University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Bioengineering Graduate Programs

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Department of Bioengineering is currently accepting applications for their bioengineering graduate programs for Fall 2021. These programs welcome students from all academic backgrounds with strong foundations in math and science. Applications are due by December 15, 2020. Apply here.

For more information:

CUNY Biochemistry PhD Information Session

The City University of New York is holding an information session about their Biochemistry PhD program. The university is currently recruiting interested students for the class of Fall 2021.

This event will give students the opportunity to:

  • learn more about the City University of New York’s Biochemistry PhD program
  • learn how to create a competitive application and personal statement
  • ask questions to City University of New York faculty and students
  • learn about research being conducted at the City University of New York

The information session will be held via Zoom on Friday, November 13 from 1:00pm-3:00pm EST. If you are interested, register here for the event by November 10th.

For more information:

  • check out this flyer for the event
  • check out this brochure for their Biochemistry PhD program
  • find more about the Biochemistry PhD program on the website

Indiana University Chemistry PhD Info Session

The Chemistry Department at Indiana University is holding an info session for prospective PhD program applicants. This event will take place on Wednesday November 11th, from 11:00 am-12:00 pm EST.

This info session will give students the chance to:

  • learn more about the application process
  • learn about the Indiana University Chemistry Department’s PhD program
  • learn about graduate life at Indiana University

Register for the event here.

For more information:

  • learn more about the Indiana University Chemistry Graduate Program here
  • contact

Graduate Studies at the Institute for Shock Physics

At Washington State University, graduate students from a variety of disciplines have the opportunity to study the response of materials to extreme conditions at the Institute for Shock Physics (ISP). While studying in relevant departments (physics, chemistry, materials science, mechanical engineering, and geo/planetary science), students may conduct their PhD research at ISP. Conducting research at ISP gives students the opportunity to:

  • participate in innovative, multidisciplinary research alongside internationally renowned scientists
  • grow in independent thinking skills and hands-on experience
  • access the Department of Energy National Laboratories
  • work in state-of-the-art facilities, including the Dynamic Compression Sector located at the Advanced Photon Source

ISP offers students the chance to become well educated and rigorously trained to move on to a successful professional career. ISP students are known to become leaders in the field. Scholarships and financial support are available for outstanding students.

For more information:

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Virtual Recruitment

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign is holding an upcoming recruitment event for students of color. Please consider attending if you are a junior, senior, post-baccalaureate, or Masters student of color interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in chemistry.

This event will cover available fellowships for underrepresented minorities, programs available to support University of Illinois students of color, and application tips. You will learn about the variety of research being done in chemistry and have the opportunity to network with current graduate students and faculty.

If you’re interested, please register here by October 25, 2020. The recruitment event will take place on Saturday, October 31, 2020.

For more information:

University of Nebraska PhD Program Highlight

The University of Nebraska’s Ph.D. Program in Complex Biosystems is now accepting applications! This program is directed toward students interested in developing and applying quantitative and computational approaches to data acquisition and analysis in multiple life science fields, i.e. human health and medical biochemistry, plant genomics and phenomics, microbial ecosystems, and systems ecology.

They are looking for students from many undergraduate majors and focuses such as:

  • Biological and agricultural sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Nutrition and food science
  • Agricultural and biological systems engineering
  • Mathematics, statistics, data sciences, and computer science

As a first-year student in the program, The University of Nebraska offers full support to students by providing them opportunities to participate in a full year of research rotations to gain a semester of laboratory teaching experience.

To learn more about the Complex Biosystems program, you can visit their website. Follow this link to apply.

The application deadline for Fall 2020 is December 15, 2019.

University of Delaware Graduate Program

Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Students interested in PhD studies, The University of Delaware offers diverse research opportunities as a leader in molecular sciences and are currently accepting applications for the Fall of 2020.

The UD Chemistry and Biochemistry Department holds thirty different research groups where students, faculty, research staff and post-doctoral scholars work closely together.

They hold two NIH Centers for Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) and an NIH Chemical and Biology Interface (CIB) training program. With $10 million annually they support 200 full-time PhD students.  Preparing students as they develop into independent scholars and prepare for the next stages of their careers.

For more information visit the program’s website or peruse the brochure.