Opportunities for Dairy Cattle Exhibitors: Judging Clinic, Judging Contest, and Dairy Palooza!

Youth Dairy Judging Clinic, Saturday, March 11, 2023, 10:00 am -1:00 pm, OSU Animal Science Building, 2029 Fyffe Court, Columbus

  • Note: There will be no registration fee for this clinic but there will also be no lunch.  Please plan to eat before or after the clinic on your own this year.
  • There is a parking fee for the Animal Science parking lot, please be sure you find the parking meter at the northwest corner of the lot and enter through the back door of the Animal Sciences Building on the west side of the building.
  • For more additional information, please contact Sherry Smith at smith.10072@osu.edusbgs82@att.net, or 330.465.2376.

Ohio State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, Thursday, March 30, 2023, Ohio State Expositions Center, Columbus, Coliseum Arena, during Spring Dairy Expo

  • Preregistration for the contest will be online at https://springdairyexpo.com/judging-contests/ (available by February 1).
  • Registration will be from 8:00-9:00 am with the contest beginning at 9:00 am.
  • The cost is $7.00 for each contestant if pre-registered, but $10.00 on the day of the contest.
  • Lunch is not included in this fee.
  • This contest will be used to help in the selection of the State 4-H dairy judging team.
  • Individuals who would like to try out for the State team are expected to compete in this contest.
  • For more additional information, please contact Sherry Smith at smith.10072@osu.edusbgs82@att.net, or 330.465.2376

Dairy Palooza, Saturday, April 2023, Wooster, OH

  • For 10 different years, Dairy Palooza has offered a wonderful educational opportunity for dairy youth. It grew in success due to excellent financial support and dedicated volunteers. In an effort to update and work on some of the challenges, we will be offering the 2023 Dairy Palooza: Version II. This year, we will make an attempt to teach advisors and kids how to use what they learn.
  • It will be held on a Saturday during late April in the Wooster area.
  • Additional information will be available soon at https://ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/animal-sciences/dairy/events or you can contact Bonnie Ayars at ayars.5@osu.edu or bonnieayars@yahoo.com.

Source: Buckeye Dairy News – Volume 25: Issue 1

DUNF: Drug Use Notification Forms – MUST be completed before NOON on Friday, October 7th

DUNF Forms – These will be completed online this year. I would suggest that exhibitors should not fill them out until as close to weigh-in/move-in day as possible to ensure the information is correct and their market/lactating animal is drug free moving into fair. The link to the online DUNF Form is: http://go.osu.edu/fairfielddunf. If someone submits a form with errors, please have them contact Stacy Hicks at hicks.686@osu.edu we can delete that record and they will be asked to submit a new form.

Market Poultry exhibitors will not have identification until fair weigh-in for their birds. Please put TBD in the identification field and we will update your form after weigh-in.

As a reminder:

Valid and current Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) must be submitted on-line immediately prior to the Fairfield County Fair  for each market or lactating animal that is exhibited by a youth participating in Junior Fair. Animals requiring a DUNF indicating the animal is free from any/all drugs in it’s system on fair weigh-in/move-in day are:

  • Market Beef (Steer or Heifer)
  • Dairy Beef Feeder
  • Dairy Cow (Lactating)
  • MQP Barrow
  • Market Barrow
  • Market Gilt
  • Market Goat
  • Dairy Goat (Lactating)
  • Market Chicken
  • Market Turkey
  • Market Duck
  • MQP Lamb
  • Market Lamb

A separate form must be completed for each animal being brought to the Fair (market chickens should complete 1 form for their pen of chickens). If the information on the form regarding drug use changes or if a drug is subsequently administered at any time after the drug use notification form is filed, an updated drug use notification form shall immediately be filed with the records official.

Forms should be completed no sooner than 5 days prior to animal weigh-in to be sure that their animal is drug free during fair. Forms submitted prior to that timeframe will be deleted and exhibitors will be asked to resubmit the DUNF form closer to their animal’s weigh-in.

