Stay Connected at Fair – Junior Fair Department Social Media Pages

Junior Fair Horses

  • Join Remind101 using code @jrhorse24 (NEW CODE FOR 2024)

Junior Fair Swine

Junior Fair Meat/Market Goats

Junior Fair Beef

Junior Fair Poultry

Junior Fair Rabbits

  • Facebook Group: Fairfield County Junior Fair Rabbit Show
  • Remind101 – Market Rabbits: join using code @7k6kdk (NEW CODE FOR 2024)
  • Remind101 – Breeding Rabbits: join using code @2024bree (NEW CODE FOR 2024)

Junior Fair Pygmy Goats

Did you complete an Ohio State Fair Virtual or In-Person Skillathon, be sure to turn in your 4-H/FFA Project Record Book by Sept. 20th

Skillathons are required to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair for exhibitors showing dogs, horses, dairy cattle, beef cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits (no Pet Rabbit), and llamas/alpacas.

  • All 4-H/FFA Record Books will be checked during Skillathon dates for ALL projects (even if you completed the Ohio State Fair Virtual or In-Person Skillathons to meet the county Skillathon requirement).
  • If a participated in OSF Skillathon – books still need to completed and turned into the Extension Office by Friday, September 20th so that they can be reviewed by our Project Book judges on the second Skillathon date of Sunday, September 22nd.

Project Books

  • 4-H and FFA Record Books are required to be COMPLETED for each project.
  • 4-H Members should have a NEW 4-H Record Book each year they take the project.
  • 4-H and FFA Records Books will be reviewed at Skillathon.
    • For those who forget or don’t bring book – will need be completed and turned into the Extension Office by Friday, September 20th.
    • Exhibitors will who do not properly complete a record book for each of their fair projects WILL NOT be allowed to exhibit at the fair. NO EXCEPTIONS.
    • No books will be reviewed after September 22nd.

Missed Skillathon? LAST CHANCE: Makeup Event on Monday, Sept. 23

Skillathons are required to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair for exhibitors showing dogs, horses, dairy cattle, beef cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits (no Pet Rabbit), and llamas/alpacas.

If you did not complete an Ohio State Fair Skillathon (in-person on respective OSF days or virtual by September 1st) or County Fair Skillathon (September 7th or 22nd), you MUST complete the makeup Skillathon in order to show at the 2024 Fairfield County Junior Fair.

Exhibitors can schedule to take the makeup Skillathon by calling the OSU Extension Office at 740-653-5419.

The makeup Skillathon will take place on Monday, September 23rd (by appointment) from 4-8 p.m. at the OSU Extension Office.

If you need to complete the makeup Skillathon option, you will need to have all 4-H/FFA record books turned into the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 20th so that project book judges can review them on the second Skillathon day (September 22nd).


No books will be reviewed after September 22nd.

Fairfield Co. Junior Fair Livestock Judging Contest – Preregister NOW (through Oct. 4th)

The Livestock Judging Contest will be held on Sunday, October 6th with registration beginning at 12:30 p.m. and the contest will begin at 1:00 p.m. in Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena. We will be having youth sign-up online ( prior to the contest so that we can help prep judging cards in advance. For more information, please review Livestock Judging Contest Rules in the Junior Fair Book at

Rabbit Exhibitors – Read this to prepare for Skillathon!

2024 Skillathons will include 4 stations – Project Interview, Breeds, Parts, and Feed Identification. All information on breeds, parts, and feeds is available in your 4-H Rabbit Resource Book.

FFA Exhibitors are encouraged to check with their FFA Chapter to see if Skillathon or 4-H Resource Books are available to study as many chapters do have these items as classroom resources. If not, 4-H Resource Books are available for purchase from the OSU Extension Office year round and can be used multiple years by all family members.

Project Record Books for 4-H and FFA should be for the CURRENT project year and as up to date as possible on Skillathon day. Project Books will be reviewed on Skillathon days. They will be returned to you at the fair during your specie’s show.

4-H Rabbit Exhibitors: With the revision of the 4-H Rabbit Project and Record book, there is now a required online component.  This component, or focus questions, is accessible at  Each year will have its own unique topics of interest, medication label, and treatment record scenario.  Attached please find 2023 Rabbit Focus Questions.  Please use these when completing your Rabbit Project and Record Book.

Additionally, with limited resources in the 4-H Rabbit Resource Book regarding feed identification, we have prepared this document to help you study: Rabbit Feed Identification One Sheet These are all ingredients commonly found in rabbit feed even though may often feed a form of pellet to your rabbits.

Poultry Exhibitors – Read this to prepare for Skillathon!

2024 Skillathons will include 4 stations – Project Interview, Breeds, Parts, and Feed Identification.

Unfortunately, there is no resource book available for Poultry. Poultry Resources are available here online:

FFA Exhibitors are encouraged to check with their FFA Chapter to see if Skillathon Kits or 4-H Resource Books are available to study as many chapters do have these items as classroom resources.

Project Record Books for 4-H and FFA should be for the CURRENT project year and as up to date as possible on Skillathon day. Project Books will be reviewed on Skillathon days. They will be returned to you at the fair during your specie’s show.

