You’re invited – Jr. Fair Swine Exhibitor Meeting: November 21st

Sent on behalf of Fairfield County Junior Fair Swine Superintendents:

Junior Fair Swine Exhibitors and 4-H/FFA Advisors,

As a Fairfield County Junior Fair swine exhibitor family, the Junior Fair Swine Superintendents are inviting you to come and talk about the 2024/2025 Swine Shows on Thursday, November 21st, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Fairfield County Ag Center/OSU Extension Office. We hope that you can join us at this open meeting!

You’re invited – Jr. Fair Dairy Cattle Exhibitor Meeting: November 25th

Sent on behalf of Fairfield County Junior Fair Dairy Cattle Superintendent:

Junior Fair Dairy Cattle Exhibitors and 4-H/FFA Advisors,

As a Fairfield County Junior Fair dairy cattle exhibitor family, the Junior Fair Dairy Cattle Superintendent is inviting you to come and talk about the 2024/2025 Dairy Shows on Monday, November 25th, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Fairfield County Ag Center/OSU Extension Office. We hope that you can join us at this open meeting!

Special Thanks to Farm Credit for Photo Banner Sponsorship

The Fairfield County Senior Fair Board was able to work with Farm Credit Mid-America this year to sponsor a new large photo backdrop banner for Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena. Thank you to Carrie Brown, ANR Extension Educator for sharing the photo of the fairgrounds from Mount Pleasant used in the banner designed by Swine Committee Member, Leanna Tennant.

We encourage all exhibitors to send a thank you note to  Leland Tinklepaugh, Farm Credit Mid-America, 7835 Lancaster-Newark Rd NE, Baltimore, OH 43105.

Drug Use Notification Forms – due at NOON, Friday, October 4th for Market Beef/BEEF FEEDERS/DAIRY MARKET STEERS/Dairy Beef Feeders/Lactating Dairy Cows & Dairy Goats/Market Hogs/Market Goats/Market Lambs

Animals must be drug free by weigh-in day of fair. Each member must complete a Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF) ( form online for each animal they plan to exhibit prior to weigh-in at the fair. If the forms are not correctly completed, exhibitors will not be permitted to show. The link to the form will open on Monday, September 30th (as forms should be completed more than 5 days before fair weigh-in).

  • Animals requiring a DUNF indicating the animal is free from any/all drugs in its system on fair weigh-in/move-in day are:
    • Market Beef
    • Dairy Beef Feeder
    • Dairy Cow (lactating)
    • MQP Hog
    • Market Barrow
    • Market Gilt
    • Market Goat
    • MQP Goat
    • Dairy Goat (lactating)
    • Market Chickens
    • Market Turkey
    • Market Duck
    • MQP Lamb
    • Market Lamb
    • Market Rabbit
  • Forms should be completed no sooner than 5 days prior to animal weigh-in to be sure that their animal is drug free during fair.
  • Forms submitted prior to that timeframe will be deleted and exhibitors will be asked to resubmit the DUNF form closer to their animal’s weigh-in. All animals being brought to the fair requiring DUNF forms will need to submit their forms by 12:00 p.m., Friday, October 4, 2024.
  • The only EXCEPTION to the Friday deadline will be Market Poultry and Market Rabbits who will complete DUNF Forms AFTER they receive tags/leg bands so they have identification information to enter into the DUNF Form. One form per pen of animals should be completed for Poultry and Rabbits. Deadline for poultry and rabbit exhibitors is MIDNIGHT on Saturday, October 5th.
  • Animals tagged with an EID 840 (15 digit tag) should include the last 6 digits in the identification field of the form.
  • Scrapie Tag numbers DO NOT need to be entered for market goats and market sheep – please use the last 6 digits of your EID 840 tag.
  • There should be ONE form submitted for each animal Exception: Each pen of rabbits and each pen of market chickens will need a form per pen.
  • Turkeys exhibitors will put N/A in the identification field.
  • Market Chicken exhibitors will put all 3 leg band numbers in the same identification field for their pen of chickens.
  • Market Rabbit exhibitors will put both tag numbers for their pair of rabbits in the identification field for their pen of rabbits.

Livestock Sale Updates for Fair (Sale Etiquette, Commissions, Add-On’s, Take Homes, Buyer Info)

Livestock Sale Etiquette – Due to some concerns expressed from buyers and families, please make sure you review the Livestock Sale Etiquette fact sheet to learn the Do’s and Don’ts of Buyer communication.

Livestock Sale Update: Sale Commissions – Continuing for 2024: All dollars handled by the Livestock Sale Committee are subject to commission, not to exceed 4%. This includes direct to packer animals and all add-ons.

Livestock Sale Update: Add-Ons – Continuing for 2024: In order for an exhibitor to receive an add-on, the exhibitor must qualify for a sale slot as either an individual or in a group. Take Home animals are not able to receive add-ons. Parents and exhibitors should not be completing Add-On Forms on behalf of a buyer – it is the Buyer’s responsibility. Parents and exhibitors should not be including Add-On Forms in their buyer letters. Buyers can request an Add-On Form by contacting the Sale Clerk or picking up a paper copy on sale days. New for 2024: Add-On’s must be received by the Sale Clerk by 5:00 p.m. the last Saturday of fair week (Saturday, October 12th at 5:00 p.m.)

Livestock Sale Updates: Take Home Animals – The 2024 Fairfield County Fair Junior Fair will have a partial terminal sale/show for all species. This will allow for a Take Home option this year.

