Adult Opportunity – Do you have a background in the 4-H Dog Program? Consider the Ohio 4-H Dog Judges Seminar

The biannual Ohio 4-H Dog Judges Seminar is open for registration. The attached document is detailed information about the event. Participants can register at:


The goals and objectives of this seminar are to:

  • ∼ Educate participants about the purpose and philosophy of Ohio 4-H and the 4-H dog program;
  • ∼ Review and practice general judging guidelines for junior fair dog shows in Ohio;
  • ∼ Review 4-H dog rules, including obedience, showmanship, and rally, and You & Your Dog;
  • ∼ Review judging procedures;
  • ∼ Provide demonstrations and hands-on judging experience;
  • ∼ Bring consistency to judging 4-H dog show classes; and
  • ∼ Develop a list of potential 4-H dog show judges for county 4-H dog shows and the Ohio State Fair Dog Show.

Please pass this information to the 4-H dog volunteers in your county. The next 4-H Dog Judges Seminar will be offered winter of 2027.

2025 Dog Judges Seminar Event Final

Ohio 4-H & FFA Hocking Night – Explore CFAES at Ohio State – Register by 2/20/25

Passing along an exciting opportunity from CFAES Undergraduate Admissions at The Ohio State University. Please see the attached document for additional details about Ohio 4-H & FFA Hockey Night, happening on Thursday, February 27, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. Registration closes on February 20.

This event is a wonderful chance for groups to:

  • Explore CFAES: Take a guided tour of classrooms, labs, and facilities.
  • Engage with Faculty and Students: Meet academic staff and student leaders, discover CFAES majors and student organizations, and participate in a fun careers game to win prizes!

Groups are welcome to bring dinner to enjoy on campus before attending the hockey game against Michigan at 8 PM.

Space is limited, so register early! Use the following link to sign up: Register Now!

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact CFAES Undergraduate Admissions at or 614-247-6685.

4-H & FFA Hockey Night Invite Email – 2025


Dog Exhibitors: Dog Agility will take place September 22nd

Junior Fair Dog Exhibitors who made an entry for the Agility Class –

As announced earlier, agility will not be taking place during fair week. It will be held Sunday, September 22, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds, Feeder Creek Veterinary Show Arena. Please note that this is the same date and timeframe as the Fairfield County 4-H Dog Skillathon happening at the Ed Sands Building on the fairgrounds. Exhibitors should plan to attend their scheduled Skillathon appointment time, and then go to agility. If you Skillathon appointment is later in the day, please go to agility before coming to your Skillathon appointment.

Inventor? 4-H Members have a chance to design a dog or horse toy and earn a $1500 scholarship!

Here is some information about a county program that is being opened up to any 4-Her in Ohio. The Summit 4-H Office has partnered with Jolly Pets and Horsemen’s Pride to offer the Product Innovation Contest. This unique opportunity for young inventors allows them to submit a design for a dog and or horse toy. The winner will receive a $1500 scholarship and see their product idea put into production! The submission deadline of September 21st is fast approaching so please share the flyer with any 4-H members you think might be interested. I have also created a Facebook post which can be shared here:

You can submit designs here:

If you have any questions about the contest, please contact Carissa Kehr or Chris Temple

Junior Fair Commodity Ambassador/Representative Online Application Due September 15th

New this year, all commodity ambassador/representative applications will be on ONE application. There will be one interview date to make selections for each commodity position. Please select and rank your interested commodity positions. Applications are due at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 15th. Click here to access the application. Commodity Ambassador/Representatives we be selected for Alpaca/Llama, Beef, Canine, Caprine, Dairy, Equine, Lamb & Wool, Poultry, Rabbit, and Swine.

The purpose of the Junior Fair Commodity Ambassador/Ambassador Program is:

  • To inform others and promote 4-H/FFA programs while strengthening the species’ image.
  • To encourage specie projects in the 4-H/FFA programs.
  • To improve knowledge and presentation skills.
  • To build a portfolio of excellence for future reference.


  • Applications must be submitted to the OSU Extension Office by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
  • All applications will be reviewed by the selection committee(s), the top three individuals per specie will be selected for an interview by a panel of judges.
  • Interviews will be conducted in person on the evening of Monday, September 23rd (time TBD) at the Fairfield County Ag Center (OSU Extension Office).
  • The representative(s) will be selected from individuals interviewed and notified via phone following the completion of all interviews and will be publicly introduced at the Junior Fair Panorama during fair week (exception – Lamb and Wool Queen will be announced at the Guy’s and Gals Lead on Wednesday of fair).


