2023 Fairfield County Junior Fair Premier Exhibitor Contest Information

This information is also posted in the 2023 Junior Fair Book under Optional Activities for Species: http://go.osu.edu/fcjrbook

Premier Exhibitor Contests

The objective of the Premier Exhibitor Contest is to encourage youth exhibitors to explore multiple aspects of the livestock
specie project they are enrolled in, and to reward those youth that participate at the highest level. While some exhibitors may
choose to only participate in a single aspect of an animal project, the reality is that all the various opportunities available for any
given project are interrelated and participation can enhance the knowledge, skills, and enjoyment gained from the project.

  • Exhibitors will learn that market animals originate from breeding stock.
  • Performance is vital to the profitability of livestock production.
  • Efficient record keeping allows the owner to determine if the project was profitable.
  • Livestock evaluation is the foundation for selecting both breeding and market livestock.
  • Knowing breeds, body parts and muscle names and locations complements one’s ability to evaluate livestock.

It’s all interrelated and encouraging youth to expand the knowledge of their project by participating in a variety of opportunities
while also in a competitive environment will enhance the learning experience.


  • Exhibitors must be enrolled in a 4-H/FFA project in that species in their respective 4-H Club/FFA Chapter.
  • FairEntry is made in the respective species by August FairEntry deadline.
  • The exhibitor must complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for the specie they plan to compete in Premier Exhibitor.

Those exhibitors who participate in the alternative Skillathon options will not be eligible for Premier Exhibitor (i.e., Ohio
State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon, Ohio State Fair IN-PERSON Skillathon, and/or Fairfield County Make-Up Skillathon).
Project books will be reviewed as part of the county Skillathon event.

  • An exhibitor must complete a Skillathon for each specie they plan to compete for Premier Exhibitor. If an exhibitor does not
    participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon for that specie, they will be ineligible for Premier Exhibitor in that specie.
  • Exhibitors must show their own animal(s).

Eligible Species

  • Dairy Cattle
  • Dairy Beef Feeders Beef
  • Swine
  • Sheep
  • Dairy Goats
  • Meat/Market Goats
  • Pygmy Goats
  • Poultry
  • Rabbits
  • Dogs
  • Alpacas/Llamas
  • Horses


The Premier Exhibitor for each species will be the exhibitor with the highest point total from the activities listed for each specie
(dropping the scores as mentioned below).

The goal is to encourage exhibitors to explore various opportunities available to them within their species and allow for lowest
scores to be dropped when sufficient experiences are able to be offered (for example, Beef Exhibitors have far more project
opportunities available to them than Pygmy Goats). The objective would be to encourage exhibitors to earn points for exhibiting
animals in at least two ways at the Fairfield County Fair in addition to participating in Skillathon, showmanship, rate of gain (if
applicable), and judging contests (if applicable). If exhibiting more than one animal in an activity, the highest placing animal will
be used for the Premier Exhibitor scoring.

  • Dairy Cattle: The Dairy Cattle Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 3 of the 4 following Fairfield
    County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Skillathon*, Showmanship, Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, and Breeding Class.
  • Dairy Beef Feeder: The Dairy Beef Feeder Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County
    Junior Fair activities: Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Market Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Beef: The Beef Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 5 of the 8 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Feeder Class, Market Class,
    Carcass Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Swine: The Swine Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Swine Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Swine Judging Contest, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Sheep: The Sheep Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Sheep
    Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Sheep Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Dairy Goats: The Dairy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Dairy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding (Kid/Yearling Class), and Breeding (Doe Class).
  • Meat/Market Goats: The Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County
    Junior Fair activities: Meat/Market Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Meat Goat Judging Contest, Breeding
    (Meat Doe) Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Pygmy Goats: The Pygmy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair
    activities: Pygmy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Wether Class, and Doe Class.
  • Poultry: The Poultry Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Poultry Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class, Layers Class, and Market Class.
  • Rabbits: The Rabbit Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Rabbit Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class 1, Breeding Class 2, Market Class 1, Market Class 2.
  • Dogs: The Dog Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Dog Skillathon*, You & Your Dog Interview, Showmanship, Obedience Class, and Agility.
  • Alpacas/Llamas: The Alpaca & Llama Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following
    Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Alpaca/Llama Skillathon*, Showmanship, Public Relations Class, Costume Class, and
    Obstacle/Agility Class
  • Horses: The Horse Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair
    activities: Horse Skillathon*, Showmanship, Pleasure Class, Pattern Class, and Contesting Class.

