Volunteer: STEM Outreach at Local Elementary Schools

Scientific Thinkers is seeking volunteers for the Spring 2025 semester!

Scientific Thinkers STEM Outreach is a student organization that is designed to promote STEM activities in Columbus schools. The volunteers lead school visits at Parkmoor and Mansion Day Elementary Schools that focus on hands-on science experiments to bridge the gap created by underrepresentation and underfunding of STEM programs.

Scientific Thinkers gives volunteers the chance to gain leadership skills, communicate science topics to a variety of age groups, and excite young children about STEM. No experience with teaching is required and all majors are welcome!

School visits will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon/early evening from January 29-March 6.

If you are interested in volunteering, program orientation will take place on Wednesday, January 22 at 7:00pm in the Physics Research Building, room 1080. This orientation is mandatory if you wish to volunteer with Scientific Thinkers as they will provide necessary paperwork and information, so make sure to mark your calendars! If you are unable to attend the orientation, please reach out to club president Mia Wang to ensure you receive the volunteering information and paperwork.

Volunteer: STEM Outreach at Local Elementary Schools

Scientific Thinkers is a student organization and volunteer program at OSU. Through the organization, volunteers have the opportunity to travel to local elementary schools and engage students with fun, interactive science lessons. The schools the organization serves are comprised largely of underrepresented minority students in STEM. Scientific Thinkers gives volunteers the chance to gain leadership skills, communicate science topics to a variety of age groups, and excite young children about STEM!

Scientific Thinkers will visit two schools this semester: Parkmoor and Mansion Day. Visits to Mansion Day will take place on Wednesdays from 3:30pm–5:30pm from January 31–March 6. Visits to Parkmoor will take place once a month on Wednesday from 10:15–12:15. Dates are still being confirmed with Parkmoor. All times include travel times to and from campus.

If you are interested in volunteering, program orientation will take place on Wednesday, January 24th at 7:00pm in the Physics Research Building room 1080. If you cannot attend the orientation but are still interested in the club, you can contact club president Elly Yoder at yoder.459@osu.edu or reach out to scientificthinkers@gmail.com.

Truman Scholarship Information Session

The Truman Scholarship is a prestigious award that recognizes outstanding third-year students in preparation for careers in public service. The scholarship contributes up to $30,000 towards future graduate education and offers opportunities for professional and leadership development.

On Wednesday, October 18 at 2 pm via Zoom, the Undergraduate Fellowship Office is holding an information session and workshop for the Truman Scholarship for undergraduate students in their junior year. They’ll discuss the objectives of the award, eligibility requirements, and application process. Participants will also engage in guided brainstorming processes to generate content for their application essays.

Registration for the event is required.

Learn more information about award opportunities for undergraduate students at the following links: Truman Scholarship, Public Policy and International Affairs Program, and other opportunities supported by the Undergraduate Fellowship Office.

Questions? Reach out to the Undergraduate Fellowship Office at fellowships@osu.edu.

Course Spotlight: MOLGEN 4581S – BioEYES Hands-On STEM Learning

Offered in Autumn 2023
Instructor: Dr. Sharon Amacher, trained BioEYES educator
1 credit hour

Project BioEYES is a K-12 science education program which provides classroom-based learning opportunities through the use of live zebrafish. The program is designed to foster enthusiasm for science by giving students opportunities to explore science through watching life develop firsthand.

In partnership with the Department of Molecular Genetics and Project BioEYES, MolGen 4581S gives Ohio State undergrads an opportunity to share their passion for STEM with 4th and 5th graders in Columbus schools.

Besides two class gatherings, one at the beginning and one at the end of the course, the class does not meet regularly on campus. Instead, enrolled students will choose 4 elementary school visits throughout the semester that work with their schedule.

Transportation is provided.

Additional information is available in the MOLGEN 4581S syllabus and the Frequently Asked Questions document.

Volunteer Opportunity at Columbus Elementary Schools

Scientific Thinkers is a student organization and volunteer program here at The Ohio State University. Through Scientific Thinkers, OSU students have the opportunity to positively impact the Columbus community by sharing their knowledge with elementary students by way of interactive lessons and experiments. The schools the organization serves are comprised largely of underrepresented minority students in STEM and have limited STEM resources within their school. Scholars students can benefit from joining Scientific Thinkers by gaining experience in teaching a unique age group, increasing their leadership skills, and expanding their ability to communicate their knowledge of STEM topics to a variety of age groups.