  • Applicants must be an active 4-H/FFA member and at least 14 years old as of October 1st of the current year.
  • Applicants must have an active project in the relevant specie project for the current year and exhibit this project at the Fairfield County Junior Fair.
  • Representative will be required to attend the Panorama and speak about the specie represented.
  • Representative will assist with award presentations during the Junior Fair shows related to their specie. Representative should present awards in between showing their own animal(s).
  • Representative will assist with Junior Fair Livestock Sales on Thursday and Friday of fair week.
  • Representative must be available to make guest appearances at community functions on behalf of the specie and fair (i.e. parades, festivals, other fairs, and commodity events).
  • Representatives are strongly encouraged to participate in 4-H Day to promote 4-H project work for their specie (1st Saturday of March).
  • Female applicants can also run for Junior Fair Queen (if they meet those requirements). If selected for both, applicant will serve in commodity role on the day of that specie’s show.


Dog Exhibitors: NO MANDATORY DOG CHECK-IN THIS YEAR, see you at Skillathon on September 22!

Dog exhibitors, this post serves as a reminder of some upcoming events that are important for you to be eligible to show at the 2024 Fairfield County Fair.

  1. The Dog Project Identification Form and Vaccination Certificate (signed by a licensed veterinarian) was due by June 1, 2024, in order to be eligible to compete at the Fairfield County Fair. If you are unsure of the status of this form, feel free to contact Haley Black ( and she will let you know. If we did not have these forms from you, you should have received an email from her on Friday, August 2, with details regarding this form.
  2. The Agility Contest will be held prior to the fair, the date, time, and location are to be determined.
  3. There is no Dog Check-In day for 2024. Exhibitors will need to complete Skillathon on Sunday, September 22, 2024. The Skillathon stations are Breeds, Parts, and Ear/Tail Types. If you are unable to attend the Skillathon at the fairgrounds, please see page 25 of the Fairfield County Junior Fair Book for alternative options (#2 and 4), or email me. As a reminder, all exhibitors must complete at least one Skillathon, and if you are planning on competing for Premier Exhibitor, you must complete Skillathons in all species that you plan to compete in.
  4. You and Your Dog Interviews and PetPALS Judging will be completed during the Junior Fair Dog Show on Sunday, October 6, 2024.
  5. Please bring your completed Project Record Book to both Skillathon (in September) and Judging ( in October).
  6. Fair entries are required by 4-H exhibitors to be eligible to compete at the Fairfield County Junior Fair. FairEntry opened August 5, 2024, and you have until August 23, 2024, at 11:59 CST, to complete FairEntry. All entries will be made online in the FairEntry Program using this link:
    • Please see the attached instructions for making fair entries. Fairfield County FairEntry Instructions 2024
    • Please note that Showmanship ages are as of January 1, 2024.
    • Please select ALL dog classes you wish to participate in for fair (including You and Your Dog Interview Judging, Showmanship, Agility, Obedience, PetPALS). If you do not have respective entries, you will not be able to participate.

2024 Fairfield County Junior Fair Premier Exhibitor Contest Information

This information is also posted in the 2024 Junior Fair Book under Optional Activities for Species:

Premier Exhibitor Contests

The objective of the Premier Exhibitor Contest is to encourage youth exhibitors to explore multiple aspects of the livestock
specie project they are enrolled in, and to reward those youth that participate at the highest level. While some exhibitors may
choose to only participate in a single aspect of an animal project, the reality is that all the various opportunities available for any
given project are interrelated and participation can enhance the knowledge, skills, and enjoyment gained from the project.

  • Exhibitors will learn that market animals originate from breeding stock.
  • Performance is vital to the profitability of livestock production.
  • Efficient record keeping allows the owner to determine if the project was profitable.
  • Livestock evaluation is the foundation for selecting both breeding and market livestock.
  • Knowing breeds, body parts and muscle names and locations complements one’s ability to evaluate livestock.

It’s all interrelated and encouraging youth to expand the knowledge of their project by participating in a variety of opportunities
while also in a competitive environment will enhance the learning experience.


