Congratulations to the 2024 Fairfield County Fair Queen, Sophia Preston, for competing in the Ohio Fair Managers Association Queen Contest. Sophia reached the top 15 participants in the competition last weekend at the Ohio Fair Managers Association Convention. We are so proud of you and the positive role model you are for the Fairfield County Fair.
Junior Fair Queen and Species Ambassadors
Panorama Invitations – Check Your Email on Monday!!
Hello 4-H & FFA Members,
Panorama invitations will be emailed on Monday. The following members will be recognized during the 2024 Junior Fair Panorama:
- Junior Fair Queen Finalists
- Junior Fair Commodity Ambassadors/Representatives
- 2024 Outstanding 4-Hers
- 2024 FFA American Degree Recipients
- 2024 FFA State Degree Recipients
- State Top 4 FFA Proficiency Award winners from each chapter
We look forward to having you be a special part of the 2024 Junior Fair Panorama on Saturday, October 5th. The show begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Feeder Creek Show Arena, north of the racetrack. Please find your official invitation with further details. If you have any questions or did not receive the invitation, please reach out to Stacy Hicks at 740-653-5419..
10 Finalists Named for 2024 Fairfield County Fair Queen
LANCASTER – Ten Fairfield County teens are competing for the title of 2024 Fairfield County Junior Fair Queen for the fair which runs Oct. 6-12.
The young women, all of whom participate in Fairfield County FFA Chapters and/or 4-H Clubs, were interviewed on Sept. 17, by a panel of three community leaders who evaluated the candidates on a variety of factors including: 4 H/FFA activities, school and community activities and poise.
The 2024 Queen will be crowned along with two attendants by the 2023 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Queen Lily Dennis at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5 during the Fairfield County Junior Fair Panorama.
This year’s finalists include:
- Paisley Alt, 16, daughter of Robert and Amanda Alt. She attends Liberty Union High School and is a member of Wild About Animals 4-H Club and Liberty Union FFA.
- Raelyn Bader, 16, daughter of Jeff Bader and Julia Dymek. She attends Liberty Union High School and is a member of the Cloverleaf Livestock 4-H Club and Liberty Union FFA.
- Samantha “Sam” Bader, 17, daughter of Steve and Kimberly Bader. She attends Liberty Union High School and is a member of Baltimore Blue Ribbons 4-H Club and Liberty Union FFA.
- Addyson Brown, daughter of Kendra and Ryan Brown. She attends Lancaster High School and is a member of Carroll Country 4-H Club and Lancaster High School FFA.
- Aubrey Duke-Ward, 17, daughter of Breanne Duke and Adrianne Ward. She attends Pickerington North High School and is a member of Awesome Animals 4-H Club.
- Evelyn Hill, 18, daughter of Jessica and Jason Hill. She attends Lancaster High School and is a member of Shooting Stars 4-H Club.
- Makenna Lybarger, 16, daughter of DeAnna and Jason Lybarger. She attends Canal Winchester High School and Eastland Career Center and is a member of the Lithopolis Livestock 4-H Club and Eastland Career Center FFA.
- Sophia Preston, 16, daughter of Ken and Trish Preston. She attends Canal Winchester High School and is a member of Green Extreme 4-H Club.
- Reagan Thomas, 17, daughter of Andrew and Rachel Thomas. She attends Liberty Union High School and is a member of Camelids Unlimited 4-H Club and Liberty Union FFA.
- Katelyn Wynkoop, 17, daughter of Bob and Lisa Wynkoop. She attends Bloom-Carroll High School and is a member of Camelids Unlimited 4-H Club and Bloom-Carroll FFA.
Junior Fair Queen Applications Available: Due 9/6/2024
The 2024 Fairfield County Junior Fair Queen Cover Letter and Application can be found here.
Signed Junior Fair Queen Applications (with photo) are due to the Extension Office by 4:00 pm on September 6, 2024. Don’t forget to sign the application and include a picture!
The top 10 candidates will be invited to interview on Tuesday, September 17th.
Junior Fair Commodity Ambassador/Representative Online Application Due September 15th
New this year, all commodity ambassador/representative applications will be on ONE application. There will be one interview date to make selections for each commodity position. Please select and rank your interested commodity positions. Applications are due at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 15th. Click here to access the application. Commodity Ambassador/Representatives we be selected for Alpaca/Llama, Beef, Canine, Caprine, Dairy, Equine, Lamb & Wool, Poultry, Rabbit, and Swine.
The purpose of the Junior Fair Commodity Ambassador/Ambassador Program is:
- To inform others and promote 4-H/FFA programs while strengthening the species’ image.
- To encourage specie projects in the 4-H/FFA programs.
- To improve knowledge and presentation skills.
- To build a portfolio of excellence for future reference.
- Applications must be submitted to the OSU Extension Office by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
- All applications will be reviewed by the selection committee(s), the top three individuals per specie will be selected for an interview by a panel of judges.
- Interviews will be conducted in person on the evening of Monday, September 23rd (time TBD) at the Fairfield County Ag Center (OSU Extension Office).
- The representative(s) will be selected from individuals interviewed and notified via phone following the completion of all interviews and will be publicly introduced at the Junior Fair Panorama during fair week (exception – Lamb and Wool Queen will be announced at the Guy’s and Gals Lead on Wednesday of fair).
- Applicants must be an active 4-H/FFA member and at least 14 years old as of October 1st of the current year.
- Applicants must have an active project in the relevant specie project for the current year and exhibit this project at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.
