College of Medicine ASPIRE Program

The ASPIRE program  is a pathway opportunity presented by Ohio State University’s College of Medicine, Physician Scientist Education Training program.

As an initiative of the Medical Science Training Program, the ASPIRE Medical Research Program’s mission is to support undergraduate students whose backgrounds have not afforded them the opportunity to engage in the health sciences. The program provides participants with mentorship, research experience in world-class laboratories, and personal and academic support to prepare them for advanced education and careers as health care providers.

ASPIRE is open to current Ohio State University sophomores and juniors with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

This is a 12 month commitment beginning with summer semester and continuing through the following spring semester; you must have at least 12 months remaining in your undergraduate education to participate.

All interested students are encouraged to apply, including:

  • Students with disabilities, defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
  • Students from economically and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds
  • First generation college students
  • Students who have overcome economic or educational obstacles in obtaining higher education
  • Students interested in pursuing a dual degree MD/PhD program

Students will begin the program in summer 2025 spending 10 weeks (38 hours a week) conducting research with a principal investigator (PI). The PI and the student may choose to extend the experience into the academic year and beyond.

In the ASPIRE Medical Research program, students can expect to:

  • Develop skills and research experiences that will help them stand out on applications for graduate or professional health science programs,
  • Connect with students and Ohio State faculty from diverse backgrounds with similar interests, and
  • Build and nurture professional relationships that will serve them at Ohio State and beyond.

Eligible students are encouraged to learn more and apply online by January 15, 2025.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.

Scholarship & Training Opportunity: MARC T34 at OSU

Application Deadline: August 15, 2023

This is Ohio State’s first T34 grant for Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The mission of the “Molecules to Society” MARC T34 at Ohio State is to increase diversity in the next generation of biomedical scholars doing impactful research. This will be accomplished by providing undergraduate students from historically underrepresented groups with a research-focused training program that includes courses, experiential learning, faculty and graduate student mentoring, and peer-support.

Program Features and Benefits:

  • Training for future biomedical, research focused advanced degrees (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • Experiential learning, mentoring, & peer-support
  • Training in research methods
  • Preparation for graduate school success
  • Scholarship: Tuition support and stipend

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Rising junior in Autumn 2023
  • Chemistry, engineering, public health, biomedical sciences, or STEM majors
  • Minimum GPA 3.0
  • Research-oriented and interested in research-focused higher degree program (PhD or MD/PhD)
  • Previous research experience is NOT required
  • One essay to address your interest in being a MARC scholar
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation (At least one letter from an academic reference)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae (CV)

Questions may be addressed to

College of Medicine: ASPIRE Medical Research Program

Ohio State University College of Medicine ASPIRE Medical Research program applications will close on January 15, 2023.

The mission of the ASPIRE Medical Research Program is to support undergraduate students who have been historically underrepresented and historically excluded from the health sciences with mentorship, research experience in world-class laboratories, and personal and academic support to prepare them for advanced education and careers as health care providers.

The year-long, longitudinal program is open to rising sophomores (current freshmen), sophomores, and juniors.

They are specifically seeking applications from:

  • Students from groups historically excluded in medicine and biomedical sciences: African-American or Black, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • Students with disabilities, defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
  • Students from economically and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds
  • First generation college students
  • Queer, LGBTQIA, Transgender/Gender Non-Conforming
  • Others whose backgrounds and experiences would bring diversity to the field

Interested? Visit the program website to learn more and apply. Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2023.

ASPIRE 2022 Cohort

ProtonGuru Test Preparation Scholarships

ProtonGuru is offering scholarships for MCAT, PCAT, and PA-CAT programs. They are offering both tuition and half tuition scholarships to top quality test preparation programs.

ProtonGuru is aiming to get these scholarships to students from groups in underrepresented health professions and to first-generation college students to give them equal opportunity for improved entry to health professions.

Applications are due February 10, 2022. Winners of the scholarships will be announced February 23, 2022 and winners will be notified in rolling format.

Applications can be found here. And more information can be found here.

College of Medicine: ASPIRE Medical Research Program

Ohio State University College of Medicine ASPIRE Medical Research, is now accepting applications for its 5th cohort of ASPIRE Scholars.

The mission of the ASPIRE Medical Research Program is to support current Ohio State undergraduate students who have been historically underrepresented and historically excluded from the health sciences, with mentorship, research experience in world-class laboratories, personal and academic support, in order to prepare them for advanced education and careers as health-care providers.

