2022 State 4-H Leadership Camp Staff Applications are now available!! Interested individuals can view a letter with more information at: https://ohio4h.org/camp/leadership-camp titled “2022 Potential Leadership Camp Counselor/Staff Information and Application”. A link to the application is included in the letter.
Please forward this information along to anyone who you think might be interested! Applications are due no later than March 25, 2022.
Here are some highlights about the opportunity:
- Individuals 18+ prior to June 1, 2022 who are good leaders, past counselors, or interested in helping may apply
- Must complete application, undergo selection, have current background check, attend training
- Applications due: March 25, 2022
- Interviews: Week of April 5th
- Staff Training Weekend (Camp Ohio): May 13-15, 2022 (this is mandatory for all applicants to attend)