  • The exception to this is the 10 champions that must be slaughtered and inspected at a designated packer according to ODA (grand/reserve market beef, grand/reserve market dairy steer, grand/reserve market hog, grand/reserve market lamb, grand/reserve market goat).
  • Additionally, grand/reserve dairy beef feeders, grand/reserve market rabbits, grand/reserve market turkeys, grand/reserve market ducks, and grand/reserve market chickens will forfeit any take home option and must sell in the respective sale slots.
    • In the event that the buyer chooses to NOT KEEP any of the top non-terminal species (grand/reserve dairy beef feeders, grand/reserve market rabbits, grand/reserve market turkeys, grand/reserve market ducks, and grand/reserve market chickens), then the exhibitor may take their animal home if they completed a Take Home Form at weigh-in.
    • Any animal that does not have a packer bid (i.e. poultry) will be offered to the buyer, if turned, the owner is responsible for that animal.
  • Take homes will be allowed for all species with the exception of those all grand/reserve champions listed above.
  • Take homes must be declared before the animal leaves the scale during check-in (no exceptions). Exhibitors must express their intent to take home their animal by submitting the Take Home Form at weigh-in. Take Home Forms will be available from your Show Superintendent at weigh-in.
  • Take home animals will lose their sale slot and will not be eligible for a premium, packer bid, or add-on’s.
  • Exhibitors who do not take home must qualify for their sale slot (as individual or group) at the discretion of the species show committee.
  • Take Home animals will be released by the specie’s Superintendent. See Specie Department Rules and Junior Fair Schedule for details:

Buyer Information

  • If exhibitors are aware of buyers who often choose to “KEEP” and wish to have animals processed for meat, it is important for the buyer to have arrangements made prior to fair with the harvest facility of their choice. This is due to limited availability for custom livestock harvest and processing capacity.
  • Please send buyers to the website to review this information.

Special Thanks to Farm Credit for Photo Banner Sponsorships

The Fairfield County Senior Fair Board has been working to capture some additional dollars from the Farm Credit Community Grant program for the Junior Fair Youth.  In addition to the purchase of Champion Banners and gates last year, we are excited to add a backdrop banner to the Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena.

Please note that these Champion Banners must be returned to the Junior Fair Office the last day of the fair. These banners are not dated and the hope is to use them for several years.  THE BANNERS ARE NOT TO BE TAKEN HOME by exhibitors or show committees.

We have invested nearly $2,500 to upgrade these banners in each barn and for each show, including Companion Animals, thanks to Farm Credit. In addition, to the Banners we have purchased storage tubes for the banners to remain in the Junior Fair Office when not in use during fair week. When possible, please send a thank you note to Leland Tinklepaugh, Farm Credit Mid-America, 7835 Lancaster-Newark Rd NE, Baltimore, OH 43105.

Volunteer Position Open: Junior Fair Horse Superintendent (Apply by October 12th)



If you are interested in an opportunity to develop leadership and organizational skills and be an active participant in planning the Fairfield County Junior Fair, we would encourage you to apply for the position of Junior Fair Horse Superintendent. We are looking for individual interested in working with the Senior & Junior Fair Board and staff to provide the following duties:

  • Operate the Junior Horse Show during the Fairfield County Fair
  • In December, review the rules for the Junior Fair Horse Show and assist in updating rules to meet current industry standards with advisement from the 4-H and FFA Horse Advisors.
  • In January, we strongly encourage you to attend the Ohio 4-H Horse Volunteer Training.
  • Provide input to the Skillathon event as needed.
  • Develop a communication instrument with exhibitors through email through out the year on upcoming events related to the horse show. Database will be provided.
  • Assign and schedule stall assignments for horse exhibitors.
  • Plan and conduct with your committee the Junior Fair Horse Show at the fair.
  • Coordinate Junior Fair Horse showmanship.
  • Complete all required documents regarding horse show results and champions.
  • Work with sponsors and their commitment to award sponsorship.
  • Seek with assistance new award sponsors for new award areas.
  • Work closely with Junior Fair Director, Senior Fair Horse Director, Fair Manager, and 4-H & FFA leadership.
  • Follow up in early September non-sponsored awards and assist in finding sponsors.

Skills required:

  • Excellent communication and organization skills.
  • Timely follow up on calls, emails, or problems.
  • Ability to work alongside volunteers, Junior Fair Board Members, parents, and exhibitors of all ages.
  • Computer skills utilizing spreadsheets and word processing skills.
  • An outgoing personality that will be the spokesperson for the Junior Fair Horse Program.
  • Work in a cooperatively with the Senior Fair Board, Senior Fair Horse Director, Junior Fair Superintendents, OSU Extension Staff, and 4-H & FFA leadership.

Applicants should send a resume with cover letter to Doug Shell, Junior Fair Director at by Saturday, October 12th, 2024. Applicants must be a resident of Fairfield County.

All applications will be reviewed by a committee and selected applicants will be interviewed.

Calling all Cloverbuds (and little sibs): Submit your Fairfield County Fair Coloring Contest Entry!

Calling all Cloverbuds and little siblings ages 3-9 years old – participate in the Fairfield County Fair Coloring Contest! Prizes will be awarded for each age division! Entrants must be residents of Fairfield County. Only 1 entry per child. Entries must be printed off and submitted to the Fair Office and received by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 27th.

Click here for entry form:2024- Fairfield Co. Fair Coloring Contest

2024 Junior Fair Book is Available!

The 2024 Fairfield County Junior Fair Book is now posted on OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development and Senior Fair websites. Please review all Junior Fair Rules. Please know that Ohio’s Livestock Exhibition Rules have been updated as of May 2024 so be sure to review these as well as there are changes.

To access the Junior Fair Book, visit: To access information regarding the 2024 Junior Fair Livestock Sale, visit:

Paper copies of the Junior Fair Book can be picked up at the OSU Extension Office or contact your club/chapter advisor as they can also request paper copies to be printed for the club/chapter.