President’s Environmental Youth Award

Encourage youth with an existing environmental stewardship project or an idea for a project to apply so that their achievements can be further recognized. The President’s Environmental Youth Award (PEYA) recognizes outstanding environmental stewardship projects developed by K-12 youth. The PEYA program promotes awareness of our nation’s natural resources and encourages positive community involvement.

Youth must have completed their project while they were in kindergarten through the 12th grade and the project must be sponsored by an adult who is 21 or older. Applicants from all 50 states as well as U.S. territories are eligible to compete for a national Presidential award.

Visit the President’s Environmental Youth Aware webpage for more information about eligibility requirements, judging criteria, and how to apply.

LAST CALL: Junior Achievement Award Forms (ages 9-13) due 1/10/2025 (paper copy)

Fairfield County Jr. Achievement Form (pdf) or Jr. Achievement Form (Word)

A hard copy of this form is due January 10, 2025 to OSU Extension, Fairfield County.

For 4-H members ages 8-13 as of January 1, 2025 to complete.  This form provides a start towards completing the Ohio 4-H Achievement Award form.  There are three levels of awards:  White Clover for members in the first and second year, Green Clover for members in their third and fourth years, and Gold Clover for members in the fifth and sixth year of Traditional 4-H.

Example: Jr. Achievement Form

LAST CALL: Ohio 4-H Achievement Award Forms (ages 14-18) due 1/10/2025 (paper copies)

For youth 14-18 as of January 1, 2025 interested in applying for state & county achievement/merit awards (Beef, Clothing, Leadership, etc.), county trips (Sea Camp, Leadership Camp, etc.), National Dairy Conference, Ohio Township Award, etc. Please use the current version of the form and please use Microsoft Word to edit. DO NOT open/edit in Google Docs!

Ohio 4-H Achievement Form (2025 Form- Word document- Please download to complete). Must turn in a hard copy of this form for EACH project area selected. Members also need to turn in a copy of this for for trip award selections, Outstanding 4-Her consideration, Fairfield County 4-H Scholarships (with application), and Basil Garden Scholarships (with application).

2025 Achievement Form Instructions – PLEASE READ!

2025 Fairfield County Achievement Form Cover Sheet – NEW FOR 2025! Only turn in one copy of these forms per member.

Ohio Achievement Form Suggestions – Achievement form section suggestions can be found by reviewing this form.

State Resource Page

4-H Teen Opportunities, Award Forms, and Recognition (youth ages 13-18 as of 1/1/2025)

Attention Teens! Do you want to be a camp counselor? Junior Fair Board Member? Junior Leader? Outstanding 4-Her? Scholarship or Trip Award winner? Do you find yourself asking “How do I get to do that?” We suspect that as you have gotten older you have started to look for new and exciting things where you can be involved. Read on… 4-H has special opportunities for teens only where YOU can play a part!

There are many exciting opportunities that await you as a teenager in the Fairfield County 4-H Program. Soon, 4-H members who will be ages 13-18 as of 1/1/2025 will receive a survey link emailed to them. This survey is an invitation for you to let us know what you are interested in learning more about. Read all about these opportunities, mark which ones you are interested in and we will follow up with making sure you have the correct forms, applications, and information to proceed to the next steps!

The opportunities in awards, trips, scholarships and more available to teens in the 4-H program are incredible. Don’t miss out on learning more and getting involved! Most of these opportunities are open to 4-H members ages 14 and up as of January 1st. There are also a few opportunities for youth ages 13 as of January 1st. Some of these activities require completion of special forms while others just involve asking for more information. Regardless of what you are interested in, be sure to give us a call if you need more information or would like some help with the necessary forms.

If members and parents would like a little extra assistance in preparing their records, feel free to call or email Leslie (740-277-4625) at or Aubry (740-277-4626) at

We encourage you all to broaden your 4-H experience and try something new. We think you’ll find many new friends and much more fun ahead!

Additionally, we invite youth who will be ages 13-18 as of 1/1/2025 to attend the Achievement Form Workshop on Tuesday, December 3rd from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Extension Office / Ag Center.

Save the Date: December 3rd for our Achievement Form Workshops

Be recognized for all you do in 4-H! It all begins with keeping great records of your 4-H accomplishments! Save the date of December 3rd for upcoming workshops! Details are in the flyer posted below.

Younger 4-H youth (ages 9-13 as of 1/1/2025) are encouraged to start completing your Junior Achievement Form. Junior Achievement Awards will be awarded in April 2025!

  • Please note that the Junior Achievement Form will be updated for 2025. Please be sure to use the new form.

Older 4-H youth (ages 14-18 as of 1/1/2025) are encouraged to explore the many teen opportunities available to them when they complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Form including: County Merit Awards, College Scholarships, County Trip Awards, Outstanding 4-Her Award, State Achievement Awards – and perhaps earning a trip to National 4-H Congress! County Merit Awards, Scholarships, and Trip Awards will be awarded in April 2025!

Junior Fair Buyer Poster Contest Results

Thank you to all individuals and clubs who participated in this year’s Buyer Poster Contest sponsored by the Junior Fair Board.

The results were shared during sale announcements during fair week and we also wanted to share with you now! Winners will be receiving their cash prizes thanks to the Junior Fair Board.

1st Place Club – Blue Ribbon Showmen

Individuals – 1st: Alexis Armstrong (Champions), 2nd Place: Christian Rittinger (Amanda Work and Win), 3rd Place: Madelyn Fox (Champions)

Special Thanks to Farm Credit for Photo Banner Sponsorship

The Fairfield County Senior Fair Board was able to work with Farm Credit Mid-America this year to sponsor a new large photo backdrop banner for Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena. Thank you to Carrie Brown, ANR Extension Educator for sharing the photo of the fairgrounds from Mount Pleasant used in the banner designed by Swine Committee Member, Leanna Tennant.

We encourage all exhibitors to send a thank you note to  Leland Tinklepaugh, Farm Credit Mid-America, 7835 Lancaster-Newark Rd NE, Baltimore, OH 43105.

Teen Opportunity: Virtual Workshop on Ohio 4-H Achievement Forms – October 20th

Want to learn more about the Ohio 4-H Achievement Form, plan to connect virtually on October 20th. Please RSVP by October 17th to receive the Zoom link. Can’t attend virtually? Save the date for Fairfield County’s 4-H Achievement Workshop on Tuesday, December 3rd (details will be shared this fall).

The Ohio 4-H Achievement Record is a 4-H members’ path to national trips and opportunities! Join us virtually on October 20 to learn more about what the 4-H Achievement Record is and how to get started! RSVP today at or find more information at

Fairfield Co. Junior Fair Livestock Judging Contest – Preregister NOW (through Oct. 2nd)

The Livestock Judging Contest will be held on Sunday, October 6th with registration beginning at 12:30 p.m. and the contest will begin at 1:00 p.m. in Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena. We will be having youth sign-up online ( prior to the contest so that we can help prep judging cards in advance. For more information, please review Livestock Judging Contest Rules in the Junior Fair Book at