Undergraduate Student Trustee Application Open

The Ohio State University Board of Trustees has begun its search for a new undergraduate student representative. Each year, the governor of Ohio appoints one new student trustee to serve a two-year term as a full voting member of the board.

This student will serve on the board from May 2025 – May 2027, must maintain Ohio residency and student status throughout the entire term, and must be able to balance this significant responsibility with their academic and personal commitments. Candidates for this role must excel as leaders, be able to think strategically about the future of the university and interact in a professional manner with faculty, administrators and influential business and community leaders. More details and application information are available on the student trustee application webpage.

Ohio State’s current undergraduate student trustee, Joshua H.B. Kerner, will host information sessions on January 14 and January 15 for anyone who wants to hear more about the student trustee role and application process. Details about the information sessions can be found on the student trustee application webpage.

Applications are due by noon on Friday, February 7, 2025.

Volunteer: STEM Outreach at Local Elementary Schools

Scientific Thinkers is seeking volunteers for the Spring 2025 semester!

Scientific Thinkers STEM Outreach is a student organization that is designed to promote STEM activities in Columbus schools. The volunteers lead school visits at Parkmoor and Mansion Day Elementary Schools that focus on hands-on science experiments to bridge the gap created by underrepresentation and underfunding of STEM programs.

Scientific Thinkers gives volunteers the chance to gain leadership skills, communicate science topics to a variety of age groups, and excite young children about STEM. No experience with teaching is required and all majors are welcome!

School visits will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon/early evening from January 29-March 6.

If you are interested in volunteering, program orientation will take place on Wednesday, January 22 at 7:00pm in the Physics Research Building, room 1080. This orientation is mandatory if you wish to volunteer with Scientific Thinkers as they will provide necessary paperwork and information, so make sure to mark your calendars! If you are unable to attend the orientation, please reach out to club president Mia Wang to ensure you receive the volunteering information and paperwork.

DOE Office of Science: Autumn 2024 Internships

Applications are currently being accepted for the Fall 2024 term of the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program offered by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC). The application deadline is Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. ET. 

Two workshops are planned to provide strategies for submitting a compliant application and to learn about the internship experience from the voices of SULI alumni.

Through SULI, undergraduate students and recent graduates discover science and technology careers at the DOE national laboratories and gain the experience needed to transition from intern to employment. Interns work directly with national laboratory scientists and engineers, assisting them on research or technology projects that support the DOE mission.

SULI is open to full-time students attending 4-year institutions and community colleges or recent graduates within two years of receiving their bachelor’s degree. The program is stipend-based and offered three times annually in Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.

Volunteer: STEM Outreach at Local Elementary Schools

Scientific Thinkers is a student organization and volunteer program at OSU. Through the organization, volunteers have the opportunity to travel to local elementary schools and engage students with fun, interactive science lessons. The schools the organization serves are comprised largely of underrepresented minority students in STEM. Scientific Thinkers gives volunteers the chance to gain leadership skills, communicate science topics to a variety of age groups, and excite young children about STEM!

Scientific Thinkers will visit two schools this semester: Parkmoor and Mansion Day. Visits to Mansion Day will take place on Wednesdays from 3:30pm–5:30pm from January 31–March 6. Visits to Parkmoor will take place once a month on Wednesday from 10:15–12:15. Dates are still being confirmed with Parkmoor. All times include travel times to and from campus.

If you are interested in volunteering, program orientation will take place on Wednesday, January 24th at 7:00pm in the Physics Research Building room 1080. If you cannot attend the orientation but are still interested in the club, you can contact club president Elly Yoder at yoder.459@osu.edu or reach out to scientificthinkers@gmail.com.

Conversations to Remember: Virtual Volunteering Opportunity

Conversations to Remember

Conversations to Remember is a nonprofit dedicated to combating loneliness and isolation felt by senior citizens.

This opportunity is part of their virtual visit program. This program matches 2-3 college students with residents of long-term care, assisted living, and memory care communities for virtual video visits. These residents have been suffering from isolation, and volunteers could really brighten their days just by speaking with them.

