Apply to be a General Chemistry TA in Spring 2024

Application Deadline: November 3, 2023

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is currently accepting applications for General Chemistry TA positions for Spring 2024. A TA position provides the opportunity to improve your knowledge, gain teaching experience, and help students.

In order to apply, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Completed General Chemistry Sequence (1210/1220; 1610/1620; or 1910H/1920H) with an A or A- (preferred)
  • Cumulative GPA > 3.2
  • Enrolled in classes during Spring 2024
  • No other paid monthly student appointment during 2023 (this includes paid research)

Appointment details are as follows:

  • Salary: $13/hour
  • Hours: 10-12/week
  • Responsibilities: teach one 3-hour lab; grade assignments and prepare for teaching responsibilities; 1 office hour/week; proctor all exams; attend weekly staff meeting

Training will take place in January during business hours. Please describe any potential conflicts with training on your application.

If you are interested, you may apply here:

After you apply, you will be asked to submit your schedule here:

This does not guarantee a TA position. If your schedule changes, please update it by November 13 and notify If you make a change to your schedule after this date, you will be responsible for switching your assignment with another TA or forfeit your position.

Applications and schedules are due by 11:59 pm on November 3rd, 2023. Hiring decisions will be made by mid-December.

Please contact with any questions.

DOE Office of Science: Spring 2024 Internships

Applications are currently being accepted for the Spring 2024 term of the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program offered by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC). The application deadline is Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

Two informational workshops will be held for SULI. The first workshop will provide an overview of the program’s unique application process and requirements. The second workshop will include a panel discussion featuring SULI alumni.

Through SULI, undergraduate students discover science and technology careers at the DOE national laboratories and gain the experience needed to transition from intern to employment. Interns work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers, assisting them on research or technology projects that support the DOE mission.

SULI is open to full-time students attending 4-year institutions and community colleges or recent graduates within two years of receiving their bachelor’s degree. The program is stipend-based and offered three times annually in Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.