Ohio Beef Expo Updates

As the Ohio Beef Expo continues to grow, they are looking at options to make it an enjoyable experience for both exhibitors and attendees. Below is the tentative schedule, but the major changes include a full 3-day trade show for all exhibitors, ensuring that Expo attendees that only wish to come on Sunday still have a full trade show to experience. Also, the Youth Activities schedule that was held predominantly on Saturday in years past has now been moved to Friday. The reason for the schedule change is to accommodate more schools for a field trip to the judging contest and Beef Quality Assurance on Friday and to help Saturday’s schedule wrap-up showmanship a little earlier by starting showmanship at Noon.

The Ohio Beef Expo will be held March 17-19 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus.

Here is the schedule:


Click here to download complete Jr. Show Rules.

During the Ohio Beef Expo Jr. Show, all BEST rules are in effect for all exhibitors. Click here for complete BEST rules.

New for 2017 the Jr. Show Committee has implemented the following rules:

1) New this year!

There will be a set number of viaduct bays sold on Breeders’ World Online Sales during on the Junior Show Online fundraiser on March 7, 2017. ALL proceeds from the sale of the viaduct bays will go to the Jr. Exhibitors at the Ohio Beef Expo.Complete details will be available at www.ohiobeefexpo.com

The remaining viaduct bays and Gilligan Building stalling will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 15. The line for ALL (remaining viaduct and barn) stalling will start outside of the Jr. Show Office, located on the South side of the Gilligan Building.

All cattle must remain in the barn or at designated tie-outs at all times and may not leave the grounds before or after check-in. Any violations of this rule will result in dismissal from the show.

2) ALL registered cattle will have their tattoos checked at check-in. The Jr. Show committee prefers hard copies of the registration papers, but electronic copies will be accepted. Please note that this rule includes all BEST cattle and all registered non-BEST cattle that have been shown in other BEST sanctioned shows that have already been tattoo verified.

3) Keep in mind that ALL registered cattle must be registered solely in the Jr. exhibitor’s name.

4) No Fan Carts or Butt fans will be allowed in Gilligan

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