Have you attended the Ohio State Fair 50 years or more? If so – read on!


Rhodes Center at THE OHIO STATE FAIR

Monday, July 29, 2024

9:30 a.m. – Registration & Refreshments

10:00 a.m. – Program

  • “New Footprint of the Ohio State Fair” and it’s time frame for completion.
  • 2024 Giant Step Recipient: Governor Mike DeWine. . .and remarks from the Governor
  • Entertainment: All-Ohio State Fair Youth Band and All-Ohio State Fair Youth Choir


The Fifty-Year Club of the Ohio State Fair is an organization that holds an annual celebration during the Ohio State Fair. The objective of the group is to support, improve, and promote the Ohio State Fair and develop fellowship among the members.

Attendance at the annual celebration is open to any person who has attended an Ohio State Fair 50 or more years ago. Family and friends are welcome.

Who is Eligible: If you have attended an Ohio State Fair 50 or more years ago (1974 or earlier) . . . plan to attend!

Membership is Free: There is no membership fee.

How: Contact Barb Prince, 614-644-4052, or e-mail B.Prince@expo.ohio.gov and request that you be added to the Fifty-Year Club mailing list. A notice of the annual celebration will be sent in June providing you the opportunity to order discounted entry tickets for the fair. Discounted Ohio State Fair entry ticket orders must be requested by Friday, July 12th to allow time for mailing. A parking permit (available for an optional $10 fee will be mailed with your tickets), OR park for FREE in general parking. If you miss the mailed information, you are still welcome to attend the Fifty-Year Club Celebration. Just show up!

When: The 83rd annual celebration will be held Monday, July 29, in the Rhodes Center Auditorium. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and program commences at 10:00 a.m.

Why: Come enjoy the social time to renew friendships, meet others who enjoy the fair, and view some of the historical displays of past fairs. Enjoy short concerts by the All-Ohio State Fair Youth Choir and Band, an informative and brief business meeting, presentation of the Giant Step Award, refreshments, and door prizes.

Donations: The Fifty-Year Club of the Ohio State Fair does not have membership dues, but voluntary donations offered at the annual celebration helps the 50-Year Club provide monetary support to special fair projects, including the All-Ohio State Fair Band and Choir and other philanthropic efforts important to the membership.

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