4-H Marketing Contest – items due to OSU Extension Office by July 9

Thank you Card with / without the use of computer graphics or scrapbooking– Junior (8-10)

  • Entries in J-6 and J-7 should be an original ”thank you” card with artwork on the cover. An inside message is not required, but may be included at the discretion of the designer. Inside messages will not be judged. Use of the 4-H emblem is strongly encouraged, but not required.
  • Card should be on 8 ½ x 11 white cardstock, folded once.
  • Art and message must be the original work of the member.
  • Member may use any medium, including crayon, chalk, pen and ink, pencil, markers, etc. Designs must be hand-lettered and drawn or cut by hand.
  • When using 4-H emblem that is downloaded, it must go into the graphics division.
  • Artwork or lettering created with the aid of scrapbooking tools or computers is permitted provided the design is the original work of the member. No commercially designed clipart may be used.
  • These designs must be able to be duplicated.
  • Member’s name, age, and county should be neatly printed in the lower right-hand corner of the back of the card.
  • Evaluation will be based on the quality, creativity, and originality of the design.

Holiday Card with / without the use of computer graphics or scrapbooking – Intermediate (11-13)

  • Entries should be an original “Holiday” card with artwork on the cover. An inside message is not required but may be included at the discretion of the designer. Inside messages will not be judged. Use of the 4-H emblem is strongly encouraged, but not required.
  • Card should be on 8 ½ x 11 white cardstock, folded in half. (Only one fold)
  • Art and message· must be the original work of the member.
  • Member may use any medium, including crayon, chalk, pen and ink, pencil, markers, etc. Designs must be hand-lettered and drawn or cut by hand.
  • When using 4-H logo that is downloaded it must go into the graphics division.
  • Artwork or lettering created with the aid of scrapbooking tools or computers is permitted provided the design is the original work of the member. No commercially designed clipart may be used.
  • These designs must be able to be duplicated.
  • Member’s name, age, and county should be neatly printed in the lower right-hand corner of the back of the card.
  • Evaluation will be based on the quality, creativity, and originality of the design.

4-H Infomercial Promoting 4-H – Senior (14 and up)

  • This is a video “short” that promotes the 4-H program
  • This must be a fully automated, stand-alone video presentation with sound and narration as appropriate. Think “YouTube.” The video should include recorded visual, sound, and narration to convey a message.
  • The video should be the original work of the member making the entry.
  • Images in the video should be appropriate for promoting 4-H. Use pictures of youth who are of 4-H age; when possible, show the diversity of membership, projects, and activities; show youth exercising appropriate safety practices (i.e. wearing helmets on horseback).
  • The video should be 2-4 minutes long. Penalties may be assessed for videos less than 2 minutes or longer than 4 minutes.
  • Videos must be submitted on a DVD and must play using QuickTime Player or Windows Media Player.
  • The member’s name, age, and county must be neatly written on the DVD, along with the presentation title.
  • Evaluation will be based on the quality and originality of the message, which should persuade the viewer to action, as well as on the creative and professional use of technology.
  • By submitting an entry, you agree to allow counties and or the State 4-H office to use the promotional video to promote 4-H throughout Ohio.

Help Needed June 30 to Make 4-H Lemon Shakes

Hervida 4-H Camp Board will be running the 4-H Lemon Shake Stand on Saturday, June 30 at the Washington County Independence Day Celebration at the fairgrounds. Help is needed to run the stand. Please contact Jane Lennox at janelennox@yahoo.com if you would like to work!

Event Schedule for June 30:

4:00 PM – Mineral Wells ATV Drag Races
7:00 PM – Mineral Wells Truck Drag Races

Admission: $5.00 (2 and under free)

Concessions (open at 1:00 PM)
Uncle Dan’s Old Fashioned Ice cream
Johnny Dog Box
The Q-Wagon
Lemon Shakes -by Hervida 4-H

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council Applications due August 10

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications are now available! 4-Hers 14-18 years old (1/1/18) who want to enhance their leadership skills should consider applying. Applications and all materials must be RECEIVED by Friday, August 10, 2018 to epley.24@osu.edu. The renewable term is September 1, 2018-August 31, 2019. Check out go.osu.edu/TLC for applications and more information!

Here are some highlights about the responsibilities of the council:

  • Age: Individuals must be 14-18 as of January 1 the year of application to apply for council member, committee member, committee chair, and officer.
  • Number of Meetings/Events: See the program structure outline on the application for specific numbers of meetings and events. Members are required to attend at least 75% of meetings and events.
    • Working Events: Members are required to work a number of statewide events at the Ohio State Fair, and elsewhere throughout the state (Farm Science Review, Legislative Luncheon, etc.).  Each level of membership differs in the number of events that are required.  See the program structure for more information.
  • Location of meetings: Meetings are typically held at the Ohio 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio, but there are occasionally instances when they are held elsewhere due to events on Ohio State’s Campus.  In these instances, meetings may be held at locations close to campus.  Refer to the application for the locations for the 2018-2019 year.  Members will be notified prior to the location change.

Additional Opportunities: Depending on the level of involvement, council members have the option to apply for additional opportunities including the National 4-H Conference, Ohio 4-H Foundation Board, and other opportunities that may arise.

Ohio 4-H Seeking Teens for 4-H Health Heros Program

Ohio 4-H Healthy Living is expanding the 4-H Health Heroes program by offering trainings at four locations across the state in 2018/19.

