4-H Display Barn Guards/Volunteers NEEDED for Fair Week!

To help cut down on vandalism or theft in the 4-H Display Barn at the fair, we ask that all clubs with booths (and even if your club doesn’t have a booth), to have adults volunteer to serve as 4-H Display Barn Guards. Shifts available are for a 2-hour period each day of the fair. Ideally, we would like to have 2-3 people volunteer in teach time slot. Volunteers can be parents, advisors, or older 4-H members who are age 16 or older.

4-H Display Barn Guards watch the area and answer visitors’ questions. They provide information about 4-H to 4-H Display Barn visitors and ensure the safety of the exhibits. At the start of the shift, we ask volunteers to please sign-in at the Volunteer Station at the Broad Street (New Door) entrance area. This year, the Garage Door will be kept shut to help with the dust on the projects. 4-H Display Barn Guards will find badges to wear to identify themselves to the public. 4-H Display Barn Guards are welcome to sit at the station, but we ask that 4-H Display Barn Guards please be sure to make several trips around the building to make sure things are in place. Please be sure no one removes any exhibits AND there is absolutely NO SMOKING in the building (this is a big one) – please help remind visitors of this rule.

Thanks in advance! It’s important to protect the hard work of our young 4-H members while on display during the fair.

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