For Sale: Market Rabbits (Sliver Pond)

Passing on information from Sliver Pond Farm.


Dear Friend of 4H,

It is hard to believe we are in our 11th year supporting our youth with their Fair projects.  For those of you that do not know us, we are Sliver Pond Farm.  We too mentor the kids but our emphasis is primarily on market rabbits.  In my program we educate the kids on the information they actually need to know to keep the animals healthy and on track for success.  We do talk about what makes a good market rabbit, what the judge will be looking for and the judging scorecard plus what faults to look for when selecting their project.  Yes you heard that correct, I do not assign rabbits.  In my opinion the kids need to handle the animals, set them up and select their project based on our discussion.  At the show they are to listen to the Judges’ comments.  If they did not win, ask the winners to feel and compare so they better understand what to select in next year’s project.  As I mentioned, this has been our program from the start.  My new families just can’t believe what they come away with and are very thankful they made the journey.  Many drive several hours!  Those that repeat know what to expect but most participate again as a refresher.  If I learn something new to help them be competitive, I do pass that right along in my sessions.  To me the kids need to learn, have fun with the project and yes, hopefully do really well in your shows!

We are a  major grower of Californian and New Zealand White commercial meat rabbits in Ohio.  We are a member of the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA).  The rabbitry is registered and recognized by the ARBA and specializes in support of 4H and FFA Fair projects in Ohio in the Summer and Arkansas and Texas in the Winter for meat pens, roasters and single fryers. The rabbitry consists of over 250 breeding does supported by over 50 breeding bucks.  We typically house well over 1000 rabbits.   Our Fair breeding program is set after the Fair Manager convention in January so that we might support all County Fairs.  Sliver Pond is a full service rabbitry being a grower, buyer and processor of unwanted rabbits for our meat business.   In 2018 we purchased bid rabbits from two dozen Ohio Fairs.

Visit our websites at,, or for more information.  To reserve rabbits contact Tony at  419-560-1877 (call/text) or by email to

Please pass our information along as a source for project animals.  Attached is a flyer to post or distribute. 2019 Sliver Pond Market Rabbit Post

Thank you for mentoring our young people,

Tony Gregory

Sliver Pond Farm

Mt. Gilead, Ohio

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