Additionally, regarding feed identification, we have prepared this document to help you study: Poultry Feed One Sheet. These are all ingredients commonly found in poultry feed.

Junior Fair Commodity Ambassador/Representative Online Application Due September 15th

New this year, all commodity ambassador/representative applications will be on ONE application. There will be one interview date to make selections for each commodity position. Please select and rank your interested commodity positions. Applications are due at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 15th. Click here to access the application. Commodity Ambassador/Representatives we be selected for Alpaca/Llama, Beef, Canine, Caprine, Dairy, Equine, Lamb & Wool, Poultry, Rabbit, and Swine.

The purpose of the Junior Fair Commodity Ambassador/Ambassador Program is:

  • To inform others and promote 4-H/FFA programs while strengthening the species’ image.
  • To encourage specie projects in the 4-H/FFA programs.
  • To improve knowledge and presentation skills.
  • To build a portfolio of excellence for future reference.


  • Applications must be submitted to the OSU Extension Office by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
  • All applications will be reviewed by the selection committee(s), the top three individuals per specie will be selected for an interview by a panel of judges.
  • Interviews will be conducted in person on the evening of Monday, September 23rd (time TBD) at the Fairfield County Ag Center (OSU Extension Office).
  • The representative(s) will be selected from individuals interviewed and notified via phone following the completion of all interviews and will be publicly introduced at the Junior Fair Panorama during fair week (exception – Lamb and Wool Queen will be announced at the Guy’s and Gals Lead on Wednesday of fair).


  • Applicants must be an active 4-H/FFA member and at least 14 years old as of October 1st of the current year.
  • Applicants must have an active project in the relevant specie project for the current year and exhibit this project at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.
  • Representative will be required to attend the Panorama and speak about the specie represented.
  • Representative will assist with award presentations during the Junior Fair shows related to their specie. Representative should present awards in between showing their own animal(s).
  • Representative will assist with Junior Fair Livestock Sales on Thursday and Friday of fair week.
  • Representative must be available to make guest appearances at community functions on behalf of the specie and fair (i.e. parades, festivals, other fairs, and commodity events).
  • Representatives are strongly encouraged to participate in 4-H Day to promote 4-H project work for their specie (1st Saturday of March).
  • Female applicants can also run for Junior Fair Queen (if they meet those requirements). If selected for both, applicant will serve in commodity role on the day of that specie’s show.


Beef Cattle Exhibitors: Read this to prepare for Skillathon!

2024 Skillathons will include 4 stations – Project Interview, Breeds, Parts, and Feed Identification. All information on breeds, parts, and feeds is available in your 4-H Beef Resource Book.

Please note that we have updated pictures used for Beef Breeds for this year. Study them at this link: Beef Cattle Breeds

FFA Exhibitors are encouraged to check with their FFA Chapter to see if Skillathon or 4-H Resource Books are available to study as many chapters do have these items as classroom resources. If not, 4-H Resource Books are available for purchase from the OSU Extension Office year round and can be used multiple years by all family members.

Project Record Books for 4-H and FFA should be for the CURRENT project year and as up to date as possible on Skillathon day. Project Books will be reviewed on Skillathon days. They will be returned to you at the fair during your specie’s show.

We look forward to seeing your completed book at Skillathon.

Swine Exhibitors – Read this to prepare for Skillathon!

2024 Skillathons will include 4 stations – Project Interview, Breeds, Parts, and Feed Identification. All information on breeds, parts, and feeds is available in your 4-H Swine Resource Book.

Please note that we have updated pictures used for Swine Breeds for this year. Study them at this link: Swine Breeds.

FFA Exhibitors are encouraged to check with their FFA Chapter to see if Skillathon or 4-H Resource Books are available to study as many chapters do have these items as classroom resources. If not, 4-H Resource Books are available for purchase from the OSU Extension Office year round and can be used multiple years by all family members.

Project Record Books for 4-H and FFA should be for the CURRENT project year and as up to date as possible on Skillathon day. Project Books will be reviewed on Skillathon days. They will be returned to you at the fair during your specie’s show.

We look forward to seeing your completed book at Skillathon.

Meat Doe/Market Goat Exhibitors – Read this to prepare for Skillathon!

2024 Skillathons will include 4 stations – Project Interview, Breeds, Parts, and Feed Identification. All information on breeds, parts, and feeds is available in your 4-H Goat Resource Book.

Please note that we have updated pictures used for Goat Breeds for this year. Study them at this link: Goat Breeds

FFA Exhibitors are encouraged to check with their FFA Chapter to see if Skillathon or 4-H Resource Books are available to study as many chapters do have these items as classroom resources. If not, 4-H Resource Books are available for purchase from the OSU Extension Office year round and can be used multiple years by all family members.

Project Record Books for 4-H and FFA should be for the CURRENT project year and as up to date as possible on Skillathon day. Project Books will be reviewed on Skillathon days. They will be returned to you at the fair during your specie’s show.

We look forward to seeing your completed book at Skillathon.