Ohio 4-H Health Heroes Challenge Clubs with the 4th “H”: Health!

The Ohio 4-H Health Heroes are promoting the 4th H for Health Challenge to clubs. This comes after they attended the National Youth Summit on Healthy Living in Washington D.C. where they received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to promote healthy living.

The challenge supports healthy meetings by encouraging clubs to serve water, incorporate physical activity, offer a fruit/vegetable for a snack, and do an activity to enhance social & emotional health.

Please help us by encouraging 4-H clubs in Fairfield County to take the 4th H for Health Challenge. Club leaders will be receiving an email with information about the challenge the week of 4/24/2017.

4-H clubs that complete their tracking sheet and send it into the state 4-H Office will receive a certificate of achievement for their members. They will also be entered in a drawing to win prize kits to promote health at meetings.

Club leaders can find more info along with the leader’s guide and tracking sheet on our website: http://www.ohio4h.org/4thHChallenge

Ohio counties that have the highest percentage of clubs turning in their tracking sheet will be recognized at the Ohio 4-H Conference in 2018.

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