Happy New Year! The 2024 Family Guide is available!

Cover of the 2024 Family Guide showing artwork from new projects

Flip Book Version: https://online.fliphtml5.com/bbwun/wygr/#p=1

Full Guide Download: https://ohio4h.org/sites/ohio4h/files/imce/books_resources/Curriculum/Family-Guide-24-2023-1228.pdf 

4-H Families who participated in 2023 will be receiving one Family Guide per household soon thanks to Kroger and the Ohio 4-H Foundation. Please save and do not throw away!

Please note these Changes/Corrections to the 2024 Family Guide

We like to avoid any changes to the family guide, and we sincerely apologize for these this year. They are based on program changes made after the 2024 Family Guide was printed.

  • Page 2: Add 551 Starting Up: Getting to Know Your Tractor, Level A to the list of discontinued titles.
  • Pages 13, 14, and 34: Change “TBD” to actual prices for three books. The Dog Resource Handbook is $19.50, the Rabbit Resource Handbook is $17.25, and the National Farm and Ranch Safety Leader’s Guide is $79.
  • Page 16: Under 182 Small Equine, delete the requirement for youth to complete 191R Horses, Safety, and You. This is the new sentence: Youth must complete 174 Beginning Horse Management before taking this project.
  • Page 17: Under 191R Horses, Safety, and You, change “This is required reading for all 4-H members” to “This is optional reading for all 4-H members.”
  • Page 33: Update the Tractor Series paragraph with new buying information. Instead of from Purdue, tractor project books are available only from shop4h.org for $9.95 each, plus shipping. Cross out the project book 551 Starting Up: Getting to Know Your Tractor, Level A, which is no longer available. Project 552 Tractor Operations: Gearing Up for Safety, Level B is now beginning-level and “may require significant project helper involvement.”
  • Page 45: Delete the row for 551 Starting Up: Getting to Know Your Tractor, Level A. Change the skill level of 552 Tractor Operations: Gearing Up for Safety, Level B to B, for beginning.

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