Alternative Skillathon Option: Ohio State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathons – OPEN NOW and complete by September 1st

A Skillathon is an event to test knowledge of specific subject matter using the experiential learning model of exploring, reflecting, and applying that knowledge. Skillathons are created from materials directly or modified from Learning Laboratory Kits, information provided in the Ohio 4-H Animal Resource Books, and other resources, along with input from industry experts. Each Skillathon is comprised of four educational and challenging stations.

The Ohio 4-H Program offers a virtual Skillathon opportunity for 4-H members to participate and practice their knowledge in any species. Fairfield County youth participating in any Ohio State Fair VIRTUAL Skillathon will not need to complete a county Skillathon as this will meet the Fairfield County Junior Fair Requirement. If youth choose to complete the alternative Skillathon at the Ohio State Fair (virtually or in-person), they will also need to submit their completed project record book to the Extension Office by Friday, September 20th at 4:00 p.m. However, if an exhibitor wishes to compete in the Fairfield County Premier Exhibitor Contest, they will need to complete the Fairfield County Skillathon for each specie they wish to compete in to be eligible. Project record books are to be COMPLETED for EACH 4-H/FFA project taken to the Fairfield County Junior Fair.

If participating in the VIRTUAL Skillathons, they must be completed by September 1st to meet the Fairfield County Skillathon requirement. No registration is required – just click on the direct links below to get started.

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