The year-long, longitudinal program is open to rising sophomores (current freshmen), sophomores, and juniors.

They are specifically seeking applications from:

  • Students from groups historically excluded in medicine and biomedical sciences: African-American or Black, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • Students with disabilities, defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
  • Students from economically and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds
  • First generation college students
  • Queer, LGBTQIA, Transgender/Gender Non-Conforming
  • Others whose backgrounds and experiences would bring diversity to the field

Interested? Visit the program website to learn more and apply. Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2022.

Become a 2021-2022 ACS Bridge Fellow

The Ohio State University is proud to be an American Chemical Society Bridge Site! The American Chemical Society is accepting applications for 2021-2022 ACS Bridge Fellows.

The ACS Bridge Program (ACS-BP) was developed to increase the number of students from underrepresented (UR) racial and ethnic groups obtaining a Ph.D. in the chemical sciences. ACS-BP assists UR students with getting into and succeeding in graduate school.

As an ACS Bridge Fellow, students enroll in a one- to two-year Bridge Experience that provides research experience, advanced coursework, mentoring, and coaching to prepare a graduate school application.

Students who have not applied to graduate school, or who have applied but were not accepted, may be offered:

  • A free common application that will be shared with participating departments
  • Resources to strengthen applications
  • Connections to faculty and mentors
  • Networking opportunities with other ACS-BP students

Please visit the ACS Bridge Program – Fellows page to determine eligibility and apply.

The deadline to apply is March 31, 2021.

Have questions about this program? Contact the ACS Bridge Program at

Seminar Series: Addressing Inequities in STEM Education

To better understand changes that need to be made to STEM learning environments, The Ohio State University is launching a new seminar series, Our Inclusive Path Forward: Addressing Inequities in STEM Education.

The six-part series features lectures by national leaders in recruiting, retaining and graduating a diverse population of STEM students in science, technology, engineering, math and medicine. The goal is to provide opportunities for faculty, staff and students to learn about best practices and ultimately make Ohio State’s STEM programs more equitable and inclusive. While some events have a disciplinary focus, all attendees will benefit from the perspectives and practices shared.

The series kicks off March 3 and wraps up April 14. All events are free and open to the public. Learn more and register here.

TOMORROW, March 10, at 6pm there will be a seminar (“That None Shall Perish”) by Kelly Mack, the national leader of Project Kaleidoscope, a STEM education national program with excellence in active-learning models. Register here.

ACS Bridge Career/Professional Development Awards

Deadline Approaching: December 31, 2020


The ACS Bridge Project is pleased to announce an underrepresented minority (URM) student award to defray the registration costs to the any career and professional development event of your choice effective this year only.

The award is open to undergraduate students interested in the chemical sciences and are from groups traditionally underrepresented in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Namely, underrepresented minorities include African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans.

The goal of this professional development award is to increase the number of URM students that gain access to doctoral programs in the chemical sciences. The professional development award will defray the cost of any online workshops, courses, virtual conferences, and/or events that will assist URM students gain access to doctoral programs in the chemical sciences. Each award will be for up to $1000 of eligible expenses based on the review of materials.

Learn more and apply.

Science & Engineering Leadership Initiative (SELI)

The University of Delaware is now accepting applications for their Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program – the Science and Engineering Leadership Initiative.

Motivated by the realization that people with disabilities are significantly underrepresented in STEM disciplines, UD’s REU program is unique in that they are focusing on providing students with disabilities a research and community building experience tailored to fostering success in graduate school and beyond.

The program is scheduled from June 10, 2019 to August 9, 2019 at the University of Delaware in Newark, Deleware. A stipend and housing are provided for the 9-week program.

The REU program is open to all undergraduate students with disabilities (mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, medical, or other) who are majors in chemistry, biochemistry, or other related fields.

More information can be found on the official flyer and the program’s webpage. The application deadline is February 1, 2019.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.

2019 University of Delaware Summer REU Program

Related image

Application Deadline: February 1, 2019

The University of Delaware, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, is excited to announce a NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program – the Science and Engineering Leadership Initiative. Motivate by the realization that people with disabilities are significantly underrepresented in STEM disciplines, SELI strives to position today’s students with disabilities to become tomorrow’s leaders in academia and industry.

More information and the online application are available.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.