Author: Bruce Zimmer
Monroe County Multi-specie Clinic – June 29
A multi-species animal clinic we held in Monroe County on June 29th. This is a nice event that offers hands-on practice and grooming demonstrations as well as many great door prize giveaways. They welcome participation from other counties, so please share the flier with your members or on your social media accounts.
Clinics Include:
- Beef
- Sheep
- Goats
- Swine
- Poultry
- Rabbits
Teens and Young Adults Wanted for Research Study
Amy Ferketich faculty member in the OSU College of Public Health who is working on the Health, Tobacco, and Young People’s Environments (H-Type) study that will involve conducting online focus groups with youth and young adults to explore health-related questions.
They are interested in talking to youth from rural counties in Ohio. Scan the QR code and learn more about how you can participate. Here is the direct link to:
Free Sunflower Seeds!
Want to grow some sunflowers just for fun?
Tim Glover has donated free sunflower seeds and they can be picked up from the OSU Extension located at 1115 Gilman Ave, Marietta. The Extension Office is located on the second floor. Office hours – 8 am – 4 pm
Washington County Fair Pumpkin Growing Contest – SEEDS AVAILABLE
- Open to all youth who are residents of Washington County or are members of an FFA Chapter, 4–H Club or school program in Washington County.
- Entry may be made in one or both classes by age division: Classes (different pumpkin must be used for each class)-Largest Pumpkin by weight-Best decorated by scar drawing.
- Age Divisions: 2-5 yrs 6-10 yrs 11-19 yrs
- Judging will be held at 5:00 pm on Friday in the Home Arts Building.
- Seeds are furnished by Tim Glover. Only the variety of seed distributed can be used in the contest. Contact the Extension Office at 740-376-7431 for the seed packets or stop at their office 1115 Gilman Ave
- Name of the exhibitor and age must be scared into each pumpkin entered.
- All entries must be brought to the fairgrounds on Thursday in the Home Arts Building.
- Limit one pumpkin per class.
- Open class entries are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Ohio State Fair Livestock Information
Ohio State Fair Livestock Schedule: July 15 – August 4, 2024
- Complete OSF schedule:
- The deadline to enter livestock exhibitions is 1 p.m. on June 21, 2024, with the exception of the Horse Show, which closes at 1 p.m. on July 1, 2024. Entries opened May 15.
- Livestock Competitions:
- In order to be more consistent with statewide livestock exhibition ownership rules, the Ohio State Fair has listed animal ownership dates below:
Market animals –
- Market beef – January 1
- Market swine – May 23
- Market lambs – May 23
- Market goats – May 1
- Dairy feeders – June 1
- Market rabbits – June 1
- Market poultry – within 5 days of hatch
Breeding animals –
- Breeding Beef – May 22
- Breeding Swine – May 22
- Breeding Sheep – May 22
- Breeding Goats – May 16
- Breeding Poultry – May 31
- Breeding rabbits – May 31
- Dairy Cattle – May 22
Noble County Woof Classic – June 8
J U N E 8 , 2 0 2 4
9 : 0 0 A M ( R E G I S T R A T I O N A T 8 : 0 0 A M )
N O B L E C O . F A I R G R O U N D S
P R E – R E G I S T R A T I O N D U E J U N E 6 T H
- Showmanship A
- Showmanship B
- Pee-Wee Showmanship
- Adult Showmanship
- Beginner Novice A
- Beginner Novice B
- Novice A
- Novice B
- Grad Novice A
- Grad Novice B
- Preferred Novice
- Pre Novice
Preregistration at
4-H Cake Decorating Clinics
Monday, June 10
- Beginners: 9:00 – 11:00 am
- Intermediates: 11:00 – 1:00 pm
Location: OSU Extension Conference Room – 1115 Gilman Ave, Marietta (Second Floor)
Who: All members taking the 4-H Cake Decorating Project or interested in cake decorating are invited.
Registration Required!
- Must pre-register at:
Questions: Call the Extension Office at 740-376-7431 with questions
What to Bring: 4-H Cake Project Book, enough Icing to decorate a small cake, Cake Decorating Supplies, icing bags, all decorating tips for your level, couplers, spatulas. Also bring a small cake – one layer, either round or sheet cake.
Instructor: Sloane Matics
Real Money Program at WC Career Center
With the help of many community volunteers who staffed 14 business booths, juniors at the Washington County Career recently participated in a Real Money Real World simulation. Students chose a career for the simulation based upon their current area of study at the career center. They also spent their monthly salary visiting the various booths making spending choices based on their family situation hoping they would have enough money to make ends meet at the end of the month.
The program is a product of OSU Extension and was organized for the school by Bruce Zimmer, 4-H Extension Educator in collaboration with Washington County Career Center teacher Bobbi Webb. Here are some pictures of our volunteers that helped out!
1. Chance – Evan Schaad
2. Child Care – Amanda Bohlen
3. Clothing – Pat Ralston
4. Communications – Sharon Dye & Ron Leisure
5. Contributions – Cindy Brown
6. Credit – Danielle Allphin
7. Entertainment – Marcus McCartney & Rileigh Trembly
8. Financial Advice – Brenda Robinson
9. Finish Line – Bruce Zimmer
10. Food – Pam Montgomery
11. Housing – Amanda Harris Silvus
12. Insurance – Neil & Sheryl Westfall
13. Student Loans – Cody Pettit
14. Transportation – Marcia Holschuh
15. Health and Wellness – Kathryn Hartline
Breeding Animal Leases – Due June 1
If you are enrolled in a breeding animal or dairy project, you are being mailed a letter with the following information. If you do not own the breeding animal you are planning to show, then a lease must be completed and returned the OSU Extension Office by June 1, 2024.
Read the rules here: Ohio Youth Livestock Exhibition Rules 4.17.23
If you need to complete a lease, all leases are due to OSU Extension by June 1:
- Breeding Animal Lease (for goats, sheep, beef) Animal Lease – Breeding Animal 12.20.21
- Dairy Lease (for dairy calves, heifers, cows) Animal Lease – Dairy 12.20.21
Just to clarify, leases are not needed for market animals as ALL market animals must be fully owned by the exhibitor or household. This leasing information is only for members that do not own their breeding animals.