Save the Date: December 8th for our Achievement Form Workshops

Be recognized for all you do in 4-H! It all begins with keeping great records of your 4-H accomplishments! Save the date of December 8th for upcoming workshops! Details are in the flyer posted below.

Younger 4-H youth (ages 9-13 as of 1/1/2023) are encouraged to start completing your Junior Achievement Form. Junior Achievement Awards will be awarded in April 2023!

Older 4-H youth (ages 14-18 as of 1/1/2023) are encouraged to explore the many teen opportunities available to them when they complete the Ohio 4-H Achievement Form including: County Merit Awards, College Scholarships, County Trip Awards, Outstanding 4-Her Award, State Achievement Awards – and perhaps earning a trip to National 4-H Congress! County Merit Awards, Scholarships, and Trip Awards will be awarded in April 2023!

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