Skillathon Requirement Info for 4-H/FFA Junior Fair Exhibitors (Alpacas/Llamas, Beef, Dairy Cattle, Dogs, Goats, Horses, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Swine)

Continuing from 2020, the Fairfield County Junior Fair will require the completion of at least one Skillathon per 4-H/FFA exhibitor in order to show at 2021 Fairfield County Junior Fair for all beef, dairy, goat, poultry, rabbit (except Pet Rabbits), sheep, swine, dog, horse, alpaca/llama projects. This requirement is included on page 14 of the 2021 4-H Member Handbook. Fairfield County Skillathons may include (but are not limited to) animal anatomy/body parts, breeding and reproduction, feeds and nutrition, current events, diseases and animal health, equipment ID, feed ID, Quality Assurance, breeds, marketing, meats, and recordkeeping.

Here are options to meet this county requirement:

1. Participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon event to be held September 11th and 12th at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. Details will be forthcoming…but save the dates now.
  • Fairfield County youth interested in competing for any Fairfield County Premier Exhibitor Award must complete the Skillathon in each respective specie they play to compete in.
  • Example: Exhibitor wishes to compete for Swine Premier Exhibitor Award and Poultry Premier Exhibitor Award must complete both the swine and poultry Fairfield County Skillathons on either September 11th or 12th.
2. Participate in the Ohio State Fair Virtual Skillathon.
  • Youth do not have to be exhibitors in the OSF to participate.
  • Registration is due June 14th by visiting:
  • Youth do not have to be exhibitors at the OSF to participate.
  • OSF Youth participating in the Outstanding Breeding Exhibitor must register and complete the OSF Virtual Skillathon to be eligible for this award.
  • Exhibitors must have their own unique email address to create a log-in to access the online skillathon.
3. Participate in the Ohio State Fair In-Person Skillathon.
4. None of these options work? Exhibitors can schedule to take a written test with the Fairfield County Senior Fair Office.
Details including dates for both virtual/in-person options on the two options from the Ohio State Fair can be found here:
please let Leslie Cooksey ( know if you have additional questions.

Ohio Youth Skillathons (Virtual and In-Person Sessions)

Ohio Youth Skillathon information for VIRTUAL and IN-PERSON sessions is now online at:

VIRTUAL Skillathon Registration is due by JUNE 14th, 2021!

A few important notes:

  • Those exhibiting at OSF and want to be eligible for Outstanding Market Exhibitor (OME) awards MUST participate at the IN-PERSON skillathons at the state fair
  • Those exhibiting at OSF and want to be eligible for Outstanding Breeding Exhibitor (OBE) awards MUST participate in the VIRTUAL skillathons online

Countywide Quality Assurance Opportunity: Thursday, June 10th (registration is required)

Countywide Quality Assurance opportunity: Thursday, June 10th at 7:00 p.m. at the Ed Sands Building at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. Registration is required and will be limited to 50 participants. Register here:

For more information about 2021 Quality Assurance options, click here.

Quality Assurance Options for 2021

Quality Assurance is an annual requirement of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for youth taking livestock projects to county and state fair. In Fairfield County, Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.

Deadlines for 2021:

  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 1st, 2021.
  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by August 15th, 2021.

At this time, Quality Assurance CANNOT be taught by club/chapter advisors to Fairfield County 4-H/FFA youth virtually (i.e. Zoom, Google Hangouts, Google Classrooms, Facebook Live, etc.).

Here are the acceptable options to complete Quality Assurance in 2021:

  • In-Person 4-H Club/FFA Chapter Clinic taught by a 4-H/FFA Advisor who has completed the Quality Assurance Assistant Instructor Training this year (which took place on April 7th and April 26th). Advisors who attended this training will notify their members of their club/chapter QA Clinic date and will be responsible for getting all QA paperwork submitted to the Extension Office by the appropriate deadlines.
  • In-Person Countywide Make-Up Clinics: To be held on Saturday, May 8th at 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and Sunday, May 23rd at 2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. at the Ed Sands Building at the Fairgrounds. A third date has been added: Thursday, June 10th at 7:00 p.m. Attendance is limited and an RSVP is required. Please register online at this link for either countywide in-person QA Clinic:
  • In-Person Beef Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person BQA taught by a certified BQA instructor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at
  • In-Person Pork Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person PQA taught by a certified PQA advisor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.eduYouth MUST be age 14 or older (current age) to complete in-person PQA. Youth will receive a PQA certification number from the National Pork Board upon completion.
  • Online: Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). This is the ONLY approved ONLINE Quality Assurance Program for youth in Ohio. For 2021, this web-based course has been approved by ODA for 8-18 year olds.
    • Go to:
      • Fairfield County 4-H Members should select “sign in with 4-HOnline”. It will prompt you to select a state and then enter your 4-HOnline account information. After successfully logging in, you will be given a list of active family members. Select the family member and start the account creation process.
      • Fairfield County FFA Members (who are not in 4-H) should select FFA & Independent Sign-In.
    • You will need to select the web-based training ($12.00 per member, annually).
    • For a complete list of directions visit: Getting Your YQCA Online Certification
    • When you are finished, please send name(s) and certificate number(s) to Leslie Cooksey at

