DUNF Forms – These will be completed online this year. I would suggest that exhibitors should not fill them out until as close to weigh-in/move-in day as possible to ensure the information is correct and their market/lactating animal is drug free moving into fair. The link to the online DUNF Form is in each of the 2020 Specie Documents (http://go.osu.edu/2020fairinfo). A direct link to the DUNF is: http://go.osu.edu/fairfielddunf. If someone submits a form with errors, please have them contact Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu so we can delete that record and they will be asked to submit a new form.
Online DUNF Instructions – Fairfield
Market Poultry exhibitors will not have identification until fair weigh-in for their birds. Please put TBD in the identification field and we will update your form after weigh-in.