- Representative will be required to attend the Panorama and speak about the specie represented.
- Representative will assist with award presentations during the Junior Fair shows related to their specie. Representative should present awards in between showing their own animal(s).
- Representative will assist with Junior Fair Livestock Sales on Thursday and Friday of fair week.
- Representative must be available to make guest appearances at community functions on behalf of the specie and fair (i.e. parades, festivals, other fairs, and commodity events).
- Representatives are strongly encouraged to participate in 4-H Day to promote 4-H project work for their specie (1st Saturday of March).
- Female applicants can also run for Junior Fair Queen (if they meet those requirements). If selected for both, applicant will serve in commodity role on the day of that specie’s show.
Congrats to Fairfield County Fair Queen, Lily Dennis, for reaching the Top 15 in the Ohio Fairs’ Queen Contest!
Congratulations to the Fairfield County Fair Queen, Lily Dennis for competing in the Ohio Fair Managers Association Queen Contest. Lily reached the top 15 participants in the competition last weekend at the Ohio Fair Managers Association Convention. We are so proud of you and the positive role model you are for the Fairfield County Fair. Photo Credit: Shelly Dennis
10 Finalists Named for 2023 Fairfield County Fair Queen
Ten Fairfield County teens are competing for the title of 2023 Fairfield County Junior Fair Queen.
The young ladies, all of whom participate in Fairfield County FFA Chapters and/or 4-H Clubs, were interviewed on September 19th, by a panel of three community leaders who evaluated the candidates on a variety of factors including: 4 H/FFA activities, school and community activities and poise.
The 2023 Queen will be crowned along with two attendants by the 2022 Fairfield County Jr. Fair Queen, Alison Sponseller, at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7 during the Fairfield County Junior Fair Panorama.
This year’s finalists include:
- Lacie Bachman, 17, daughter of Gregg and Christi Bachman. She attends Bloom-Carroll High School and is a member of Unleashed 4-H Club and Bloom-Carroll FFA.
- Samantha “Sam” Bader, 16, daughter of Steve and Kimberly Bader. She attends Liberty Union High School and is a member of Baltimore Blue Ribbons 4-H Club and Liberty Union FFA.
- Danielle Burch, 16, daughter of Tonya Foreman and Joey Burch. She attends Bloom-Carroll and Fairfield Career Center and is a member of the Fairfield Career Center FFA.
- Lilian “Lily” Dennis, 17, daughter of Brad and Shelly Dennis. She attends Sheridan High School and is a member of the Amanda Work and Win 4-H Club and Sheridan FFA.
- Emma Gray, 16, daughter of Jon and Beth Gray. She attends Fairfield Career Center and is a member of the Fairfield Career Center FFA.
- Evelyn Hill, 17, daughter of Jessica and Jason Hill. She attends Lancaster High School and is a member of Shooting Stars 4-H Club.
- Gabrielle Rosier, 17, daughter of Christina Mason and Joshua Heskett. She attends Lancaster High School and Columbus State Community College and is a member of the Golden Clovers 4-H Club.
- December Snyder, 17, granddaughter of Randy Snyder. She attends Lancaster High School and is a member of the Fairfield Cavy and Rabbit 4-H Club.
- Jadin Triplett, 19, daughter of Jamie Miller and James Triplett. She attends Hocking College is a member of Rough Riders 4-H Club and Fairfield Union FFA.
- Katelyn Wynkoop, 16, daughter of Bob and Lisa Wynkoop. She attends Bloom-Carroll High School and is a member of Camelids Unlimited 4-H Club and Bloom-Carroll FFA.
2023 Fairfield County Lamb & Wool Queen Applications due 9/8/2023
The 2023 Fairfield County Lamb & Wool Queen Applications are now available! Please submit entries no later than September 8, 2023, at 4:00 est via the following link:
In addition to this application, please forward a copy of your resume to with Lamb and Wool Queen in the subject line.
The Fairfield County Lamb & Wool Queen competition will be held in conjunction with the Guys and Gals Sheep Lead competition at the Fairfield County Fair on October 11th. The competition is open to girls residing in Fairfield County who are 16-22 years of age, as of the week of the Fairfield County Fair. The Queen must remain unmarried during her reign.
A committee will review the application and the applicants will be invited to interview before a panel of judges. You will receive information regarding in-person or Zoom options for interviews. All queen contestants and the present Lamb and Wool Queen are required to participate in the Guys and Gals Lead competition.
The queen’s duties are to attend the 4-H sheep show, the open class show, the 4-H Livestock sale and any other activities that promote the Lamb and Wool industry. Other opportunities to promote the Lamb and Wool industry would include: participating in area parades, and the Ohio State Fair Guys and Gals lead.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS September 8, 2023, at 4:00 est. Candidates will be contacted for the exact time slot for interviews. Please direct questions to Natalyn Wymer at (740)-407-1420 or
Alpaca Ambassador Applications: Due 9/8/2023
The 2023 Alpaca Ambassador Application is located at: 2023 Fairfield County Alpaca Ambassador Application
The application is due to the Extension Office by September 8th, 2023. Please note that all other specie applications as well as Junior Fair Queen applications are now posted online. Click here for more info.
Equine Ambassador Applications: Due 9/8/2023
The 2023 Equine Ambassador Application is located at: 2023 Fairfield County Equine Ambassador Application
The application is due to the Extension Office by September 8th, 2023. Please note that all other specie applications as well as Junior Fair Queen applications are now posted online. Click here for more info.