County Fairboard Requesting Help for Fundraiser

The Washington County Agricultural and Mechanical Association is having a Pulled Pork & Chicken fundraiser dinner on Feb. 26, 2023 at 5:00 pm at the Jr Fair Building.

The fundraising committee is asking all 4-H and FFA clubs to donate items or a basket of goodies for the auction.

Any questions or concerns please call Candy Nelson at 740-336-2145, Robyn Tullius at 740-350-6390 or Morgan McCoy at 740-440-1201. Thank you in advance for your support.

Thank You Marietta Welfare League

The Marietta Welfare League has provided $400 in grant funds so we can build a Carpet Ball Table for Hervida 4-H Camp! This will be a great addition to our summer camps and lots of FUN!

The Marietta Welfare League provides grants to many local non-profits. The Marietta Welfare League was founded in 1926 with the purpose to encourage members to become active in the civic and social life of the community. In the past 94 years, more than 3,000 women have volunteered more than ONE MILLION hours of service to Washington County, Ohio!

The funds are generate from The League Shop (Coffee, Food, Gifts) located in the Marietta Memorial Hospital.

Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Now Open – due Feb 11

A conference for volunteers and teens is being planned for Saturday, March 12.  The Conference and Luncheon will be held at the Columbus Convention Center.  This conference offers a wide variety of sessions to attend.  The luncheon is attended by all participants and will recognize volunteers for years of volunteer service.  Registrations are due as soon as possible.  The actual deadline is February 11th, however if you want to get your first choice of sessions it is important to register early.  The registration form and conference booklet are attached.  The 4-H Advisory Committee provides funds to cover the registration fee, however a $10 commitment fee is required.

Registration form: O4C Registration Form

Registration booklet to choose classes: 2022 O4HC Reg Book_0

Ohio 4-H Achievement Award Applications Due Jan 31

Thinking about applying for National 4-H Congress/State Achievement Award? Applications are due January 31 to the OSU Extension Office. The award application can be downloaded from the State 4-H Website:

Here are the award categories:

  • Beef
  • Citizenship & Community Service
  • Clothing & Textiles
  • Communications
  • Companion Animals
  • Creative Arts
  • Dairy
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Family Life & Child Development
  • Foods & Nutrition
  • Gardening & Horticulture
  • Goats
  • Health & Safety
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Leadership
  • Mechanical & Engineering Science
  • Personal Development
  • Photography
  • Poultry
  • Rabbits
  • Sheep
  • Shooting Sports
  • Swine
  • Veterinary Science
  • Woodworking

CARTEENS is Searching for Teen Members

The Washington County CARTEENS club is recruiting new members.  If you are a youth ages 14-18 years of age we would like to talk to you!  CARTEENS is a 4H club that uses teen presenters to teach their peers traffic safety.  The club meets once a month on the 2nd Wednesday.  Teen members earn community service hours, learn public speaking skills, and make new friendships.  Teens also gain traffic safety confidence while organizing fun, hands on activities during presentations.  CARTEENS members may belong to another 4H club or may be brand new to 4H!  Join us for our next CARTEENS meeting to observe and meet our current members.  Call 740-376-7431 to reserve your spot and talk with the advisor or current members for more details.

Virtual Livestock Judging Contest

How would you like to participate in a judging contest from your phone? Introducing the first-ever Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences Virtual Judging Contest!
The rules are simple:
  • -It is 100% FREE
  • -Participate each week before results are posted
  • -The contest is open to all ages
  • -Check back at the end of the week for results
  • -The contest will run through early July
Division champions will be selected and are divided as follows:
  • -Novice (0-7)
  • -Junior (8-11)
  • -Intermediate (12-14)
  • -Senior (15-18)
  • -Advanced (19+)
Participate every week for a chance to be named the Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences Virtual Judging Champion!
This is a practice week (results will not be recorded)
Click the link below to participate:

Club Candy Bar Sales

We have a NEW Candy Bar Company for 2022!

Advisors will place club orders by JANUARY 27

  • We will be selling Anthony Thomas Chocolates for 2022!
  • 4-H Clubs must pre-order the number of CASES (each case contains 180 bars) you plan to sell.
  • There will be ONE choice for 2022 – Each case of 180 bars will contain six bags of 30 bars including 10 peanut butter, 10 caramel and 10 almonds.
  • Just for ordering reference: The previous candy company had 60 bars in box.
  • No late orders will be accepted after order is placed with the candy company.
  • No returns allowed.
  • All cases pre-ordered by your 4-H Club must be paid for by the March 31 deadline.
  • There will be no postcard to mail back this year, advisors must email Sally with orders or phone (740-376-7431) in their order by Jan. 27.

Hervida to be Featured at Marietta Ice Festival

4-H Camp Hervida will be celebrating 100 years of camping in 2022. To kick-off this celebration we invite you to visit the Hervida Ice Sculpture at the Mariette Ice Festival this Saturday!
Please stop by Peddler of Dreams Art Space for Kids 270 Front St on Saturday, January 15 and see the Hervida Ice Sculpture!
Come inside for hot cocoa, a s’mores bar and free art activities for kids! Learn about Camp Hervida and all it has to offer. Meet some 4-H camp counselors who can share their amazing experiences and memories about camp with your child.

Forages for Horses Webinar Series

Between January and March in 2022, Ohio State University Extension will be offering Forages for Horses as a virtual course. One live webinar will be offered per month along with “work at your own pace” materials that accompany each webinar. The Forages for Horses program is a collaboration between Ohio State University Extension, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio Department of Agriculture, and the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council.

Each webinar will be offered live on Zoom at 7 P.M. and feature presentations in a 90-minute span. Attendees will be able to interact with the speakers and ask questions in real time. Once registered, attendees will be granted access to the full online course including the webinars and complementary resources. Participants that attend all three webinars will have the opportunity to earn a certificate of completion. Registered participants will also receive a USB drive of the full course manual (digital version) by mail.

The webinar schedule and topics are as follows.

  • Thursday, January 20th 7:00 PM- Hay Analysis and Feeding Different Classes of Horses
  • Thursday, February 17th 7:00 PM – Nutrition and Parasites
  • Thursday, March 17th 7:00 PM- Pasture and Weed Management, Soil Fertility, and Species Selection

The Forages for Horses course utilizes Scarlet Canvas. For best performance, Canvas should be used on the current or first previous major release of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser.

Cost of the course is $75. Registration includes access to all online content through December 31, 2022, live webinar access, webinar recordings, the course manual, virtual social hours, and a voucher for free attendance to one of nine planned pasture walks to be offered spring to fall of 2022 at various locations across the state. Current and new members of the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council are eligible for a $15 discount on registration.

Register for the course by visiting

Questions about the course or the OFGC member discount code can be directed to Christine Gelley of Noble County OSU Extension at