To submit your form for each animal, begin by going to this link.

2022 Ohio State Fair Virtual and In-Person Skillathon Results: Dairy

Congrats to the following Fairfield County youth who placed in their respective species for the 2022 Ohio State Fair Virtual and In-Person Dairy Skillathon!

OSF Virtual Dairy Skillathon Results:

  • Age 11: Addyson Kalisik, 6th Place

OSF In-Person Dairy Skillathon Results:

  • Age 8/9: Carrington Kohler, 3rd Place
  • Age 18: Danielle Miller, 5th Place

These Fairfield County 4-H Dairy Exhibitors have met their Fairfield County Junior Fair Skillathon Requirement by participating in at least one Skillathon. For a full list of results from Ohio State Fair Skillathons and for upcoming Skillathon events, visit: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-4-h-skillathons

2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair Premier Exhibitor Contest Information

Objective: The objective of the Premier Exhibitor Contest is to encourage youth exhibitors to explore multiple aspects of the livestock specie project they are enrolled in, and to reward those youth that participate at the highest level.

While some exhibitors may choose to only participate in a single aspect of an animal project, the reality is that all the various opportunities available for any given project are interrelated and participation can enhance the knowledge, skills, and enjoyment gained from the project.

  • Exhibitors will learn that market animals originate from breeding stock.
  • Performance is vital to the profitability of livestock production.
  • Efficient record keeping allows the owner to determine if the project was profitable.
  • Livestock evaluation is the foundation for selecting both breeding and market livestock.
  • Knowing breeds, body parts and muscle names and locations compliment one’s ability to evaluate livestock.

It’s all interrelated and encouraging youth to expand the knowledge of their project by participating in a variety of opportunities while also in a competitive environment will enhance the learning experience.

Updates to the 2022 Premier Exhibitor Program:

  • Addition of Dog, Alpaca/Llama, and Horse Premier Exhibitor Programs.
  • Removal of Rate of Gain for Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor scoring.


  • Exhibitor must be enrolled in a 4-H/FFA project in that species in their respective 4-H Club/FFA Chapter.
  • FairEntry is made in the respective species by August FairEntry deadline.
  • The exhibitor must complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for the specie they plan to compete in Premier Exhibitor. Those exhibitors who participate in the alternative Skillathon options will not be eligible for Premier Exhibitor (i.e. Ohio State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon, Ohio State Fair IN-PERSON Skillathon, and/or Fairfield County Make-Up Skillathon Test). Project books will be reviewed as part of the county Skillathon event.
  • An exhibitor must complete a Skillathon for each specie they plan to compete for Premier Exhibitor. If an exhibitor does not participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon for that specie, they will be ineligible for Premier Exhibitor in that specie.
  • Exhibitors must show their own animal(s).

Eligible Species: Dairy Cattle, Dairy Beef Feeders, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Dairy Goats, Meat/Market Goats, Pygmy Goats, Poultry, Rabbits, Dogs, Alpacas/Llamas, and Horses.

Scoring: The Premier Exhibitor for each species will be the exhibitor with the highest point total from the activities listed for each specie (dropping the scores as mentioned below).

The goal is to encourage exhibitors to explore various opportunities available to them within their species and allow for lowest scores to be dropped when sufficient experiences are able to be offered (for example, Beef Exhibitors have far more project opportunities available to them than Pygmy Goats). The objective would be to encourage exhibitors to earn points for exhibiting animals in at least two ways at the Fairfield County Fair in addition to participating in Skillathon, showmanship, rate of gain (if applicable), and judging contests (if applicable). If exhibiting more than one animal in an activity, the highest placing animal will be used for the Premier Exhibitor scoring.

Dairy Cattle: The Dairy Cattle Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 3 of the 4 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Skillathon*, Showmanship, Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, and Breeding Class.

Dairy Beef Feeder: The Dairy Beef Feeder Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Market Class, and Rate of Gain.

