Scholarship & Training Opportunity: MARC T34 at OSU

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025

This is Ohio State’s first T34 grant for Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The mission of the “Molecules to Society” MARC T34 at Ohio State is to develop a workforce in the next generation of biomedical scholars doing impactful research. This will be accomplished by providing undergraduate students with a research-focused training program that includes courses, experiential learning, faculty and graduate student mentoring, and peer-support.

Information Sessions:

  • Tues, January 21 at 5:30 PM in Hale Hall, room 110A
  • Thurs, January 30 at 5:00PM in Hale Hall, room 110B

RSVP here.

Program Features and Benefits:

  • Training for future biomedical, research focused advanced degrees (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • Experiential learning, mentoring, & peer-support
  • Training in research methods
  • Preparation for graduate school success
  • Scholarship: Tuition support and stipend

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Rising junior in Autumn 2025
  • Chemistry, engineering, public health, biomedical sciences, or STEM majors
  • Minimum GPA 3.0
  • Essay responses to address your interest in being a MARC scholar (see application link above)
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (at least one from an academic reference)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (CV)

Questions may be addressed to

Scholarship & Training Opportunity: MARC T34 at OSU

Application Deadline: February 15, 2024

This is Ohio State’s first T34 grant for Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The mission of the “Molecules to Society” MARC T34 at Ohio State is to increase diversity in the next generation of biomedical scholars doing impactful research. This will be accomplished by providing undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups with a research-focused training program that includes courses, experiential learning, faculty and graduate student mentoring, and peer-support.

Information Sessions:

  • Tues, January 23 at 5:00 PM in Hale Hall MLK Lounge
  • Wed, January 31 at 5:00PM in Hale Hall 110B

RSVP here.

Program Features and Benefits:

  • Training for future biomedical, research focused advanced degrees (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • Experiential learning, mentoring, & peer-support
  • Training in research methods
  • Preparation for graduate school success
  • Scholarship: Tuition support and stipend

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Rising junior in Autumn 2024
  • Chemistry, engineering, public health, biomedical sciences, or STEM majors
  • Minimum GPA 3.0
  • Research-oriented and interested in research-focused higher degree program (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • Previous research experience is NOT required
  • One essay to address your interest in being a MARC scholar
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (At least one letter from an academic reference)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (CV)

Questions may be addressed to

Scholarship & Training Opportunity: MARC T34 at OSU

Application Deadline: August 15, 2023

This is Ohio State’s first T34 grant for Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The mission of the “Molecules to Society” MARC T34 at Ohio State is to increase diversity in the next generation of biomedical scholars doing impactful research. This will be accomplished by providing undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups with a research-focused training program that includes courses, experiential learning, faculty and graduate student mentoring, and peer-support.

Program Features and Benefits:

  • Training for future biomedical, research focused advanced degrees (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • Experiential learning, mentoring, & peer-support
  • Training in research methods
  • Preparation for graduate school success
  • Scholarship: Tuition support and stipend

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Rising junior in Autumn 2023
  • Chemistry, engineering, public health, biomedical sciences, or STEM majors
  • Minimum GPA 3.0
  • Research-oriented and interested in research-focused higher degree program (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • Previous research experience is NOT required
  • One essay to address your interest in being a MARC scholar
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (At least one letter from an academic reference)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (CV)

Questions may be addressed to

Academic Success Courses for First- and Second-Year Students

As we begin a new semester, we hope that you have found time to recharge over winter break. In doing so, you may have reflected on your autumn semester and had one or more of the following thoughts:

  • College has been more difficult than I expected.
  • I need to find a more effective study strategy.
  • I have trouble with procrastination, time management and motivation.
  • I could use an academic confidence boost.
  • My autumn semester did not go as planned.

If these sentiments sound familiar to you, you may be interested in one of these classes:

Students who enroll in these courses consistently report feeling more supported, motivated, and better connected to Ohio State. If you are interested in enrolling, please email or your academic advisor.

Jobs Available: Ohio At Home Healthcare Agency

Ohio At Home Healthcare Agency currently has a need for home health aides to cover the hours of clients.
The clients in need primarily live directly across the street from the OSU Wexner Medical Center and has a stop on the CLN/CLS routes, making it perfect for OSU class schedules and those who lives in the dorms. Student Safety can also be accessed at this location. 
Supported clients have developmental disabilities ranging from children with autism to adults with paraplegia/quadriplegia. This is a great way for pre-health students to gain patient care experience, but they also hire students studying other disciplines. They have aides who have majors in other areas like music and languages. Ohio At Home believes everyone’s interests and hobbies can benefit the lives of clients. 
There are a range of hours available, including overnight, afternoon and evening shifts. There is particular need for availabilities during the following shifts: 
-Wednesday’s 12am-8am (arriving Tuesday night and leaving at 8am Wednesday morning)
-Wednesday’s 7pm-12am
-Saturday’s 12am-8am (arriving Friday night and leaving at 8am Saturday morning)
-Saturday’s 7pm-12am
To apply, students can email their resume, general availability (Sunday-Saturday), and a small blurb about themselves to and CC
Priority will be given to those who are willing to work one of the mentioned shifts, as well as those who are willing to work over school breaks, whether it be by staying in Columbus or returning for a couple days each week to help out. This should be included in the email as well in order to expedite the interview process.