Volunteer: STEM Outreach at Local Elementary Schools

Scientific Thinkers is seeking volunteers for the Spring 2025 semester!

Scientific Thinkers STEM Outreach is a student organization that is designed to promote STEM activities in Columbus schools. The volunteers lead school visits at Parkmoor and Mansion Day Elementary Schools that focus on hands-on science experiments to bridge the gap created by underrepresentation and underfunding of STEM programs.

Scientific Thinkers gives volunteers the chance to gain leadership skills, communicate science topics to a variety of age groups, and excite young children about STEM. No experience with teaching is required and all majors are welcome!

School visits will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon/early evening from January 29-March 6.

If you are interested in volunteering, program orientation will take place on Wednesday, January 22 at 7:00pm in the Physics Research Building, room 1080. This orientation is mandatory if you wish to volunteer with Scientific Thinkers as they will provide necessary paperwork and information, so make sure to mark your calendars! If you are unable to attend the orientation, please reach out to club president Mia Wang to ensure you receive the volunteering information and paperwork.

BIOCHEM 4511 UG TA positions available for Spring 2025

CBC has several openings for Biochem 4511 Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UGTAs) in Spring 2025.

UGTAs in this course attend lectures, lead recitations, provide office hours for students, proctor and grade exams, and attend staff meetings related to the course. Serving as a TA for this course is an excellent opportunity to develop strong professional skills in scientific communication.

The estimated time commitment can vary, but is generally ~10-12 hr/week, depending on your schedule and availability. Pay is hourly at $14/hr and you will be expected to submit a weekly timesheet.

You must have already completed Biochem 5613, and be currently enrolled in or have completed Biochem 5614 at the time of your application to be eligible for a position. The deadline for applications is 11:59pm on Monday November 25. We expect to notify students if they are chosen for the TA positions by the week of December 9th.

Apply to be a Biochem 4511 TA in Spring 2025