Important Updates for 2019 Junior Fair Rabbit Exhibitors

Please be aware that there is some confusion about arrival times in the 2019 Junior Fair Book for rabbits and the market rabbit weigh-in time has CHANGED for 2019. Here is what you need to know!

  • Market Rabbits MUST start at the #50 Show Arena for check-in and weigh-in from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 5th. Please note, this is a NEW weigh-in time from last year! No market rabbits will be placed in their pens until AFTER they have checked-in and weighed-in in the #50 Show Arena. Once you have been checked in and your animals have been weigh-in, you will be released to pen your rabbits in the rabbit barn. One exhibitor can only bring a maximum of 4 rabbits to weigh-in. For more information about weight requirements, please review the 2019 Junior Fair Rabbit Rules.
  • Breeding Rabbits MUST be on the fairgrounds by 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 5th. Upon arrival, you can enter the Rabbit Barn with breeding rabbits to check-in and verify your fair entries. No breeding rabbits will be placed into pens until AFTER their rabbits have been checked in. Once your rabbits are placed in their pens, exhibitors and family members will need to leave the barn and will not be permitted to return to the barn until after the barn is re-opened and check-in is COMPLETE.
  • All Rabbit Exhibitors:
    • The Rabbit Exhibitor Meeting will take place at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 5th in the #50 Show Arena. All market and breeding rabbit exhibitors are expected to attend.
    • Back tags can be picked up in the Junior Fair Office on Saturday, October 5th between 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. After this time, they can continue to be picked up in the Junior Fair Office on the north side of the fairgrounds during Junior Fair Office Hours.
    • Showmanship sign-ups will be in the Rabbit Barn (west side, closest to the show arena) until 12:00 p.m. NOON on Wednesday, October 9th.
    • Want TEXT ALERTS and UPDATES during the fair for the Rabbit Show? To join, text @bbeg46 to 81010 or to 270-908-4012. To stop alerts, text @LEAVE

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