The program is highly rewarding and is a great way to complete community service and outreach requirements. More information can be found at https://u.osu.edu/cemscientificthinkers/. Students can view the program calendar and determine if their availability works. If students are interested they should attend a mandatory orientation on Wednesday,  February 1 at 1:00 PM in 1080 Physics Research Building. Interested students may also email scientificthinkers@gmail.com to schedule a make-up orientation.

Southern Teachers Info Table

This Friday, October 7, a representative from Southern Teachers will be here at OSU to talk with students about teaching jobs in K-12 private/independent schools.

The rep will have an information table in the Ohio Union (Great Hall room, Friendship table) from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Southern Teachers helps college graduates find great jobs in college-preparatory schools around the South.

The teaching environment in these private/independent schools can be wonderful because of their small class sizes and their close-knit communities. At independent schools, quality isn’t just about test scores and college acceptances; it’s also the unique way that teachers maximize the potential of their students.

While successful progress through a teacher-education program is essential for some of these jobs (e.g., for elementary teachers), for many positions a teaching certificate is not required. Math majors can be hired to teach math; Spanish majors can teach Spanish, etc. Candidates do, however, need a strong academic record and the personal characteristics that will enable them to manage and motivate K-12 students. To summarize:  Teacher certification is not required for most jobs.

Open Position: WVSU Academic Lab Manager

West Virginia State University is seeking a dedicated candidate for the position of Academic Lab Manager III for the Department of Chemistry and Physics. This is a non-classified, non-exempt, full time, benefits eligible position. This position assists the faculty within the department to set up and conduct teaching laboratories as well as maintain the departmental laboratories safety, hygiene, and records.

WVSU serves approximately 3,500 students. It is located in Institute, WV, a suburb of Charleston, the largest city and the capital of West Virginia. With more than 300,000 people living in the metropolitan area, it is an active, exciting and engaging community, boasting cultural and historical events, music, festivals and entertainment.

This position will remain open until filled. However, first consideration will be given to applicants who submit a resume, cover letter, academic transcripts, and the names and email addresses or phone numbers of three professional references by July 13, 2022.

Application materials can be submitted via email to jobs@wvstateu.edu.

K-12 Chemistry Teaching Jobs

Southern Teachers is an education recruitment firm working with over 750 K-12 private schools in the South. Their personalized teacher placement service helps you run an efficient job search and discern the best opportunities for you. The agency will learn about your experience and the parameters of your search (position type, schools type, and geography), and make referrals based on that information and their knowledge of their schools. Southern Teachers’ placement services are free for candidates.

Private/independent schools often have greater flexibility in their hiring than do public schools. As a result, teacher certification is not required for most middle and high school teaching positions. Generally speaking, candidates applying for private school teaching jobs should have a bachelor’s degree in the same field as their teaching field (e.g., a math major could be hired to teach 9th-grade algebra).

The agency currently has 1800 jobs listed at 750 K-12 private schools, including many, many science jobs. Schools are trying to fill these 2022-23 positions as soon as possible. They are seeking new grads with majors or minors in Chemistry. Apply now.

MAEd in Science Teaching at Baldwin Wallace

Baldwin Wallace University in Berea, Ohio has an intensive on-campus program that prepares students who have a bachelor’s degree in biology or chemistry (or related science degree) to become highly-effective science teachers for grades 7-12. This program provides students with an initial teaching license and Masters of Arts in Education degree.

The features of this program include…

  • Inquiry-based learning, research-based teaching, and technology integration
  • 12-month, full-time program starts in May, with MAEd and license completion at the end of the following spring semester, so students are eligible to teach in the fall
  • Cohort model where students form close professional relationships
  • Individualized mentoring by supervising faculty
  • Extensive field and clinical work in classrooms
  • Comprehensive program price includes tuition, books, and fees for professional association memberships and background check

More information can be found here and application information can be found here.

Job Opening: Organic Chemistry Lab Supervisor

The Ohio State University: Newark is hiring an Organic Chemistry Lab Supervisor. The position requires a Bachelor of Science, so this may be of interest to CBC graduates.

This is a full time position. Check out this document to learn more. The job is not yet posted on Workday, so you can contact Dr. Jose Cabral (cabral.1@osu.edu) for more information or to apply.