PLEASE HELP: OSU Extension Survey to Prepare Next Generation Workforce in Agriculture and Food Systems

Do you or someone you know employ workers in the areas of production agriculture, forestry, food and beverage product manufacturing, or other related businesses in input manufacturing or input service?

Ohio State University Extension is looking for employers to complete a short 10-15 minute survey about their recruitment, retention, training, and competencies needs to better prepare the next generation of workers, to increase awareness of career and employment pathways, and to help create future programming/training for youth focused on careers in agriculture, food systems, and forestry.


If you would be willing to participate, please complete the survey by clicking on this LINK.  Or feel free to forward to someone else you may know who employs individuals in these areas.

Responses are needed by July 31, 2024. 

Thank you in advance for helping us become better informed to prepare and recruit the next gen workforce!

Please feel free to reach out to Jackie Wilkins ( if you have questions.

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