Ohio 4-H Cloverbot Challenge

This year’s theme is Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! The 4-H Cloverbot Challenge is set for June 3, 2017. Please share this information with your clubs that have Cloverbud members. It’s a great way to introduce project learning in a group setting and who doesn’t love LEGO’s! More information about this year’s challenge can be found here: http://www.ohio4h.org/events/4-h-cloverbot-challenge; including theme information, registration website, deadlines, and the order form for a reduced price on a LEGO kit (thanks to the 4-H Foundation).

The Ohio 4-H Cloverbot Challenge gives 4-H Cloverbuds the opportunity to work cooperatively in teams to problem-solve using STEM skills. A new theme is selected each year and teams  research a topic, build a working model of their solution to the Challenge issue, and create a poster to illustrate their findings. Cloverbuds, team advisors, and families come to the Nationwide  Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in the spring, for the Challenge event.  Teams present their models and findings to a team of reviewers, learn about other Cloverbuds’ projects, participate in age-appropriate STEM activities, and are recognized at a closing celebration.

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