The *Fairfield County Skillathon will be a mandatory activity for participation in the respective species’ Premier Exhibitor
Contest. A Skillathon is an activity to test knowledge of specific subject matter in a hands-on experiential learning model.
Skillathons will take place on the assigned day and times in September, and this will be the only opportunity for participants to
complete the Skillathon for their respective species and be eligible to participate in the respective Premier Exhibitor Contest.
Exhibitors will earn corresponding Premier Exhibitor points based off of their raw score (out of 100 points). Skillathons will be
comprised of four stations. A completed project book is required at Skillathon.

The Fairfield County Livestock Judging Contest will take place on Sunday of the Fairfield County Fair for swine, beef, sheep,
and goats. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Livestock Judging Contest points based off of their raw score. Total points
possible will be determined on the day of the contest.

Rate of Gain will be available to all market beef that are exhibited in the live show, and dairy feeder exhibitors.
Breeding/Market/Showmanship/Rate of Gain class/heat points will be assigned according to class rankings (placing 1st
through 5th, followed by participation points).

Livestock Sale: If the Premier Exhibitor has a market animal in that respective species, they will sell third in the market sale for
that species following the Overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Market Animals. If an exhibitor chooses to take home
and earns Premier Exhibitor, they will lose their sale slot. (In that case second place Premier Exhibitor will not move into that
sale slot).

Ties: Exhibitors will complete a tiebreaker station at Skillathon for their respective specie. Scoring from the tiebreaker station will
only be used to help break ties for the overall rankings of each specie’s Premier Exhibitor.

Awards will be given for 1st place winner of each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), from which, overall 1st
through 3rd place winners will be chosen for the Premier Exhibitor Program for each specie.

  • 1st Place Awards for each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) will receive a rosette and coupon to be
    used at the fair for a free sandwich at the Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Food Booth.
  • 1st Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $100 cash award.
  • 2nd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $75 cash award.
  • 3rd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $50 cash award.

Reminder: No Leasing of Market Animals

As a reminder to all Junior Fair exhibitors, there is no leasing of market or breeding animals for the Fairfield County Junior Fair. The animals must be owned by the exhibitor.

The only exceptions include. Please review the Junior Fair Book for additional details and dates: go.osu.edu/fairfieldrulebook

  • Dairy Goat (breeding)
  • Dairy Cattle (breeding)
  • Horses
  • Alpacas/Llamas

Important Info for July 8th Tagging of Dairy Feeders, Market Goats, Market/MQP Hogs, Market/MQP Lambs

The Fairfield County Agriculture Society will be conducting the Junior Fair Livestock Tagging for the 2023 Junior Fair on Saturday July 8th, 2023, on the Fairgrounds. Exhibitors must tag in (and in some species also weigh in) on that day to be eligible to show at the 2023 Junior Fair in October. Exhibitors can bring their own animals, or they can be transported by anyone to the Fairgrounds that day as long as you provide the required information to the person bringing your animals. You do not have to be present that day.

  • 4-H members must be enrolled in the respective 4-H project to be eligible to tag in that specie on July 8th. Additionally, FFA members must have an active SAE Project with their FFA Chapter for their respective project/specie. 4-H and FFA members must be members of good standing in their 4-H Club/FFA Chapter to be eligible to tag/weigh-in as well as exhibit livestock for the Fairfield County Junior Fair.
  • All market animals will be family tagged and any member of the family can show any animal tagged. As defined in Ohio Administrative Code 901-19-01, “Family” means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including but not limited to the exhibitor’s parent, stepparent, foster parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, foster grandparent, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, half-brother, half-sister, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, or guardian.
  • No tagging will be performed after the designated weigh-in/tag-in day except as listed in Rule 23 of the General Rules.
  • Refer to Specie Rules in the Junior Fair Book on the number of animals you can tag in per specie.
  • All market animals will be tagged with an EID 840 tag. If an animal currently has an EID 840 tag in place, this tag will be used as the official fair identification.
  • All sheep and goats must be properly identified with an official USDA scrapie tag and exhibitors will continue to submit complete Scrapie Tag identification at tagging.
  • All dairy beef feeders will continue to submit a DNA sample for identification purposes at the Dairy Beef Feeder Calf weigh-in in July.

Tag-in Times:

  • MQP/Market Swine; 7 a.m. till 12 Noon
  • MQP/Market Lambs; 8 until 10:30 a.m.
    • MQP/Market Lamb Exhibitors: Please review this additional page for scheduling your appointment time(s) for tagging. Please note, lambs and goats are the only species scheduling appointment times for tagging/weigh-in: MQP/Market Lamb Tagging – Schedule a time! Deadline to reserve an appointment time is NOON on Friday, July 7th.
  • Dairy Feeders; 8 until 10:30 a.m.
  • Market Goats: 8 until 10:30 a.m.
    • Market Goat Exhibitors: Please review this additional page for scheduling your appointment time(s) for tagging. Please note, lambs and goats are the only species scheduling appointment times for tagging/weigh-in: Market Goat Tagging – Schedule a time! Deadline to reserve an appointment time is NOON on Friday, July 7th.