The 4-H Health Heroes program is looking for teens in grades 7-12 who are interested in learning about healthy eating, leading an active lifestyle, and other health-related topics. The program provides youth with the opportunity to represent 4-H and promote healthy living in their communities. Additionally, the Health Heroes help accomplish the goals of the National 4-H Healthy Living Mission Mandate, which encourages youth and families to gain optimal physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Trained Health Heroes in grades 9-12 will have the opportunity to take on additional responsibilities by serving at the state-level. More information will be given at the trainings.

 The trainings will be offered on the following dates:

  • Central OH – Sept. 29th at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus
  • Northeast OH – Nov. 3rd at the Lodi Family Center in Lodi
  • Southern OH – February 2 at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp near Jackson
  • Northwest OH – Location and date TBA

Teens who are interested in becoming a Health Hero can find more information and the application form at https://ohio4h.org/healthheroes.

Applications are due September 15th at 11:59 pm.

Ohio State Fair Skillathon

4-H and FFA youth can show what they know about 9 different animal species through 10 skillathon events during the Ohio State Fair (see the schedule below). Skillathons are free, registration is the day of the event (an adult must accompany the youth), youth can come anytime between the hours listed, and youth do not have to be a state fair exhibitor or be enrolled in an animal project in order to complete. Youth vying for the Outstanding Market Exhibitor (OME) award for goat, sheep, poultry, swine, and beef must participate in the Skillathon, showmanship, and live animal show in order to qualify. Rules, study resources (including the station topics for each species), and other information are available at: go.osu.edu/osfskillathons

FR, 7/20 from 12-5pm GOAT SKILLATHON Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
TU, 7/24 from 9am-2pm SHEEP SKILLATHON Brown Arena Wool Room
WE, 7/25 from 9am-2pm HORSE SKILLATHON Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
TH, 7/26 from 3-6:30pm DAIRY SKILLATHON 1 Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
TU, 7/31 from 9am-3pm DOG SKILLATHON Buckeye Sports Center (north end)
WE, 8/1 from 1:30-5pm DAIRY SKILLATHON 2 Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
WE, 8/1 from 4-7:30pm POULTRY SKILLATHON Rabbit/Poultry Pavilion
TH, 8/2 from 8am-1pm SWINE SKILLATHON Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
TH, 8/2 from 4-7pm BEEF SKILLATHON Voinovich Livestock Center Mezzanine (2nd floor)
FR, 8/3 from 8am-12pm RABBIT SKILLATHON Rabbit/Poultry Pavilion

4-H’s Got Talent Show – at Ohio State Fair

Got talent? Check out this new event at the Ohio State Fair Youth Center. The event will be held Saturday, July 28 at 6:00 p.m. and is open to 4-H members only.  Members have a chance to win a clock trophy! Spots are limited and applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, so register soon! Please go to ohio4h.org/ohiostatefair for the application to apply.

Talent Show Rules and Application 2018-2fynbfg

Car Wash Guidelines for Marietta & Belpre

Is your club or organization thinking about having a car wash to beat the summer heat and raise some funds?

Vehicle wash water often contains detergents, oil, grease, nutrients, and toxic metals. This has a potential to add additional nutrients and harmful chemicals to streams & rivers. Left untreated, the polluted discharges can not only affect the aquatic life in waterways, but could eventually affect drinking water supplies.

If you are planning a car wash please read this information (attached)

Marietta Car Washing Brochure City-1c8rd5u

Belpre Car Washing Brochure City-1z7xrsf

Time to Reserve Your 4-H Booth!

  • Waterford Fair (Form due July 20, 2018)  8 Ft. Wall Booth OR  8 Ft. Center Booth
  • County Fair (Form due Aug. 3, 2018)  8 Ft. Wall Booth OR10 Ft. Center Booth (*Note: Wall Booths do not have sides)
  • Barlow Fair (Form due Aug. 24, 2018)  8 Ft. Wall Booth OR  8 Ft. Center Booth

4-H Club Advisors can find the reservation form here: Booth Reservation and Judging Form-1nil4kl

Want to Help with Ohio State Fair Skillathons?

The Ohio State Fair is quickly approaching, and we hope you will consider volunteering as a skillathon facilitator. The skillathons are the largest program we coordinate at the state fair with more than 1,300 youth participating in nine species skillathons last year. The success of the program is dependent upon the generous time provided by  our volunteer facilitators!

We hope you might assist us with one or more of the skillathons. The skillathon species include: beef, sheep, swine, dairy, horse, goat, poultry, dog, and rabbit. Please click on the following link and complete the survey to indicate your availability and interest: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eDq6ouGJTxT4qQR

Volunteers for the skillathons are responsible for facilitating a station where youth perform a series of tasks to test their knowledge about a subject related to the species. Facilitators are not required to have broad experience or knowledge about the species; however, we are seeking volunteers who enjoy working with youth from ages 8/9 to 18 years old and have some knowledge about animals.

If you agree to volunteer, we will send a follow-up letter in July with parking and admission passes, as well as additional facilitator information.

If you have any questions, please contact Dustin Homan at 614.247.8305 or 4hanimalscience@osu.edu.

Ohio Sheep Day at Belle Valley

Click here for the flyer – 2018SheepDay-10d5agn

Saturday, July 14, 8am – 4pm

•Eastern Agricultural Research Station Update and Review
•Implementing a Sheep Handling System to Make Your Sheep Operation More Efficient
•Lambing Facility System That Works for a Large Sheep Operation
•Set-up of a Successful Lamb Feeding Operation
•Eastern Agricultural Research Station On-farm Sheep Research That Will Benefit the Sheep Producer
•Increasing Efficiency With Improved Fencing and Watering Systems
•Pasture Walk With the Experts