The Open Jackpot Meat Goat and Lamb Show is scheduled on July 16, 2022 at the Noble County Fair Grounds. Goat Show to begin at 10am followed by Lamb Show at 1pm. See the attached flyer for all the details.
Month: June 2022
Cloverbud CloverBOT Challenge – June 23
Ohio State Fair Livestock Registration – Due June 20
Junior Fair livestock registration for the Ohio State Fair is now open through June 20 at
When registering, here are some helpful hints.
- All entries must be submitted online.
- Please allow time to complete the entry process, as the system will shut down at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, June 20. Entries will be locked automatically after midnight.
- Late entry fees will be charged ($75.00) beginning June 21 and late entries will be accepted through July 20. Late entries must be emailed to Barb Prince, Entry Department ( Upon receipt of the email the entry department will make contact to secure credit card information. Please reference your department division for more details and to see if late entries are accepted.
- All junior livestock exhibitors must provide their date of birth. Date of birth is not required for open entries.
- Junior 4-H exhibitors must list the county in which the project is registered (in some cases, this is not the same as the county in which you live). You must list your county educator or Extension agent as the contact to verify your entry, NOT your 4-H advisor.
- Junior FFA exhibitors must list the county in which the project is registered (in some cases, this is not the same as the county in which you live). You must list your FFA teacher/instructor as the contact to verify your entry.
- Breeding sheep entries may require additional supplemental forms to be submitted no later than July 20 (without penalty). These forms will be available online after June 20. They will not be required if the information was provided at the time of entry. You should enter the correct class at the time of entry. However, if you do not know the information for which sheep will be shown, that information can be updated in the supplemental form due July 20.
- All junior exhibitors should include their shirt size.
- All market swine projects must be ractopamine free. All market swine exhibitors will be required to bring a completed copy of this affidavit with them.
- Reminder: All exhibitors who win more than $499 in premiums must visit the Ohio Supplier website. In the past, exhibitors were required to submit Vendor Information Forms and W-9 forms; this new process has been in place for the last couple of years. If not completed, your premium payment cannot be processed. If you have registered using the Ohio Supplier website in previous years and nothing has changed (such as your address or banking information), then it is not necessary to update this information or attempt to register again.
Hervida 100th Celebration – July 2 & 3
Have You Ordered Your Tickets for the Hervida 100th Dinner?
- Online Clothing Orders Due – Sunday, June 11 at midnight
- Purchase Catered Dinner Tickets – Saturday, June 18
Join the community of past, present, and future campers as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our beloved Camp Hervida. Everyone is invited and welcome to join in the festivities!
A weekend full of celebratory events is planned. See the schedule of events below. Bring your family and come and go as you please throughout the weekend. We hope you’ll spend the whole weekend at camp!
All events are free for all to enjoy, with the following exceptions: SnoBiz Hawaiian shaved ice truck and Saturday night catered dinner. Park in the ball field – handicap accessibility provided.
- Make Online Reservations (by June 18) and pay for the for Saturday night catered dinner:
- Detailed Schedule for July 2 & 3:
- Online Store with Clothing, Garden Flags, Totes:
- Cabin Rental for the July 2 & 3 Weekend:
- Volunteer help is also needed for the weekend (clean up, golf cart driver, activity leaders). Here is link to volunteer:
Saturday, July 2
10:30 am Registration Booth Opens
11:00 – 12:30 Bring Your Own Picnic Lunch
1:00 – 4:00 SnoBiz Hawaiian Shaved Ice
1:00 – 5:00 Daytime Activities (Swimming, Creek Walk, Field Games, Crafts)
1:00 – 5:30 Memorabilia Sales near the Canteen
5:30 Dinner Catered by Cowboy Concessions
7:00 Flag Lowering
7:30 Evening Recreation
8:30 Campfire
9:30 Safe Trip Home or Go to Cabins
Sunday, July 3
8:30 am Grab & Go Continental Breakfast
9:30 Registration Booth Opens
10:00 Flag Raising
10:30 Vespers Program
12:00 noon Potluck Lunch
12:30 – 3:00 Memorabilia Sales near the Canteen
12:30 – 1:30 Ice Cream Social with Uncle Dan’s Ice Cream
1:00 – 3:00 Daytime Activities (Swimming, Scavenger Hunt, Creek Walk, Putt Putt, Hiking, Crafts)
3:00 Flag Lowering
3:30 Safe Trip Home & Clean Up
Hervida Women’s Camp
Hervida Women’s Camp will be July 8-10
For more information contact: Cassandra Fortney at 740-350-9857
You find them on FB at:
Here is a complete registration packet: Women’s Camp 2022
Car Wash Guidelines for Marietta & Belpre
Is your club or organization thinking about having a car wash to beat the summer heat and raise some funds?
Vehicle wash water often contains detergents, oil, grease, nutrients, and toxic metals. This has a potential to add additional nutrients and harmful chemicals to streams & rivers. Left untreated, the polluted discharges can not only affect the aquatic life in waterways, but could eventually affect drinking water supplies.
If you are planning a car wash please read this information (attached)
Multi-Specie Livestock Clinic – June 18
A multi-species animal clinic we held in Monroe County on June 18th. This is a nice event that offers hands-on practice and grooming demonstrations as well as many great door prize giveaways. They welcome participation from other counties, so please share the flier with your members or on your social media accounts.
Click here for a pdf of the flyer: 2022 Clinic Flier
Ohio State Fair Virtual Skillathon – Now Open!