4-H Enrollment is Now Open!

We look forward to receiving your enrollments for the 2025 4-H year. All enrollments are due through 4-HOnline by April 15, 2025.

To enroll, please visit https://oh.4honline.com.

Previous families and advisors, please use the email and password from last year to enroll.  Not sure what email you used?  Please contact Haley Black at black.768@osu.edu or 740-277-4622.

New families, please visit https://fairfield.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/4-h-online-information for instructions and a video to help you enroll.  Your club advisors can also help you enroll. PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL IN 4-HONLINE UNTIL YOU HAVE TALKED/MET YOUR 4-H CLUB ADVISORS.

As a reminder, Cloverbud members (age 5-8 and currently in Kindergarten through 2nd grade as of Jan 1, 2025) will enroll in 710GPM. Horse Cloverbud Members should enroll in 710GPM AND COP-710HC.  Cloverbuds do not enroll in traditional project numbers, as they are a non-competitive, activity based program. Cloverbud members do have the option of purchasing the 715 My Cloverbud Year book to keep track of what they do during the club year.

New 4-H Families: Save the date, 4-H Day on March 1st

New 4-H families who need assistance with choosing projects and/or clubs are invited to attend 4-H Day on Saturday, March 1st from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the AAA Building at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. We ask that all prospective 4-H families complete our 4-H interest survey to pre-register for the event. This will assist us with club placement tracking on the day of the event.

4-H members will be set up with various 4-H project displays to share their experiences in the program. Additionally, 4-H advisors will be attending to assist with answering any questions and club placement. For more information, visit: u.osu.edu/fairfield4h/join4h

Happy New Year! The 2025 4-H Project Guide is available!

The 2025 Project Guide is now available online. Both the PDF and flip book versions are posted here: ohio4h.org/projectguide.

For those who are new to Extension and Ohio 4-H, here are some other Project Guide distribution details:

  • Copies of the Project Guide will be mailed directly to 4-H families and volunteers that were active in 2024.
  • Thanks to the Ohio 4-H Foundation and Kroger for making this possible again.


  • Cover of the 2024 Family Guide showing artwork from new projects

Treasurer Book Contest – Books Due January 31st

Officer Book Contest

All books are due to the Extension Office by: January 31stCompleted books can be dropped off during office hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm. Additional information can be found in the 4-H Member Handbook.

For a copy of the rubric utilized to score the books, please visit:

4-H Club Treasurer Book Contest- The Friendly Bremen Banking Center sponsors the annual contest. Prizes include CASH awards for you, the treasurer, not the club! To be eligible, you must complete your book and turn it in by the deadline. Employees of the bank will review the books and choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner. Resources are available on the website that may help you complete your role as treasurer. Please submit a stamped thank you note to the sponsor of this award with your entry for Jodi Motta, Vinton County National Bank, 521 E. Main St, Lancaster, OH 43130.

Things the judges look for:

  • Complete information, Neatness Club Roster
  • Record of Club Expenses & Receipts Checkbook Balancing/Reconciliation
  • Treasurer’s Annual Report Annual Audit Certificate
  • Financial Planning Meeting (Budget)

Resources available on our website:

  • Treasurer Budget Form Treasure Recommended Audit Procedures
  • Treasurer Responsibilities Treasurer Check Balancing Reconciliation Form
  • Treasurer Report Treasurer Yearly Summary

Secretary Book Contest – Books Due January 31st

Officer Book Contest

All books are due to the Extension Office by: January 31stCompleted books can be dropped off during office hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm. Additional information can be found in the 4-H Member Handbook.

For a copy of the rubric utilized to score the books, please visit:

4-H Club Secretary Book Contest- The Contest is proudly sponsored and funded each year by the family of Robert L. Hillman who was a 4-H advisor for many years in Pickaway County. Mr. Hillman believed strongly in teaching and practicing quality record keeping within the structure of the 4-H program. He continued to support his grandchildren, Adam, Milea, and Sarah Maxwell, in their 4-H endeavors in Fairfield County until his death in 2003.  To continue his long-standing commitment to the tradition of record keeping and the 4-H program, his family is proud to sponsor this competition in his memory. When the Secretary’s Book is complete, it should document the activities by its members for one year.  It becomes a historical document to be enjoyed for years to come as individuals review it with fondness and memories. Please submit a stamped thank you note to the sponsor of this award with your entry for The Maxwell Family, 7495 Eversole Rd NW, Carroll, OH 43112.


4-H Secretary Book Award Schedule:

  • Three-star book ratings:  First place $100 Second place $75 Third place $50
  • Two-star book ratings: First place  $50 Second place $35 Third place $20
  • One-star book ratings: No cash prize

Only 3 cash awards will be distributed in a given year.

New 4-H Club Advisors Needed – Apply by February 1st!

The Fairfield County 4-H Program continues to see the interest in community club participation grow and we need volunteers to make that happen. If you have been thinking of getting more involved with 4-H, now is the time to apply to be a club volunteer. Current clubs need help which means you don’t have to start a new club!! Have questions? Contact our office at 740-653-5419!

