UPDATED AS OF 3/12/2020:
In conversation with Fairfield County Sr. Fair Board today, since the process does not engage people from a variety of locations in enclosed areas or close proximity, they have decided Market Beef tag-in for Saturday remains on schedule at this time. As you prepare, please keep in mind:
* Parking space is very limited at Fairfield Cattle Company. If you plan to help with your youth’s animal, please ride along in the truck pulling the trailer, and NOT in a separate vehicle.
* Last year it was mid to late morning before the ‘early rush’ subsided. Those who arrived later in the morning had adequate trailer space for waiting in line.
* Soil conditions are obviously wet. Please show respect for Fairfield Cattle Company by remaining on the gravel, and by not getting off the drive.
* With respect for concerns regarding COVID-19, consider these precautions from the CDC regarding “Steps to Prevent Illness” https://go.osu.edu/preventcovid19
Exhibitors who plan to show a market steer or market heifer in the 2020 Fairfield County Junior Beef Show must have their animals weighed, tagged, and nose printed on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at the Fairfield Cattle Company beginning at 8:30 a.m. Please note we will again be at the recently new Fairfield Cattle Company facility located at 3443 Cincinnati-Zanesville Road (S.R. 22), Lancaster.
Weigh-in will conclude at 11:30 a.m., or whenever the animals in line at that time have been processed. Note, the facility is designed such that each trailer will need to be unloaded at the one drive-through dock, the calf or calves processed, and then reloaded. There will be no way to unload more than one trailer at a time, and no way any calves can be walked from a trailer across the lot into the barn.
Please be patient as our volunteers helping with the weighing and tagging process your calves. Regardless of the time required, the volunteers will remain until all calves that arrive by the 11:30 a.m. deadline are processed. Everyone is also asked to remain on the gravel, being respectful of the grassy areas at Fairfield Cattle Company.
Exhibitors wishing to complete their calf registration/weigh-in form prior to arrival will find that form linked here.
Exhibitors are also reminded that both steers and heifers are eligible to be exhibited as finished market beef animals. If five or more market heifers arrive and weigh-in at the Fair in October, a separate class for those heifers will be created. If less than five heifers are entered, they will be exhibited within their appropriate weight class along with market steers.
Again this year, to be eligible for the County Bred, Born and Raised (B,B & R) market beef class, the breeder and owner who sold the calf to the exhibitor must be a Fairfield County Cattlemen’s Association (FCCA) member. If the exhibitor has bred and raised their own calf, the exhibitor or their family must be FCCA members to be eligible. The exhibitor must present a signed B,B & R form at weigh-in on March 14. Find details on becoming an FCCA member linked here.
Also, a ‘Housing Form’ must be completed by any exhibitor that houses their project animal(s) on property other than where they reside. This form is due at weigh-in for market animals and must be turned in at that time, and is due to the Sr Fair office by July 1 for breeding beef, and by August 15 for feeder calves, also to the Sr. Fair office.
Find the Beef Book from the 2020 Jr. Fair Book linked here in pdf format.