The Fairfield County Junior Fair will require the completion of at least one Skillathon per 4-H/FFA exhibitor in order to show at 2022 Fairfield County Junior Fair for all beef, dairy, goat, poultry, rabbit (except Pet Rabbits), sheep, swine, dog, horse, alpaca/llama projects. This requirement is included on page 15 of the 2022 4-H Member Handbook. Fairfield County Skillathons may include (but are not limited to) animal anatomy/body parts, breeding and reproduction, feeds and nutrition, current events, diseases and animal health, equipment ID, feed ID, Quality Assurance, breeds, marketing, meats, and recordkeeping. 2022 Fairfield County Skillathons will include breeds, parts, feeds, and an interview.
Here are options to meet this county requirement:
1. Participate in the Fairfield County Skillathon event to be held September 10th and 25th at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.
Fairfield County youth interested in competing for any Fairfield County Premier Exhibitor Award must complete the COUNTY Skillathon in each respective specie they play to compete in.
Example: Exhibitor wishes to compete for Swine Premier Exhibitor Award and Poultry Premier Exhibitor Award must complete both the swine and poultry Fairfield County Skillathons on September 10th (swine) and 25th (poultry).
- For more information about 2022 Premier Exhibitor Contests, click here.
- Youth will be asked to complete a tiebreaker question at Skillathon – this will be used to break ties for Premier Exhibitor and/or Skillathon if needed.
- Skillathon Species for Saturday, September 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. include: Beef, Dairy Beef, Swine, Sheep, Meat Goats, Dairy Cattle
- Skillathon Species for Sunday, September 25th from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. include: Pygmy Goats, Dairy Goats, Horses, Alpacas/Llamas, Poultry Rabbits
- Dog Exhibitors will complete the Skillathon at Dog Check-In Day on Saturday, August 27th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Fairfield County Skillathons will take place at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds.
- Scheduling for Skillathon is now open – click here to schedule for each Skillathon you wish to participate in:
- New for 2022: Top Junior and Top Senior Skillathon Awards will be awarded.
2. Participate in the Ohio State Fair Virtual Skillathon.
- Registration is due June 21st by visiting:
Youth do not have to be exhibitors at the OSF to participate.
OSF Youth participating in the Outstanding Breeding Exhibitor must register and complete the OSF Virtual Skillathon to be eligible for this award.
Exhibitors must have their own unique email address to create a log-in to access the online Skillathon.
3. Participate in the Ohio State Fair In-Person Skillathon.
Registration takes place on the day event at the OSF.
Youth do not have to be exhibitors at the OSF to participate.
OSF Youth participating in the Outstanding Market Exhibitor Contest must attend the OSF In-Person Skillathon to be eligible for this award.
Details including dates for both virtual/in-person options on the two options from the Ohio State Fair can be found here:
4. None of these options work? Exhibitors can schedule to take a written test by calling the OSU Extension Office at 740-653-5419. The makeup test will take place on Monday, September 26th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Rickett’s Hall/Ed Sands Building at the Fairgrounds.
Project Books are required for each project coming to fair.
- Cakes/Pies/Candies – Bring complete/up-to-date book to judging at fair.
- Companion Animals – Keep complete/up-to-date books for judging at fair.
- Dogs – Bring complete/up-to-date books to Dog Check-In Day on Saturday, August 27th.
- Crops/Hay – Completed project books need to be turned in to the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 23rd.
- All livestock/horse completed/up-to-date project books should either be:
- A. Brought to their respective Skillathon Day (if participating in that specie’s county Skillathon), or
- B. Turned into the Extension Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 23rd (if OSF Skillathon or no county Skillathon is being completed).
- ALL LIVESTOCK/HORSE PROJECT BOOKS WILL BE REVIEWED ON SKILLATHON DATES BY OUR BOOK JUDGES. THEY MUST BE COMPLETE IN ORDER TO SHOW AT THE FAIR. INCOMPLETE BOOKS WILL HAVE FAIR ENTRIES DENIED. We will not collect books or give more time for books to be finished between the last Skillathon date and fair like last year.
Please let Leslie Cooksey ( know if you have additional questions.