  • Exhibitors must be enrolled in a 4-H/FFA project in that species in their respective 4-H Club/FFA Chapter.
  • FairEntry is made in the respective species by August FairEntry deadline.
  • The exhibitor must complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for the specie they plan to compete in Premier Exhibitor. Those exhibitors who participate in the alternative Skillathon options will not be eligible for Premier Exhibitor (i.e., Ohio
    State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon, Ohio State Fair IN-PERSON Skillathon, and/or Fairfield County Make-Up Skillathon).
    Project books will be reviewed as part of the county Skillathon event.
  • An exhibitor must complete a Skillathon for each specie they plan to compete for Premier Exhibitor. If an exhibitor does not
    participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon for that specie, they will be ineligible for Premier Exhibitor in that specie.
  • Exhibitors must show their own animal(s).

Eligible Species
Dairy Cattle
Dairy Goats
Meat/Market Goats
Pygmy Goats


The Premier Exhibitor for each species will be the exhibitor with the highest point total from the activities listed for each specie
(dropping the scores as mentioned below).

The goal is to encourage exhibitors to explore various opportunities available to them within their species and allow for lowest
scores to be dropped when sufficient experiences are able to be offered (for example, Beef Exhibitors have far more project
opportunities available to them than Pygmy Goats). The objective would be to encourage exhibitors to earn points for exhibiting
animals in at least two ways at the Fairfield County Fair in addition to participating in Skillathon, showmanship, rate of gain (if
applicable), and judging contests (if applicable). If exhibiting more than one animal in an activity, the highest placing animal will
be used for the Premier Exhibitor scoring.

  • Dairy Cattle: The Dairy Cattle Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 6 of the 7 following Fairfield
    County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Dairy Judging Contest, and
    Breeding Class, Market Class, Feeder Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Beef: The Beef Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 5 of the 8 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Feeder Class, Market Class,
    Carcass Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Swine: The Swine Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Swine Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Swine Judging Contest, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Sheep: The Sheep Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Sheep
    Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Sheep Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Dairy Goats: The Dairy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Dairy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding (Kid/Yearling Class), and Breeding (Doe Class).
  • Meat/Market Goats: The Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County
    Junior Fair activities: Meat/Market Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Meat Goat Judging Contest, Breeding
    (Meat Doe) Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Pygmy Goats: The Pygmy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair
    activities: Pygmy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Wether Class, and Doe Class.
  • Poultry: The Poultry Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities:
    Poultry Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class, Layers Class, and Market Class.
  • Rabbits: The Rabbit Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Rabbit Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class 1, Breeding Class 2, Market Class 1, Market Class 2.
  • Dogs: The Dog Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dog Skillathon*, You & Your Dog Interview, Showmanship, Obedience Class, and Agility.
  • Alpacas/Llamas: The Alpaca & Llama Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Alpaca/Llama Skillathon*, Showmanship, Public Relations Class, Costume Class, and Obstacle/Agility Class
  • Horses: The Horse Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Horse Skillathon*, Showmanship, Pleasure Class, Pattern Class, and Contesting Class.

The *Fairfield County Skillathon will be a mandatory activity for participation in the respective species’ Premier Exhibitor Contest. A Skillathon is an activity to test knowledge of specific subject matter in a hands-on experiential learning model. Skillathons will take place on the assigned day and times in September, and this will be the only opportunity for participants to complete the Skillathon for their respective species and be eligible to participate in the respective Premier Exhibitor Contest. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Premier Exhibitor points based off of their raw score (out of 100 points). Skillathons will be comprised of four stations. A completed project book is required at Skillathon.

The Fairfield County Livestock Judging Contest will take place on Sunday of the Fairfield County Fair for swine, beef, sheep, and goats. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Livestock Judging Contest points based off of their raw score. Total points possible will be determined on the day of the contest. The Fairfield County Dairy Judging Contest will take place on Monday of the Fairfield County Fair for dairy cattle.

Rate of Gain will be available to all market beef, dairy steer, and dairy feeder exhibitors.

Breeding/Market/Showmanship/Rate of Gain class/heat points will be assigned according to class rankings (placing 1st through 5th, followed by participation points).

Livestock Sale: If the Premier Exhibitor has a market animal in that respective species, they will sell third in the market sale for that species following the Overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Market Animals. If an exhibitor chooses to take home and earns Premier Exhibitor, they will lose their sale slot. (In that case second place Premier Exhibitor will not move into that sale slot).

