Livestock Exhibitors: Quality Assurance MUST be completed by June 30th to show at fair, no exceptions!

Quality Assurance is an annual requirement of the Ohio Department of Agriculture for youth taking livestock projects to county and state fair. In Fairfield County, Quality Assurance Training is required for all members who will be exhibiting a livestock project at the Fairfield County Fair or Junior Exhibitor at the Ohio State Fair. Beef (Breeding & Market); Dairy Breeding, Dairy Steers, & Dairy Feeders; Goats (Dairy, Meat, Market & Pygmy); Poultry (Breeding & Market); Sheep (Breeding & Market); Swine; Rabbits (Breeding & Market), and Alpacas/Llamas.

Deadlines for 2024:

  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 1st, 2024.
  • Youth planning to exhibit at the Fairfield County Fair must have their Quality Assurance completed by June 30, 2024.

Email reminders have been sent to advisors over the last month for those who have yet to complete this requirement. Also, families are receiving final email reminders today (June 28th).

All Quality Assurance information has been shared with club/chapter advisors and has been posted on the blog since April 25th. Read all Quality Assurance options for 2024 here.

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