It is strongly recommended that if you have species that are scheduling appointments, that you schedule these species and tag these species FIRST and then get in line for the non-scheduled species. Please allow 15-20 minutes between appointment times if you are scheduling for sheep AND goats.

Please enter through the main gate off Fair Avenue and all tagging/weigh-ins will take place on the north side of the track. Once you are on the grounds you can have your animals tagged at the following locations:

  • MQP/Market Swine:
    • Market only will stay on the trailer.
    • Barrows that may be participating in the MQP Barrow Program will weigh in the Swine Barn. Please stay in the right hand lane as you go between the L Barn (Horse Barn) and Swine Barn.
  • MQP/Market Lambs:
    • Market only will stay on the trailer (if possible).
    • Trailers will enter the south side of the AAA Building and exit the north side.
    • Proceed to Wilson Avenue exit if no other animals need to be tagged.
    • Lambs that may be participating in the MQP Lamb Program will weigh in the AAA Building.
  • Dairy Feeders:
    • Trailers will enter the west end of the Beef Barn and exit the east end. Proceed to High Street/SR 37 gate to exit.
    • All dairy feeders will weigh/tag in the Beef Barn.
  • Market Goats:
    • All market goats will be tagged beside the Shelter House on the trailer (if possible).
    • Trailers will stay to the right while in line (to allow for Dairy Feeder trailers to exit).
    • Proceed to High Street/SR 37 gate to exit.

Livestock Housing Forms for these species will be accepted at each tagging location. Please be sure to turn in this form directly to the specie Superintendent.

The 2023 Fairfield County Junior Fair Book is now available. Please be sure to read all rules related to your specie(s).

Save the Date: Hog/Sheep/Goat/Dairy Feeder Tagging is July 8th

The Junior Fair possession date for market/MQP hogs, market/MQP lambs, market goats, and dairy feeders is the second Saturday of July (Saturday, July 8th). This is also the date that tagging will take place for these species. Weigh-ins will take place for MQP barrows and MQP lambs. Taggings/weigh-ins will take place that morning. More information will be shared soon.

Goat MQP (carcass) Contest – Deadline is May 1st

It’s time to submit those 2023 – Goat MQP Forms (due May 1st).

Members must be enrolled in the Market Goat Project in 4-HONline by April 15th to be eligible for the Goat MQP Program.

Entries for the 2023 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Goat, Barrow, and Lamb MQP programs are now being accepted. Again this year all MQP entries will be accepted on-line.

Please note that some of the important MQP dates have changed as follows:

  • Goats for the MQP contest must be owned by June 3, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed-in on that date at the Fairgrounds. After 85 days on feed the Goat MQP contest will conclude at the Fairgrounds on Sunday, August 27, 2023.
  • Lambs for the MQP contest must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 64 days on feed the MQP lambs will be brought back to the Fairgrounds for the conclusion of the contest. Note this is 14 days less time on feed than last year.
  • Barrows for MQP must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed this year at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 78 days on feed the barrows will return to the Fairgrounds for the contest conclusion.

Applications for any of these contests must be received on-line by May 1, 2023. Find more details about MQP and links to each of the application portals here: https://go.osu.edu/mqp

Barrow MQP (carcass) Contest: Deadline is May 1st

It’s time to submit those Barrow MQP Forms (due May 1st).

Members must be enrolled in the Market Hog Project in 4-HONline by April 15th to be eligible for the Barrow MQP Program.

Entries for the 2023 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Goat, Barrow, and Lamb MQP programs are now being accepted. Again this year all MQP entries will be accepted on-line.

Please note that some of the important MQP dates have changed as follows:

  • Goats for the MQP contest must be owned by June 3, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed-in on that date at the Fairgrounds. After 85 days on feed the Goat MQP contest will conclude at the Fairgrounds on Sunday, August 27, 2023.
  • Lambs for the MQP contest must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 64 days on feed the MQP lambs will be brought back to the Fairgrounds for the conclusion of the contest. Note this is 14 days less time on feed than last year.
  • Barrows for MQP must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed this year at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 78 days on feed the barrows will return to the Fairgrounds for the contest conclusion.

Applications for any of these contests must be received on-line by May 1, 2023. Find more details about MQP and links to each of the application portals here: https://go.osu.edu/mqp

Lamb MQP (carcass) Contest: Deadline is May 1st

It’s time to submit those Lamb MQP Forms (due May 1st).

Members must be enrolled in the Market Lamb Project in 4-HONline by April 15th to be eligible for the Lamb MQP Program.

