Washington County Endowment Dinner April 12!

The Washington County 4-H Endowment Dinner will be held on April 12, 2025 at the Washington County Fair Junior Fair building.  The Endowment dinner is the largest fundraiser for Washington County 4-H.  The committee is seeking volunteers to help with set up on April 11 and with the dinner and preparations on April 12.  If you are available to volunteer please sign up at the link below.  The Washington County Endowment Dinner opens at 5pm with dinner beginning at 6pm and is host to a live and silent auction.  The Endowment Dinner features a chicken or steak dinner with baked potato, green beans, applesauce or coleslaw, roll, and dessert.  The community may purchase tickets from the Extension office or any committee member for $30.  For more information contact the OSU Extension office at 740-376-7431.  The link to volunteer is:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094EADA72CA1FD0-54607454-2025#/