Beef: The Beef Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 5 of the 8 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Beef Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Beef Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Feeder Class, Market Class, Carcass Class, and Rate of Gain.

Swine: The Swine Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Swine Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Swine Judging Contest, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.

Sheep: The Sheep Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Sheep Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Sheep Judging Contest, Breeding Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.

Dairy Goats: The Dairy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dairy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding (Kid/Yearling Class), and Breeding (Doe Class).

Meat/Market Goats: The Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 5 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Meat/Market Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Fairfield County Meat Goat Judging Contest, Breeding (Meat Doe) Class, Market/MQP Class 1, and Market/MQP Class 2.

Pygmy Goats: The Pygmy Goat Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Pygmy Goat Skillathon*, Showmanship, Wether Class, and Doe Class.

Poultry: The Poultry Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Poultry Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class, Layers Class, and Market Class.

Rabbits: The Rabbit Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from all 4 of the 6 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Rabbit Skillathon*, Showmanship, Breeding Class 1, Breeding Class 2, Market Class 1, Market Class 2.

Dogs: The Dog Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Dog Skillathon*, You & Your Dog Interview, Showmanship, Obedience Class, and Agility.

Alpacas/Llamas: The Alpaca & Llama Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Alpaca/Llama Skillathon*, Showmanship, Public Relations Class, Costume Class, and Obstacle/Agility Class

Horses: The Horse Premier Exhibitor will be the highest point total from up to 4 of the 5 following Fairfield County Junior Fair activities: Horse Skillathon*, Showmanship, Pleasure Class, Pattern Class, and Contesting Class.

The *Fairfield County Skillathon will be a mandatory activity for participation in the respective species’ Premier Exhibitor Contest. A Skillathon is an activity to test knowledge of specific subject matter in a hands-on experiential learning model. Skillathons will take place on the assigned day and times in September and this will be the only opportunity for participants to complete the Skillathon for their respective species and be eligible to participate in the respective Premier Exhibitor Contest. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Premier Exhibitor points based off of their raw score (out of 100 points). Skillathons will be comprised of four stations. A completed project book is required at Skillathon.

The Fairfield County Livestock Judging Contest will take place on Sunday of the Fairfield County Fair for swine, beef, sheep, and goats. Exhibitors will earn corresponding Livestock Judging Contest points based off of their raw score. Total points possible will be determined on the day of the contest.

Rate of Gain will be available to all market beef that are exhibited in the live show, and dairy feeder exhibitors.

Breeding/Market/Showmanship/Rate of Gain class/heat points will be assigned according to class rankings (placing 1st through 5th, followed by participation points).

Livestock Sale: If the Premier Exhibitor has a market animal in that respective species, they will sell third in the market sale for that species following the Overall Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Market Animals. If an exhibitor chooses to take home and earns Premier Exhibitor, they will lose their sale slot. (In that case second place Premier Exhibitor will not move into that sale slot).

Ties: Exhibitors will complete a tiebreaker station at Skillathon for their respective specie. Scoring from the tiebreaker station will only be used to help break ties for the overall rankings of each specie’s Premier Exhibitor.

Awards will be given for 1st place winner of each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18), from which, overall 1st through 3rd place winners will be chosen for the Premier Exhibitor Program for each specie.

  • 1st Place Awards for each age group (Age 8/9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) will receive a rosette and coupon to be used at the fair for a free sandwich (vendor TBD).
  • 1st Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $100 cash award.
  • 2nd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $75 cash award.
  • 3rd Place Award Overall for each specie will receive a vinyl banner and $50 cash award.

Updated 8/2/2022 to reflect updates to Meat Goats and no longer having a Rate of Gain Contest.

Ohio State Fair In-Person Skillathons – Dates are fast approaching!

