Older Youth Beef Production Field Day

For youth 14 and older, this will be a unique opportunity to learn about the beef industry. We will have a hands-on day walking youth through the beef production cycle focusing on cow-calf management.

Parents are welcome, as we have a tour scheduled in the morning of the ATI and CFAES Wooster campus with admissions staff.

For registration visit: go.osu.edu/2024youthbeefday

Registration Deadline – June 7, 2024

Cost: Youth $30, Parents $15. Lunch Included.Limited to first 30 Youth Registrations.

Red, White & Groom – Washington County Show

The Washington County Livestock Committee and County Fairboard will be hosting Red, White and Groom. This will be a Jackpot Heifer and Steer Show.

Show Order: Showmanship, Heifers, Steers, County Heifers, County Steers Senior, Intermediate, Junior, and Beginner Classes

Food Trucks, Heritage Cooperative, and Sutherland Valley will be present.

Interested in helping for the event? Contact Dan Mason at 740-336-4530

2024 Red White & Groom Flier

Hog Tag Announcement for Advisors

4-H or FFA advisors can stop by the OSU Extension Office and pickup the number of tags needed for their club members. Only advisors can pick-up tags between April 15 and May 31

  • Hogs must be tagged by June 1 – Deadline to tag hogs
  • Please insert the tag with the number on the back of ear to make it easier to read (see picture)
  • Exhibitors must submit pictures via email to wcfhogs@gmail.com
  • Advisors will submit a Hog Tag Record Sheet identifying the exhibitors and tagged hogs

A note about family spares:

  • All spares tagged in after primary animals can be shared only by brothers and sisters. Animals at tag in are assigned to exhibitors and only the spare may be shared by brothers or sisters. Animals assigned to exhibitors at tag in may not be switched at fair weigh in. Spare animals are in case a project animal dies or does not make fair weight. This allows exhibitors to have a back up project animal. Spares are a cost savings option for families.

Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza – April 20

When: Saturday, April 20, 2024

Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm; Registration begins at 8:00am

Where: Mahoning County at the Canfield Fairgrounds

7265 Columbiana-Canfield Rd., Canfield 44406

Enter in Gate 9 of the fairgrounds

Registration: https://go.osu.edu/2024dairypalooza

Pre-Registration due by April 5, 2024

Join us for a day filled with hands-on learning,

quality assurance sessions, and so much more!


What to Expect:

  • Hands-on learning with dairy cattle
  • Quality Assurance sessions
  • Special sessions for Cloverbuds, adults, and everyone in between
  • Dairy Cattle Showmanship and fitting demonstrations
  • And new this year, sessions on Dairy Beef Feeders (Nutrition & Fitting)

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge in dairy cow projects!

See you there for a day of fun, education, and lots of moo-vement!


Registration Information:

  • Registration is $10 per person through April 5th
  • Registrations after April 5th will be $15 per person including walk-in registrations the day of the event.
  • Pre-registration due by April 5, 2024 (must be postmarked by April 5, 2024)
  • To register, go to https://go.osu.edu/2024dairypalooza
  • Print, complete, and send in your registration form and registration fee to:
    • DairyPalooza
    • c/o Lisa Gress,
    • Critchfield Road
    • Shreve, OH 44676

Livestock Housing Agreements – Due April 1

Do you house your 4-H or FFA Livestock at another location that is different from your home address?

Here is the form: Livestock Housing Agreement

This form applies to all livestock projects (market or breeding) in which the animal(s) is housed away from the exhibitor’s home. Housing away from home is defined as “any amount of time where an animal(s) is taken care of away from the exhibitor’s home location with the exception of shows/exhibitions.”

If the animal is shown in another exhibition, the exhibitor must not show a breeding project as a market project
or visa versa.

Any exhibitor found to be housing their animal away from home without a completed form will loose the right to
show and sell any project at the Waterford, Washington County, and Barlow Fairs for the duration of the project

Form is due to the Extension Office, 1115 Gilman Ave., Marietta, no later than 4:00pm on April 1st of
the project year. One form each year per project.