Ties: Exhibitors will complete a tiebreaker station at Skillathon for their respective specie. Scoring from the tiebreaker station will only be used to help break ties for the overall rankings of each specie’s Premier Exhibitor.

Awards will be given for 1st place winner of each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), from which, overall 1st through 3rd place winners will be chosen for the Premier Exhibitor Program for each specie.

  • 1st Place Awards for each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) will receive a rosette and coupon to be used at the fair for a free sandwich at the Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Food Booth.
  • 1st Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $100 cash award.
  • 2nd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $75 cash award.
  • 3rd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $50 cash award.

Alternative Skillathon Option: Ohio State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathons – OPEN NOW and complete by September 1st

A Skillathon is an event to test knowledge of specific subject matter using the experiential learning model of exploring, reflecting, and applying that knowledge. Skillathons are created from materials directly or modified from Learning Laboratory Kits, information provided in the Ohio 4-H Animal Resource Books, and other resources, along with input from industry experts. Each Skillathon is comprised of four educational and challenging stations.

The Ohio 4-H Program offers a virtual Skillathon opportunity for 4-H members to participate and practice their knowledge in any species. Fairfield County youth participating in any Ohio State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon will not need to complete a county Skillathon as this will meet the Fairfield County Junior Fair Requirement. If youth choose to complete the alternative Skillathon at the Ohio State Fair (virtually or in-person), they will also need to submit their completed project record book to the Extension Office by Friday, September 20th at 4:00 p.m. However, if an exhibitor wishes to compete in the Fairfield County Premier Exhibitor Contest, they will need to complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for each specie they wish to compete in to be eligible. Project record books are to be COMPLETED for EACH 4-H/FFA project taken to the Fairfield County Junior Fair.

If participating in the VIRTUAL Skillathons, they must be completed by September 1st to meet the Fairfield County Skillathon requirement. No registration is required – just click on the direct links below to get started.

2024 Fairfield County Junior Fair Premier Exhibitor Contest Information

The objective of the Premier Exhibitor Contest is to encourage youth exhibitors to explore multiple aspects of the livestock specie project they are enrolled in, and to reward those youth that participate at the highest level. While some exhibitors may choose to only participate in a single aspect of an animal project, the reality is that all the various opportunities available for any given project are interrelated and participation can enhance the knowledge, skills, and enjoyment gained from the project.

  • Exhibitors will learn that market animals originate from breeding stock.
  • Performance is vital to the profitability of livestock production.
  • Efficient record keeping allows the owner to determine if the project was profitable.
  • Livestock evaluation is the foundation for selecting both breeding and market livestock.
  • Knowing breeds, body parts and muscle names and locations complements one’s ability to evaluate livestock.

It’s all interrelated and encouraging youth to expand the knowledge of their project by participating in a variety of opportunities while also in a competitive environment will enhance the learning experience.


  • Exhibitors must be enrolled in a 4-H/FFA project in that species in their respective 4-H Club/FFA Chapter.
  • FairEntry is made in the respective species by August FairEntry deadline.
  • The exhibitor must complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for the specie they plan to compete in Premier Exhibitor. Those exhibitors who participate in the alternative Skillathon options will not be eligible for Premier Exhibitor (i.e., Ohio State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon, Ohio State Fair IN-PERSON Skillathon, and/or Fairfield County Make-Up Skillathon). Project books will be reviewed as part of the county Skillathon event.
  • An exhibitor must complete a Skillathon for each specie they plan to compete for Premier Exhibitor. If an exhibitor does not participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon for that specie, they will be ineligible for Premier Exhibitor in that specie.
  • Exhibitors must show their own animal(s).

Eligible Species

  • Dairy Cattle
  • Beef
  • Swine
  • Sheep
  • Dairy Goats
  • Meat/Market Goats
  • Pygmy Goats
  • Poultry
  • Rabbits
  • Dogs
  • Alpacas/Llamas
  • Horses


The Premier Exhibitor for each species will be the exhibitor with the highest point total from the activities listed for each specie (dropping the scores as mentioned below).

The goal is to encourage exhibitors to explore various opportunities available to them within their species and allow for lowest scores to be dropped when sufficient experiences are able to be offered (for example, Beef Exhibitors have far more project opportunities available to them than Pygmy Goats). The objective would be to encourage exhibitors to earn points for exhibiting animals in at least two ways at the Fairfield County Fair in addition to participating in Skillathon, showmanship, rate of gain (if applicable), and judging contests (if applicable). If exhibiting more than one animal in an activity, the highest placing animal will be used for the Premier Exhibitor scoring.