Ohio State Fair – Junior and Open Divisions for Llamas and Alpacas (info posted)

Competition information has been posted on the Ohio State Fair website for the Junior and Open Divisions for Llamas and Alpacas. Find it here:

Exhibitors: Join the Ohio State Fair Livestock and Animal Exhibitors Facebook group: for ongoing updates about competitions, move-in dates, weigh-ins, and more.

2021 Ohio State Fair Livestock and Animal Exhibitor Schedule Announced

Hot off the press on May 12th, 2021: The 2021 OSF Livestock Schedule is now posted at:…/livestock-schedule/
Soon there will also be:
  • Rules
  • Entry info
  • Skillathon info
Ohio 4-H is also planning on having other state youth contests including:
  • Poultry Judging (July 17th)
  • Avian Bowl (July 17th)
  • Livestock Judging (July 30th)
More info on rules and entry will be coming soon.
For those exhibiting or planning to exhibit livestock at the 2021 Ohio State Fair, this page is where updates and info will be posted 🙂

Attention Livestock Exhibitors: Quality Assurance Updates

Quality Assurance is an annual requirement of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for youth taking livestock projects to county and state fair. In Fairfield County, Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.

Deadlines for 2021:

  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 1st, 2021.
  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by August 15th, 2021.

At this time, Quality Assurance CANNOT be taught by club/chapter advisors to Fairfield County 4-H/FFA youth virtually (i.e. Zoom, Google Hangouts, Google Classrooms, Facebook Live, etc.).

Here are the acceptable options to complete Quality Assurance in 2021:

  • In-Person 4-H Club/FFA Chapter Clinic taught by a 4-H/FFA Advisor who has completed the Quality Assurance Assistant Instructor Training this year (which took place on April 7th and April 26th). Advisors who attended this training will notify their members of their club/chapter QA Clinic date and will be responsible for getting all QA paperwork submitted to the Extension Office by the appropriate deadlines.
  • In-Person Countywide Make-Up Clinics: To be held on Saturday, May 8th at 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and Sunday, May 23rd at 2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. at the Ed Sands Building at the Fairgrounds. A third date has been added: Thursday, June 10th at 7:00 p.m. Attendance is limited and an RSVP is required. Please register online at this link for either countywide in-person QA Clinic:
  • In-Person Beef Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person BQA taught by a certified BQA instructor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at
  • In-Person Pork Quality Assurance: Members who complete an in-person PQA taught by a certified PQA advisor must submit documentation to Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.eduYouth MUST be age 14 or older (current age) to complete in-person PQA. Youth will receive a PQA certification number from the National Pork Board upon completion.
  • Online: Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). This is the ONLY approved ONLINE Quality Assurance Program for youth in Ohio. For 2021, this web-based course has been approved by ODA for 8-18 year olds.
    • Go to:
      • Fairfield County 4-H Members should select “sign in with 4-HOnline”. It will prompt you to select a state and then enter your 4-HOnline account information. After successfully logging in, you will be given a list of active family members. Select the family member and start the account creation process.
      • Fairfield County FFA Members (who are not in 4-H) should select FFA & Independent Sign-In.
    • You will need to select the web-based training ($12.00 per member, annually).
    • For a complete list of directions visit: Getting Your YQCA Online Certification
    • When you are finished, please send name(s) and certificate number(s) to Leslie Cooksey at

Countywide (make-up) Youth Quality Assurance Trainings: May 8th and May 23rd (RSVP required)

The FIRST of two make-up countywide Quality Assurance Clinics will be held Saturday, May 8th at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds (Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building) from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Advanced registration is required and attendance will be limited to 40 youth. RSVP by completing the survey at this link. Please arrive on time so we can get the training started promptly at 9:30 a.m.

Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. This includes the following projects: Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.
Members are required to attend one Quality Assurance Clinic taught by a certified instructor. Members should sign in at the beginning of the clinic and complete a questionnaire at the end of the clinic. Please return the questionnaire to an adult instructor at the clinic.

The SECOND QA Clinic will be Sunday, May 23rd from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m., in the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building. Advanced registration is required and attendance will be limited to 40 youth. RSVP by completing the survey at this link.

PBS Animal Health – 2021 4-H/FFA Discount Program

Please see the link to the form below to participate in a 5% discount on all items purchased for exhibitor livestock projects at PBS Animal Health. There will be a gift certificate shared to a winning club/participant at the end of the year!

For information, contact Chris Johnson at PBS Animal Health in Circleville 740-474-7394 or

Link to form: PBS Discount Program