Junior Achievement Form (ages 8 – 13 as of 1/1/2019) – Forms due 1/11/2019

Fairfield County Jr. Achievement Form (pdf) Word  or  pdf  For 4-H members ages 8-13 as of January 1, 2019 to complete.  This form provides a start towards completing the Ohio Achievement Record form.  There are three levels of awards:  White Clover for members in the first and second year, Green Clover for members in their third and fourth years, and Gold Clover for members in the fifth and sixth year of Traditional 4-H. The cover letter may be found here. Updated August 2016. For more information, contact Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu.

Ohio 4-H Achievement Form for Fairfield County – due 1/11/2019

Interested in county trips, scholarships, and project achievement awards? How about a trip to National 4-H Congress? It all starts with the Ohio 4-H Achievement Form! This form is for youth who will be ages 14-18 as of 1/1/2019.

Helpful information:

Ohio Achievement Form Checklist – This checklist provides information regarding completing the Ohio 4-H Achievement Form.  Please read this before you start your form.

Here are some ideas as to which area to put your projects under on the Ohio Achievement Form. NEW 12/11/17

Ohio 4-H Achievement Form (2019 Form) For youth 14-18 as of January 1, 2019 interested in applying for state & county achievement/merit awards (Beef, Clothing, Leadership, etc.), county trips (Sea Camp, Leadership Camp, etc.), State Junior Fair Board, National Dairy Conference, Ohio Township Award, etc.  The Fairfield County checklist can be found here.  Please print this off and make sure you are completing the form correctly.

2019 Fairfield County 4-H Older Youth Opportunities

2019 Teen Opportunity Chart (From State Website- please pay attention to the suggested ages for the trips!)

Not sure where to start? Need help? Contact Leslie Cooksey at cooksey.25@osu.edu to set up an appointment! Ohio 4-H Achievement Forms are due to the Fairfield County Extension Office in paper copies by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 11, 2019.

2019 Fairfield County 4-H Scholarship Application NOW AVAILABLE – due 1/1/2019

2019 Fairfield County 4-H Scholarship Application –  for High School Seniors and those in College. If you have questions or want more information click here.

An Ohio 4-H Achievement Form is required by members who submit the Fairfield County 4-H Scholarship Application.

Contact: Leslie Cooksey (cooksey.25@osu.edu).

2019 Fashion and Nutrition Board Application NOW AVAILABLE – due 1/11/2019

2019 Fashion and Nutrition Board Application  For youth 13+ with at least 3 years of experience in clothing and/or food & nutrition related projects.  Current or previous Fashion/Nutrition Board members do not need to re-apply. Please send Shannon Carter an email that you would like to be on the 2018-2019 board.

2019 Junior Fair Board Application NOW AVAILABLE – due 1/11/2019

2019 Junior Fairboard Application (pdf) (fillable pdf) (Word document) For 4-H and FFA youth interested in serving on the Fairfield County Junior Fair Board.  Freshmen AND AGE 14 BY JANUARY 1, 2019 and Sophomores in High School preferred. Must have 2 years of 4-H/FFA Eligibility remaining.  

Returning Junior Fair Board members must REAPPLY! Contact: Leslie Cooksey (cooksey.25@osu.edu)

2019 Camp Counselor Application NOW AVAILABLE! due 1/11/2019

2019 Camp Counselor Application and Instructions  For youth interested in serving as a Fairfield County 4-H Camp Counselor in 2019. New & Returning Counselors must complete the application annually. Youth must be 14 and older by the start of camp to be a counselor. Please review the application packet and instructions for more information. For more info, contact Aubry Fowler at fowler.443@osu.edu.