Entries for the 2023 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Goat, Barrow, and Lamb MQP programs are now being accepted. Again this year all MQP entries will be accepted on-line.

Please note that some of the important MQP dates have changed as follows:

  • Goats for the MQP contest must be owned by June 3, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed-in on that date at the Fairgrounds. After 85 days on feed the Goat MQP contest will conclude at the Fairgrounds on Sunday, August 27, 2023.
  • Lambs for the MQP contest must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 64 days on feed the MQP lambs will be brought back to the Fairgrounds for the conclusion of the contest. Note this is 14 days less time on feed than last year.
  • Barrows for MQP must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed this year at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 78 days on feed the barrows will return to the Fairgrounds for the contest conclusion.

Applications for any of these contests must be received on-line by May 1, 2023. Find more details about MQP and links to each of the application portals here: https://go.osu.edu/mqp

Attention Livestock Exhibitors: Quality Assurance Requirements

Quality Assurance is an annual requirement of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for youth taking livestock projects to county and state fair. In Fairfield County, Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.

Deadlines for 2023:

  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 1st, 2023.
  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 30, 2023

At this time, Quality Assurance CANNOT be taught by club/chapter advisors to Fairfield County 4-H/FFA youth virtually (i.e. Zoom, Google Hangouts, Google Classrooms, Facebook Live, etc.).

Here are the acceptable options to complete Quality Assurance in 2023:

  • In-Person 4-H Club/FFA Chapter Clinic taught by a 4-H/FFA Advisor who has completed the Quality Assurance Assistant Instructor Training this year. Advisors who attended this training will notify their members of their club/chapter QA Clinic date and will be responsible for getting all QA paperwork submitted to the Extension Office by the appropriate deadlines.
  • In-Person Countywide Make-Up Clinics: To be held on Saturday, May 6th from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and Sunday, May 21st from 12:00 p.m.- 1:30 p.m. in the Ed Sands Building at the Fairgrounds. An RSVP is required. Please click here to register for a countywide QA makeup clinic.
  • In-Person Beef Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person BQA taught by a certified BQA instructor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu.
  • In-Person Pork Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person PQA taught by a certified PQA advisor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.eduYouth MUST be age 14 or older (current age) to complete in-person PQA. Youth will receive a PQA certification number from the National Pork Board upon completion.
  • Online: Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). This is the ONLY approved ONLINE Quality Assurance Program for youth in Ohio. For 2023, this web-based course has been approved by ODA for 8-18 year olds.
    • Go to  https://yqcaprogram.org/ for the training and quiz.
    • Exhibitors must complete by June 30, 2023 or they will not be able to show at the Fairfield County Fair.
    • You will need to select the web-based training ($12.00 per member, annually). Members should complete the age appropriate training with age as of January 1st.
    • When you are finished, please send a copy of your completion certificate which includes your name and certificate number to Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu.
    • Instructions: YQCA_HelpDoc_GettingYourWBTCertification

Countywide (make-up) Youth Quality Assurance Trainings: May 6th and May 21st (RSVP required)

The FIRST of two make-up countywide Quality Assurance Clinics will be held Saturday, May 6th at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds (Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building) from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Advanced registration is required. RSVP by completing the survey at this link. Please arrive on time so we can get the training started promptly at 9:00 a.m.

Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. This includes the following projects: Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.
Members are required to attend one Quality Assurance Clinic taught by a certified instructor. Members should sign in at the beginning of the clinic and complete a questionnaire at the end of the clinic. Please return the questionnaire to an adult instructor at the clinic.

The SECOND QA Clinic will be Sunday, May 21st from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m., in the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building. Advanced registration is required. RSVP by completing the survey at this link.

Goat, Barrow and Lamb MQP Applications are being Accepted

Application deadline for MQP contests is May 1

Entries for the 2023 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Goat, Barrow, and Lamb MQP programs are now being accepted. Again this year all MQP entries will be accepted on-line.

Please note that some of the important MQP dates have changed as follows:

  • Goats for the MQP contest must be owned by June 3, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed-in on that date at the Fairgrounds. After 85 days on feed the Goat MQP contest will conclude at the Fairgrounds on Sunday, August 27, 2023.
  • Lambs for the MQP contest must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 64 days on feed the MQP lambs will be brought back to the Fairgrounds for the conclusion of the contest. Note this is 14 days less time on feed than last year.
  • Barrows for MQP must be owned by July 8, 2023 and will be tagged and weighed this year at the Fairgrounds on that date. After 78 days on feed the barrows will return to the Fairgrounds for the contest conclusion.

Applications for any of these contests must be received on-line by May 1, 2023. Find more details about MQP and links to each of the application portals here: https://go.osu.edu/mqp