Read on to learn about the Fairfield County Volunteer Requirements – Due by February 1st:

  1. Application
    1. An online application can be found here: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5bE4eio2so65LZX
    2. Please complete an application and submit it to the Extension office. From this application, references will be collected by Extension professionals
  2. Fingerprint Record Check
    1. The simplest method of complying with the fingerprint requirement is to utilize the Fairfield County Sheriff’s Department internet check system. To do this: Call the Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office to schedule an appointment at 740-652-7320. Take your current, valid driver’s license and social security card. You must have your actual social security card (no copies).
    2. Request a BCI Check. You will need the following code: 2151.86 ORC to put on the request form. The cost to you will be $35.00 and checks should be made payable to: Fairfield County Sheriff’s Office. Cash is also accepted.
    3. PLEASE SEND ALL RESULTS TO: Background Checks – Fairfield County 4-H OSU Office of Human Resources 1590 N. High St., Suite 300 Columbus, OH 43201
    4. Keep your receipt as all volunteers are reimbursed after their 1st year of service.
  3. After your application, references, and background check have been received, the Extension office will be in touch to set up an interview and send reminders about the new volunteer orientation and Youth Activities & Programs policy training that all new volunteers must be completed.

New 4-H Advisors/Volunteers Needed!

Join Fairfield County 4-H as a new 4-H Advisors/Volunteer!

Applications, background check AND References are due to the OSU Extension Office by February 1st. Application are available here. New Volunteer Training will take place online through an online course system and must be completed by April 15th. Advisors are needed to support members across the entire county. There are a few clubs that need additional help so potential volunteers can ‘learn the ropes’ and not have the responsibility to take on the entire club or a new club. Contact our office at 740-653-5419 to learn more!

Bottle Cap Project – FINAL RESULTS

Congratulations to the top 3 clubs in the Bottle Cap Project Club Contest!

1st Place: Champions

2nd Place: Thurston Future Farmers

3rd Place: Sewing Shefs

As a reminder the top 3 clubs will receive a ‘cash’ prize for winning. Aubry will be reaching out to advisors after the August Junior Leader Meeting on how they would like to receive their prize.

Thank you to those clubs who have been collecting caps for the Fairfield County Junior Leaders Bottle Cap Project! We were able to collect 6,714 lbs of plastic bottle caps!!

We are excited to be able to offer outdoor furniture for sale to our community, and work with sponsors for new items at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds!

Curious how how much your club collected? Check out how many pounds your club turned in below:

Club Name Total
Champions 1421
Thurston Future Farmers 1391
Sewing Shefs 1314
Banner Chasing Bunch 530
Kountry Kidz 459
Amanda Work & Win 433
Barn & Beyond 286
Lithopolis Livestock 196
4 Legged Friends 101
Clearcreek Showmen 101
Cloverleaf Livestock 87
US Kids 75
Baltimore Blue Ribbons 74
Camelids Unlimited 67
Everything Under the Sun 61
Wild About Animals 37
Rough Riders 34
4 Creation 4-Hers 32
General Donation 8
Shooting Stars 3
Falcon 4-Hers 1

Scheduling for 4-H Summer Judging is OPEN!

We hope that you are busy working on your 4-H projects this summer. Here are a few important updates to be aware of:

  • All Summer Judged Projects will be judged on the following days:
    • Monday, July 15, 2024, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment).
      • Food & Nutrition NEW FOR 2024-NO FOOD IS BROUGHT TO JUDGING
      • Genealogy
      • Home/Money
      • Creative/Fine Arts (including Cake Decorating)
      • Healthy Living
      • Collecting
      • ALL Self-Determined Projects
      • Clothing
    • Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment).
      • Animal Science
      • Robotics
      • Communications/Leadership/Citizenship
      • STEM
      • Nature/Gardening
      • Woodworking

If you cannot attend judging during this week, you can:

  1. Attend Late Judging on Monday, July 29th from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by calling 740-653-5419 to schedule an appointment. Participation in Late Judging receives a grade only and is not eligible for county awards or state fair consideration.
  2. Advisor Completion – Talk to your club advisor as they can work with you to review your project for completion only. No grades or awards will be given with this option.
  • Please review the 4-H Member Handbook as you complete your project(s) and prepare for judging.
  • Youth enrolled in the Tractor Maintenance Club or Shooting Sports Club do not need to complete summer judging if they met all completion requirements at the club level for Small Engine/Tractor Projects and or 700 level Shooting Sports disciplines (Shotgun, Rifle, Archery). However, if they wish to qualify for the Ohio State Fair for any of these projects, they must attend summer judging for each project.
  • Youth enrolled in Cake Decorating projects have the option for summer judging completion or county fair completion. If youth wish to qualify for the Ohio State Fair, they must complete summer judging. All Pies, Candies and Pastries are judged at fair only.
  • NEW FOR 2024! Youth enrolled in Gardening and Crop projects must complete summer judging. Project books should be up to date and as complete as possible regardless of timing of harvest.
  • Food and Nutrition Project Members should also review their project book inserts. These were tucked inside your project book if books were purchased at the Fairfield County Extension Office. If needed, you can download these here: Food Project Insert packet.
  • Clothing Project Members should also review their project book inserts. These were tucked inside your project book if books were purchased at the Fairfield County Extension Office. If needed, you can download these here: Style Revue Card and  Clothing Project Insert packet.
  • Clothing Project Members plan to attend the Style Revue at Liberty Union High School, July 15, 2024, 7:00 p.m. This is a required part of judging to be eligible for county awards and State Fair participation.  A practice session will be available on Monday, July 15, 2024, at 6:30-7:00 p.m. at Liberty Union High School.
  • Scheduling is now open!
    • We ask that you schedule an appointment that works best for you by using this link: http://go.osu.edu/fcsummerjudging
    • Scheduling will be open through MIDNIGHT, Thursday, July 11th. 
    • If you have more than one project, please be sure to schedule an appointment for EACH PROJECT and allow time between appointments to complete each interview.

Please contact the Extension Office if you have additional questions about project judging! We can’t wait to see you!