Livestock Sale Photos and Exhibitor Buyer Lists

Thank you Expressions Photography from Pickerington (Kate Spinner and team) who provided their photography services for the species participating in the 2023 Livestock Sale. Photos are available for download at this link:

The deadline for buyers to make Add-On’s was Friday, October 20th.

As of October 26th, the OSU Extension Office is sending buyer lists for each exhibitor to the organizational advisor of each club. Exhibitors should check with their advisor to receive their list. Thank you notes should be written for each buyer on your list (premium sale buyers, packer, and add-on’s). Please take the time to thoughtfully thank these individuals, businesses, and organizations who generously support all 4-H and FFA youth by attending the Livestock Sales. Tips for writing thank you notes.

Livestock Sale checks should be available in December. Advisors will be notified when they will be ready for pickup.

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