The program provides training about the best ways to interact with the seniors, as well as additional support throughout their service. Students are matched based on the times they’re available, with a senior at the same time, and they have a regular, weekly appointment for their visit.


  • students volunteer 1-2 hours per week
  • a call lasts up to 1 hour (depending on the senior’s attention span and mood on each day)


  • students volunteer for approximately 16 weeks

You can read more about the program on the Conversations to Remember flyer and website. Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form to discuss opportunities.

Ohio State National Security Simulation

Held every other year in the fall, the Ohio State National Security Simulation is an two-day, real-time role-play and professional training experience. It bridges academic learning and the work world. Participants role-play alongside invited practitioners from government, journalism, and business to devise solutions in a fast-paced crisis environment. Participating in the Simulation is very much like your first two days in an exciting new job. Suit up in professional attire and go to work!

The Simulation takes place November 3rd and 4th on campus. Applications due September 27th.

Available roles include (but are not limited to):

  • Intelligence analysts
  • Policy advisors to U.S. Senators
  • Policy advisors in Executive Branch agencies including the Departments of Defense and State
  • Policy advisors to the Governor of Ohio and Mayor of Columbus
  • C-suite corporate officers at the Simulation’s private sector entity, Nationwide Insurance

The Simulation allows students to network while also building their professional skills in multiple areas: working with busy senior leaders, role assumption, making their knowledge useful to people in other fields, prioritization, decision-making, crisis management, use of processes to generate policy and decisions, and written and oral communication.

Who is Eligible: All OSU students with a serious interest in national security, public policy and governance, crisis management, and related issues.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, September 27, at 8:00 PM

Diversity Case Study Competition

Participate in the 4th Annual Career Success Diversity Case Study Competition on Saturday, September 30th from 9 AM – 4 PM.

The Career Success Diversity Case Study Competition brings together top-level, diverse talent from the College of Arts and Sciences to conduct strategic analysis and offer solutions to a diversity-focused organizational problem.

Participants will be assigned to a team of four. The team will have one week to review the case, develop innovative solutions to the problem, and create a PowerPoint presentation.

The teams will present their solutions at the competition (Saturday, September 30th). Presentations are evaluated by a panel of employer judges on the overall quality, effectiveness, and feasibility of the case presentation. Judges are from a variety of employers, industries, and roles. More to be announced!

The competition is a resume booster that students can discuss during interviews. It is also an opportunity for students to with employers who value diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence. All ASC majors are welcome to participate!

You must attend an info session to be eligible to apply.

Attend one of two virtual info sessions on Tuesday, September 5th (2pm) or Thursday, September 7th (6pm) to learn more about the Competition, receive the application form, learn about the employer partners for the event, and ask questions before applying to participate.

If you are interested in the Competition, you must apply by Monday, September 18th at 11:59pm. Selected participants and teams will be announced on Wednesday, September 20th.

Please feel free to contact me (Barbara Harvey) at harvey.669@osu.edu with any questions about the upcoming Competition.

2023 OSU Summer Internship & Opportunity Fair

The 2023 Summer Internship and Opportunity Fair will be held on Tuesday, February 14, from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM in the Ohio Union Grand Ballroom.

This events targets undergraduate students interested in obtaining a resume-building opportunity for Summer 2023. This event hosts local, regional, and national organizations that are dedicated to diversity. These employers embrace, value, and live inclusive excellence.

Employers are excited to connect with you and discuss available internships, volunteer opportunities, and part-time work in the following areas:

  • Business-related functions
    For example: communications, advertising, public relations, marketing, retail management, sports management, and finance/financial services
  • Nonprofit management
    Organizations represent a variety of focus areas including the arts, healthcare, social services, women’s issues, and others
  • Summer and recreation camp counseling and management
    Summer day camps and resident camps will be in attendance as well as other recreational sports organizations

No pre-registration is required for students, but you are required to present a valid BuckID on the day of the event. You are also encouraged to prepare for the fair by having your resume reviewed. Walk-in hours for resume reviews for Arts and Sciences students are posted here. Other career services also offer a resume review service; see here for more details.