For those Fairfield County 4-H interested in showing swine at the Ohio State Fair this summer, there are several rules you need to be aware of…please continue to read this entire email and the Ohio State Fair website for all details. This information was also send by email on Friday, May 21st to all 4-H youth enrolled in 4-H swine projects.
Exhibitors: Join the Ohio State Fair Livestock and Animal Exhibitors Facebook group: for ongoing updates about competitions, move-in dates, weigh-ins, and more.
The 2021 Ohio State Fair Livestock department rules have been posted at:
I want to draw special attention to the swine department as they have several rules that will be important to youth exhibiting at the 2021 Ohio State Fair.
- Ohio State Fair will be a ractopamine free fair.
- Exhibitor Affidavit for the Market Barrow Show will be required.
- Market Barrows will be required to have an 840 Tag. OSF prefers that they be the EID (Electronic Identification) 840 Tags but will accept non-EID this year.
- These should be placed in the pig from the breeder they originate from, if possible, please have them placed in the RIGHT EAR.
- If you do not have one, you will want to work with your local vet.
- All swine must be tagged with an 840 tag.
- All exhibitors must have a premise ID (this is based on the location the pigs were raised, so the same premise ID will cover all siblings).
- Please go to to request your own premise ID or please talk to your veterinarian.
- All Market Exhibitors will be required to enter parent/guardian Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Certification ID# at the time of entry.
- Remember, if the parent/guardian completed this last year, they are good for 3 years and can use the certification ID# they received last year (or within 3 years)
- If they need to be certified, an PQA trainer can enroll them in the FREE, online course (I am happy to enter those that need it,
- Information needed to enroll in the course: Parent Name, Date of Birth, Address, Email Address
- All other barrows are the responsibility of the exhibitor and must be removed from the fairgrounds after the show.
- A market is not available in 2021
For questions on these rule updates, please contact the OSF swine department at:
Entries can also be made online at this website and will be due June 20th.
When registering, here are some helpful hints.
- All entries must be submitted online.
- Please allow time to complete the entry process, as the system will shut down at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, June 20. Entries will be locked automatically after midnight.
- Late entry fees will be charged ($75.00) beginning June 21 and late entries will be accepted through July 20. Late entries must be emailed to Barb Prince, Entry Department ( Upon receipt of the email the entry department will make contact to secure credit card information. Please reference your department division for more details and to see if late entries are accepted.
- All junior livestock exhibitors must provide their date of birth. Date of birth is not required for open entries.
- Junior 4-H exhibitors must list the county in which the project is registered (in some cases, this is not the same as the county in which you live). You must list your county educator or Extension agent (Leslie Cooksey) as the contact to verify your entry, NOT your 4-H advisor. 4-H members must be enrolled in the correct project at the county level to be eligible for entry into the Junior Division at the Ohio State Fair. No changes will be made to county 4-H enrollments at this time as they were due May 1st (with additions/changes due May 7th) for Fairfield County 4-H members. Youth who are not enrolled at the county level for the correct project will be denied entries at the Ohio State Fair.
- Market Barrows – Exhibitors must be enrolled in 139 Market Hog
- Breeding Gilts – Exhibitors must be enrolled in 140 Swine Breeding
- There is no market gilt show at the Ohio State Fair
- All junior exhibitors should include their shirt size.
- All market swine projects must be ractopamine free. All market swine exhibitors will be required to bring a completed copy of this affidavit with them.
- Reminder: All exhibitors who win more than $499 in premiums must visit the Ohio Supplier website. In the past, exhibitors were required to submit Vendor Information Forms and W-9 forms; this new process has been in place for the last couple of years. If not completed, your premium payment cannot be processed. If you have registered using the Ohio Supplier website in previous years and nothing has changed (such as your address or banking information), then it is not necessary to update this information or attempt to register again.
- Fairfield County 4-H/FFA youth MUST complete Quality Assurance by June 1st if planning to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair. Quality Assurance Options can be found here.