In-Person 2021 Ohio Youth Skillathon Rules (posted 5.3.2022)

  • All Skillathons are open to any Ohio 4-H member, age 8 and in the 3rd grade, or 9 years old and older regardless of grade level, to age 18 as of January 1, 2022, and FFA members.
  • You do not have to exhibit a particular species to participate in that species Skillathon.
  • Any specific rules for an individual species will be outlined on the testing site.
  • In-person Skillathons will be held during the youth livestock shows at the Ohio State Fair
  • There will be 4 stations in each Skillathon that will make up 4 separate, timed modules.
  • Each station will have a time limit (typically 5 minutes per station).
  • If your child requires any testing accommodations, please contact us in advance at 4hanimalscience@osu.edu and we will work with you to make accommodation arrangements.
  • Results will be posted for each age category, age division, and overall after the Skillathon is completed. Participants will receive an email with a link to view the results.

Information on Ohio State Fair In-Person Skillathons was copied from this source: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-4-h-skillathons

Ohio State Fair In-Person Skillathon Dates, Times and Locations:

  • Wed., July 27 – Dairy Skillathon 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Voinovich Livestock & Trade Center
  • Wed., August 3 – Sheep Skillathon 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Brown Sheep Building
  • Wed., August 3 – Poultry Skillathon 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Rabbit & Poultry Pavilion
  • Thurs., August 4 – Swine Skillathon 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Voinovich Livestock & Trade Center
  • Thurs., August 4 – Beef Skillathon 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Voinovich Livestock & Trade Center
  • Fri., August 5 – Rabbit Skillathon 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Rabbit & Poultry Pavilion
  • Fri., August 5 – Goat Skillathon 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Voinovich Livestock & Trade Center

Ohio State Fair Skillathons – Open to **ALL** 4-H and FFA Youth!

Did you know any 4-H/FFA youth can participate in the State Fair Skillathon? Skillathons are events for youth to show what they know about a species and to be recognized for their knowledge and skills. All Skillathons are open to any Ohio 4-H member, age 8 and in the 3rd grade, or 9 years old and older regardless of grade level, to age 18 as of January 1, 2022, and FFA members. Youth do not have to be an exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair to participate or be enrolled in an animal project. Want more information? Click here!

Dates for Ohio State Fair In-Person Skillathons are listed below. You do not need to register in advance…just show up!

  • Dog: Thursday, July 14, 9:00am – 2:00pm, Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
  • Horse: Wednesday, July 20, 10:00am – 3:00pm, Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
  • Dairy Cattle: Wednesday, July 27, 9:00am – 1:00pm, Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
  • Sheep: Wednesday, August 3, 9:00am – 1:00pm, Brown Sheep Building
  • Poultry: Wednesday, August 3, 4:00pm – 7:00 pm, Rabbit/Poultry Pavilion
  • Swine: Thursday, August 4, 8:00am – 1:00pm, Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
  • Beef: Thursday, August 4. 2:00 – 6:00 pm, Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
  • Rabbit: Friday, August 5, 9:00am – 12:00pm, Rabbit/Poultry Pavilion
  • Goat: Friday, August 5, 1:00 – 4:00pm, Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)

By participating in an Ohio State Fair Skillathon, this will meet the Skillathon requirement for 4-H and FFA youth to exhibit at the 2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair. As a reminder, Skillathons will continue in 2022 as a required portion of project completion for livestock projects. Fairfield County Skillathons will be offered for all beef, dairy, goat, poultry, rabbit (except Pet Rabbits), sheep, swine, dog, horse, alpaca/llama projects. Skillathons may include (but are not limited to) animal anatomy/body parts, breeding and reproduction, feeds and nutrition, current events, diseases and animal health, equipment ID, feed ID, Quality Assurance, breeds, marketing, meats, and recordkeeping. Skillathons are required for those who wish to exhibit at the 2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair. Youth must complete at least one Skillathon. Youth can participate in more than one species if they intend to participate in the Premier Exhibitor for that respective species. For more information: Refer to Junior Fair Book. Fairfield County Skillathons will be held on September 10th and 25th at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.