animal already has an 840 EID tag). Visual numbered tags will not be provided or required this year but are optional and encouraged for all species.

EID tags and taggers for any market animals that do not already have an EID tag may be secured from the OSU Extension office during the normal office hours of 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. In order that the proper tags and taggers are ready for pick-up when requested, exhibitors are asked to log-in to and make tag requests beginning now through June 24, 2024. Youth participating in Goat MQP should request their tags by May 15.

For more details regarding the tagging process, see this check list for tagging.

Details regarding check-in and weighing on June 29 will be announced soon.

Important Info for July 8th Tagging of Dairy Feeders, Market Goats, Market/MQP Hogs, Market/MQP Lambs

The Fairfield County Agriculture Society will be conducting the Junior Fair Livestock Tagging for the 2023 Junior Fair on Saturday July 8th, 2023, on the Fairgrounds. Exhibitors must tag in (and in some species also weigh in) on that day to be eligible to show at the 2023 Junior Fair in October. Exhibitors can bring their own animals, or they can be transported by anyone to the Fairgrounds that day as long as you provide the required information to the person bringing your animals. You do not have to be present that day.

  • 4-H members must be enrolled in the respective 4-H project to be eligible to tag in that specie on July 8th. Additionally, FFA members must have an active SAE Project with their FFA Chapter for their respective project/specie. 4-H and FFA members must be members of good standing in their 4-H Club/FFA Chapter to be eligible to tag/weigh-in as well as exhibit livestock for the Fairfield County Junior Fair.
  • All market animals will be family tagged and any member of the family can show any animal tagged. As defined in Ohio Administrative Code 901-19-01, “Family” means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including but not limited to the exhibitor’s parent, stepparent, foster parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, foster grandparent, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, half-brother, half-sister, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, or guardian.
  • No tagging will be performed after the designated weigh-in/tag-in day except as listed in Rule 23 of the General Rules.
  • Refer to Specie Rules in the Junior Fair Book on the number of animals you can tag in per specie.
  • All market animals will be tagged with an EID 840 tag. If an animal currently has an EID 840 tag in place, this tag will be used as the official fair identification.
  • All sheep and goats must be properly identified with an official USDA scrapie tag and exhibitors will continue to submit complete Scrapie Tag identification at tagging.
  • All dairy beef feeders will continue to submit a DNA sample for identification purposes at the Dairy Beef Feeder Calf weigh-in in July.

Tag-in Times:

  • MQP/Market Swine; 7 a.m. till 12 Noon
  • MQP/Market Lambs; 8 until 10:30 a.m.
    • MQP/Market Lamb Exhibitors: Please review this additional page for scheduling your appointment time(s) for tagging. Please note, lambs and goats are the only species scheduling appointment times for tagging/weigh-in: MQP/Market Lamb Tagging – Schedule a time! Deadline to reserve an appointment time is NOON on Friday, July 7th.
  • Dairy Feeders; 8 until 10:30 a.m.
  • Market Goats: 8 until 10:30 a.m.
    • Market Goat Exhibitors: Please review this additional page for scheduling your appointment time(s) for tagging. Please note, lambs and goats are the only species scheduling appointment times for tagging/weigh-in: Market Goat Tagging – Schedule a time! Deadline to reserve an appointment time is NOON on Friday, July 7th.

It is strongly recommended that if you have species that are scheduling appointments, that you schedule these species and tag these species FIRST and then get in line for the non-scheduled species. Please allow 15-20 minutes between appointment times if you are scheduling for sheep AND goats.

Please enter through the main gate off Fair Avenue and all tagging/weigh-ins will take place on the north side of the track. Once you are on the grounds you can have your animals tagged at the following locations:

  • MQP/Market Swine:
    • Market only will stay on the trailer.
    • Barrows that may be participating in the MQP Barrow Program will weigh in the Swine Barn. Please stay in the right hand lane as you go between the L Barn (Horse Barn) and Swine Barn.
  • MQP/Market Lambs:
    • Market only will stay on the trailer (if possible).
    • Trailers will enter the south side of the AAA Building and exit the north side.
    • Proceed to Wilson Avenue exit if no other animals need to be tagged.
    • Lambs that may be participating in the MQP Lamb Program will weigh in the AAA Building.
  • Dairy Feeders:
    • Trailers will enter the west end of the Beef Barn and exit the east end. Proceed to High Street/SR 37 gate to exit.
    • All dairy feeders will weigh/tag in the Beef Barn.
  • Market Goats:
    • All market goats will be tagged beside the Shelter House on the trailer (if possible).
    • Trailers will stay to the right while in line (to allow for Dairy Feeder trailers to exit).
    • Proceed to High Street/SR 37 gate to exit.

Livestock Housing Forms for these species will be accepted at each tagging location. Please be sure to turn in this form directly to the specie Superintendent.

The 2023 Fairfield County Junior Fair Book is now available. Please be sure to read all rules related to your specie(s).

Download and Pre-Fill Saturday’s Tagging Form for Dairy Feeders, Market Goats, Market/MQP Hogs

Click here to download, print and complete your tagging form: FAIRFIELD COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR FAMILY TAGGING FORM 2022. Market/MQP Lambs do not need to complete this form as you already submitted this information when scheduling your tagging appointment. As a reminder, tagging procedures for Saturday are as follows:

Junior Fair Tag in Procedures for July 16th for Swine/ Sheep/ Goats/ Dairy Feeders-2022

The Fairfield County Agriculture Society will be conducting the Junior Fair Livestock Tagging for the 2022 Junior Fair on Saturday July 16th, 2022, on the Fairgrounds. Exhibitors must tag in (and in some species also weigh in) on that day to be eligible to show at the 2022 Junior Fair in October. Exhibitors can bring their own animals, or they can be transported by anyone to the Fairgrounds that day as long as you provide the required information to the person bringing your animals. You do not have to be present that day. The registration sheets will be available that day and online at the Senior Fair and 4-H Websites. Click here to download, print and complete your tagging form: FAIRFIELD COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR FAMILY TAGGING FORM 2022.

Tagging this year is by family tagging. All market animals will be group (family tagged) and any member of the family can show any animal tagged. “Family” means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including exhibitor’s parents, stepparent, foster parent, grandparent, step grandparent, foster grandparent, brother/sister, son daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, or guardian. As defined in Ohio Administrative Code 901-19-01.


  • Swine 7 a.m. till 12 Noon
  • Market Lambs – 7:30 a.m. till 11
  • Dairy Feeders 7:30 a.m. till 10:30
  • Market Goats 7:30 a.m. till 11
  • **If you need to haul multiply loads please let us know  you might need a reasonable amount of extra time so we can make sure everything at weighed in that day.**

Procedure for arriving at the Fairgrounds: Please enter through the main gate off Fair Avenue. Once you are on the grounds you can have your animals tagged at the following locations:

SWINE: You need to travel through the main gate and drive up between the horse barn and Ed’s Sands/Farm Bureau Building pass the AAA and make a right on the top road. Tagging and picture Id will be completed in your trailer animals will not leave your trailer. We will be running several teams of taggers and ID pictures. You will pull off near the shed row barns be tagged and then we ask you to exit through the high street gate. If you have other animals to weigh, we suggest you start with your swine first. You may travel back through the grounds to the front gate by making a right just before the High Street gate and go down by art hall and the main Office. Remember it might be congested will all coming in the main gate and high street might be a better option.

DAIRY FEEDERS: You need to travel through the main gate and drive up and pass the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building on the right and pull in the West side of the Beef Barn. Once you are weighed and tagged, please exit to the east toward High Street. You may travel back through the grounds to the front gate by making a right just before the High Street gate and go down by art hall and the main Office. Remember it might be congested will all coming in the main gate and high street might be a better option.

SHEEP: You need to travel through the main gate and drive up pass the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building pass the beef barn and then head towards the swine barn. If you are just tagging your project, then you can drive between the horse and swine barn, and they will tag your animals. If you are in MQP and need weighed pull through the swine barn. Please exit east to high street. You may travel back through the grounds to the front gate by making a right just before the High Street gate and go down by art hall and the main Office. Remember it might be congested will all coming in the main gate and high street might be a better option.

Sheep Exhibitors: Please review this additional page for scheduling your appointment time(s) for tagging. Please note, sheep is the only species scheduling appointment times for tagging/weigh-in:

MARKET GOATS: You need to travel through the main gate and once you are in the grounds, please pull your trailer to the right along side of the 4-H and 50 Show Arena where your animals will be tagged. You may then move to another area if you have additional animals or exit to Columbus Street or through the High Street gate by traveling on through the fairgrounds and going south of the Show arena and out the high street gate.

Cooling Stations for Swine Tagging on Saturday, July 16th

Please share with exhibitors, parents and advisors there are three watering stations for swine if needed during the tagging session on Saturday, July 16th.

  • Station One is just after the draft horse barn
  • Station Two will be just after the AAA Building and the drive going to beef barn
  • Station Three will be from the east end of the horse barn (from the wash rack)

Hoses will be available to reach the roadway if your exhibits require a cooling session.

All water hydrants at fairgrounds are active if you need additional sites. There will be hoses only at these three areas mentioned above. The other areas will require a bucket and please be sure water is shut off after you use them.

Tagging Day: July 16th for Market/MQP Hogs, Market/MQP Lambs, Market Goats, Dairy Feeders

Junior Fair Tag in Procedures for July 16th for Swine/ Sheep/ Goats/ Dairy Feeders-2022

The Fairfield County Agriculture Society will be conducting the Junior Fair Livestock Tagging for the 2022 Junior Fair on Saturday July 16th, 2022, on the Fairgrounds. Exhibitors must tag in (and in some species also weigh in) on that day to be eligible to show at the 2022 Junior Fair in October. Exhibitors can bring their own animals, or they can be transported by anyone to the Fairgrounds that day as long as you provide the required information to the person bringing your animals. You do not have to be present that day. The registration sheets will be available that day and online at the Senior Fair and 4-H Websites. Click here to download, print and complete your tagging form: FAIRFIELD COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR FAMILY TAGGING FORM 2022.

Tagging this year is by family tagging. All market animals will be group (family tagged) and any member of the family can show any animal tagged. “Family” means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including exhibitor’s parents, stepparent, foster parent, grandparent, step grandparent, foster grandparent, brother/sister, son daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, or guardian. As defined in Ohio Administrative Code 901-19-01.


  • Swine 7 a.m. till 12 Noon
  • Market Lambs – 7:30 a.m. till 11
  • Dairy Feeders 7:30 a.m. till 10:30
  • Market Goats 7:30 a.m. till 11
  • **If you need to haul multiply loads please let us know  you might need a reasonable amount of extra time so we can make sure everything at weighed in that day.**

Procedure for arriving at the Fairgrounds: Please enter through the main gate off Fair Avenue. Once you are on the grounds you can have your animals tagged at the following locations:

SWINE: You need to travel through the main gate and drive up between the horse barn and Ed’s Sands/Farm Bureau Building pass the AAA and make a right on the top road. Tagging and picture Id will be completed in your trailer animals will not leave your trailer. We will be running several teams of taggers and ID pictures. You will pull off near the shed row barns be tagged and then we ask you to exit through the high street gate. If you have other animals to weigh, we suggest you start with your swine first. You may travel back through the grounds to the front gate by making a right just before the High Street gate and go down by art hall and the main Office. Remember it might be congested will all coming in the main gate and high street might be a better option.

DAIRY FEEDERS: You need to travel through the main gate and drive up and pass the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building on the right and pull in the West side of the Beef Barn. Once you are weighed and tagged, please exit to the east toward High Street. You may travel back through the grounds to the front gate by making a right just before the High Street gate and go down by art hall and the main Office. Remember it might be congested will all coming in the main gate and high street might be a better option.

SHEEP: You need to travel through the main gate and drive up pass the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building pass the beef barn and then head towards the swine barn. If you are just tagging your project, then you can drive between the horse and swine barn, and they will tag your animals. If you are in MQP and need weighed pull through the swine barn. Please exit east to high street. You may travel back through the grounds to the front gate by making a right just before the High Street gate and go down by art hall and the main Office. Remember it might be congested will all coming in the main gate and high street might be a better option.

Sheep Exhibitors: Please review this additional page for scheduling your appointment time(s) for tagging. Please note, sheep is the only species scheduling appointment times for tagging/weigh-in:

MARKET GOATS: You need to travel through the main gate and once you are in the grounds, please pull your trailer to the right along side of the 4-H and 50 Show Arena where your animals will be tagged. You may then move to another area if you have additional animals or exit to Columbus Street or through the High Street gate by traveling on through the fairgrounds and going south of the Show arena and out the high street gate.

Dairy Feeder, Lamb, Goat and Swine Projects to be Tagged

Tag-in for dairy feeder calves, market lambs and market goats being exhibited in the 2021 Fairfield County Junior Fair will be held at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, July 10 from 8 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. 4-H and FFA Advisors will be working directly with market swine exhibitors to get their animals tagged between July 19 and July 30, 2021.

Market lambs will be tagged and MQP lambs weighed in the Junior Swine Barn (Building #48). Lamb exhibitors must report the scrapie tag numbers of the lambs they plan to have tagged, and choose an arrival time for tagging by visiting by July 2.

Market goats will be tagged and weighed in the Feeder Creek Show Arena (Building #52) beginning at 8 a.m.

Dairy Feeders will be tagged and also have DNA hair samples collected in the Junior Beef Barn (Building #4), also beginning at 8 a.m.

This year swine tag-in dates are July 19 to July 30. Advisors may pick up tags at the Senior Fair Office on Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon each day beginning the 19th.  All swine tagging paperwork must be turned into the Senior Fair Office by 12:00 Noon on July 30th.

Questions regarding the tagging and weighing of dairy feeder, market lamb, market goat or market swine projects for the 2021 Fairfield County Junior Fair may be directed to the Show Superintendents, or Chuck Miller at