  • Dairy Cattle: The Dairy Cattle Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 6 of the 7 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Dairy Judging Contest, and Breeding Class, Market Class, Feeder Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Beef: The Beef Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 5 of the 8 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Feeder Class, Market Class, Carcass Class, and Rate of Gain.
  • Swine: The Swine Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Swine Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Swine Judging Contest, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Sheep: The Sheep Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Sheep Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Sheep Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Dairy Goats: The Dairy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding (Kid/Yearling Class), and Breeding (Doe Class).
  • Meat/Market Goats: The Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Meat/Market Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Meat Goat Judging Contest, Breeding (Meat Doe) Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.
  • Pygmy Goats: The Pygmy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Pygmy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Wether Class, and Doe Class.
  • Poultry: The Poultry Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Poultry Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class, Layers Class, and Market Class.
  • Rabbits: The Rabbit Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Rabbit Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class 1, Breeding Class 2, Market Class 1, Market Class 2.
  • Dogs: The Dog Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dog Skillathon*, You & Your Dog Interview, Showmanship, Obedience Class, and Agility.
  • Alpacas/Llamas: The Alpaca & Llama Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Alpaca/Llama Skillathon*, Showmanship, Public Relations Class, Costume Class, and Obstacle/Agility Class
  • Horses: The Horse Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Horse Skillathon*, Showmanship, Pleasure Class, Pattern Class, and Contesting Class.

The *Fairfield County Skillathon will be a mandatory activity for participation in the respective species’ Premier Exhibitor Contest. A Skillathon is an activity to test knowledge of specific subject matter in a hands-on experiential learning model. Skillathons will take place on the assigned day and times in September, and this will be the only opportunity for participants to complete the Skillathon for their respective species and be eligible to participate in the respective Premier Exhibitor Contest. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Premier Exhibitor points based off of their raw score (out of 100 points). Skillathons will be comprised of four stations. A completed project book is required at Skillathon.

The Fairfield County Livestock Judging Contest will take place on Sunday of the Fairfield County Fair for swine, beef, sheep, and goats. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Livestock Judging Contest points based off of their raw score. Total points possible will be determined on the day of the contest. The Fairfield County Dairy Judging Contest will take place on Monday of the Fairfield County Fair for dairy cattle.

Rate of Gain will be available to all market beef, dairy steer, and dairy feeder exhibitors.

Breeding/Market/Showmanship/Rate of Gain class/heat points will be assigned according to class rankings (placing 1st through 5th, followed by participation points).

Livestock Sale: If the Premier Exhibitor has a market animal in that respective species, they will sell third in the market sale for that species following the Overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Market Animals. If an exhibitor chooses to take home and earns Premier Exhibitor, they will lose their sale slot. (In that case second place Premier Exhibitor will not move into that sale slot).

Ties: Exhibitors will complete a tiebreaker station at Skillathon for their respective specie. Scoring from the tiebreaker station will only be used to help break ties for the overall rankings of each specie’s Premier Exhibitor.

Awards will be given for 1st place winner of each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), from which, overall 1st through 3rd place winners will be chosen for the Premier Exhibitor Program for each specie.

  • 1st Place Awards for each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) will receive a rosette and coupon to be used at the fair for a free sandwich at the Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Food Booth.
  • 1st Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $100 cash award.
  • 2nd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $75 cash award.
  • 3rd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $50 cash award.

As printed in the 2024 Fairfield County Junior Fair Book.

Ohio State Fair Dog Show and Agility Trial – Entries are Open

The 2024 Ohio State Fair Dog Show JUNE 17-19 is open for entries.

Entries close May 21 at 1:00 pm. There are no late entries.

Please go to the Ohio State Fair website for detailed information at:

Scroll down to DOG SHOW. Read Competition Information and Information for entering dogs online.

Then click on the red – ENTER THE 2024 DOG SHOW (ENTRY LINK)


The 2024 Ohio State Fair Agility Trial July 24 is open for entries.

Entries close June 21 at 1:00 pm. There are no late entries.

Please go to this link to enter;


The OSF Agility Trial is the first day of the fair. It has a different entry process and deadlines.


All the information is available on the Ohio State – 4-H Dog Program Facebook page. Information is also available on the Ohio 4-H Youth Development Dog page at: