May is Mental Health Awareness Month

We have an Ohio 4-H Project – Your Thoughts Matter that is  designed for older youth who are interested in learning more about mental health, why it is important to overall well-being, and steps that promote more positive understanding and action.

As we think about Mental Health Awareness Month, here are a couple of activities from the project book that youth can complete. Parents, please print and share these activities with your teens. The project book can also be purchased from the OSU Extension Office so you can have all of the activities and resources for your family.

Defining Mental Health

Learning about Anxiety

Horse Paperwork Due May 30th

Attention all horse project members.  Horse Packets are available online and should have been received in the mail for all horse project members.  Horse Declarations, immunization forms are due on May 30 to the extension office by 4pm.  No faxed or emailed copies will be accepted, members need to complete original forms and hand them in to the Extension Office.  For more details call Kathryn at OSU Extension at 740-376-7431

Smitty’s Night Announced

The Washington County 4-H Saddle Horse Committee is partnering with Smitty’s Pizza on Tuesday, May 14 2024.  The Saddle Horse committee will receive a portion of the orders placed that evening from 4pm to close.  All funds raised will go to support the 4-H horse program in Washington County and all funds stay local.  Let Smitty’s cook you dinner on Tuesday!

Real Money Program at Marietta High School

With the help of many community volunteers who staffed 14 business booths, juniors at the Marietta High School recently participated in a Real Money Real World simulation. Students chose a career for the simulation based upon their current area of study at Marietta High School. They also spent their monthly salary visiting the various booths making spending choices based on their family situation hoping they would have enough money to make ends meet at the end of the month.

The program is a product of OSU Extension and was organized for the school by Bruce Zimmer, 4-H Extension Educator in collaboration with Marietta High School teacher Millie Stuthard. Here are some pictures of our volunteers that helped out!


OSF Dog Show – Entries Open

The Ohio State Fair Dog Show is scheduled for June 17-19 and the registration deadline is May 21 at 1:00 pm

The State Fair Dog Show is open to anyone enrolled in the appropriate 4-H Dog Project!

2024 Entry – OSF Dog Classes Entries and Deadlines

The dates for the OSF Dog Show are earlier than normal due to construction on the state fairgrounds. The state fair has a separate entry for dogs to compensate for early dates. The dog show is now open for entry!!! There are no late entries for these shows.

For your information, the dog show entry is not obvious on the state fair website. The following information will be extremely helpful for exhibitors to find the information on the state fair website.

The 2024 Ohio State Fair Dog Show JUNE 17-19 is open for entries.

Entries close May 21 at 1:00 pm. There are no late entries.

Please go to the Ohio State Fair website for detailed information at:

Scroll down to DOG SHOW. Read Competition Information and Information for entering dogs online.

Then click on the red – ENTER THE 2024 DOG SHOW (ENTRY LINK)

Avian Bowl, Poultry Judging, and Livestock Judging

The rules and entry forms are officially posted for the 2024 Avian Bowl, Poultry Judging, and Livestock Judging contests. Please visit our website for all of the up-to-date information. Please forward this information to anyone who may be interested. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out!

Eastern Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Camp

Eastern Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Camp

June 28-30 – Ages 9-13

This camp will be held at Zion Retreat & RV Park, Flushing, OH. All shooting classes are taught by certified Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Instructors.

Registration & Camp Fee are due by: June 3, 2024 or until spaces are filled (Max 45 campers)
Camp Fee: $150.00
Camp fee after June 3rd is $160.00 (may not receive t-shirt)
No registration accepted after June 17


  • Basic Archery
  • Advanced Archery
  • Basic Rifle .22 Rimfire
  • Basic Shotgun
  • Basic Pistol

Question: Contact OSU Extension, Noble County – 740-732-5681

Registration Form: 2024 SS Camp Registration Form (002)

Market Turkey Pickup – May 8

The market turkeys are scheduled to ship from the hatchery next week. We are expecting them to arrive on Wednesday, May 8 in the afternoon. If the turkeys arrive as scheduled we will hold pick up at Heritage Cooperative at 219 S. Third Street in Marietta from 3 to 5 pm. You might want to call the Extension Office to make sure they have arrived before traveling.

Be prepared for them to arrive early or arrive another day. Unfortunately we have no control over when they might arrive.

If you have additional questions please call the Extension Office at 740-376-7431 or email