Month: April 2023
4-H Calendar at a Glance
Printable version: 2023 canva calendar
4-H Club Officer Resources
Were you not able to attend the county 4-H Club Officer training? There are some great resources and videos on the Ohio 4-H page to learn more about your responsibilities!
Support the Tractor Supply Paper Clover Campaign
The Marietta TSC will be participating in the national Paper Clover Campaign and the store is hosting our 4-H display at the front of their store. Stop by and support the campaign!
- Paper Clover Runs Wednesday, April 26 thru May 7.
- Customers will be invited to add an additional donation at check-out or round-up.
- As usual, counties will receive 80% of the funds. The funds will be used for camp and youth leadership experiences.
ODA Exhibition Ownership Rules Clarified
Complete list of rule updates: Ohio Youth Livestock Exhibition Rules 4.17.23
Leasing MARKET animals for youth exhibition projects is NOT permitted under any circumstances.
For market animals, dairy animals, and owned (not leased) breeding livestock:
1. An animal cannot be used by more than one youth member per project year.
2. The same animal cannot be used for more than one project per project year (i.e., a single heifer cannot be shown as both a market and a breeding project).
3. An animal may only be exhibited by the project member in any junior livestock exhibition, including at the Ohio State Fair.
a. Excludes show/class conflicts at the exhibition, “showman of showmen” type classes, or extenuating circumstances. Check with local exhibition sponsor to determine what circumstances may qualify.
b. For junior fair classes where education or charity is the purpose (e.g., pee wee, special needs, Dean’s Charity Steer Show, etc.), ensure that the exhibitor is involved in the mentoring of the individual showing the animal in that class.
c. Refer to “junior livestock show/exhibition” definition above.
4. In shows outside of “junior livestock show/exhibitions,” a project animal may only be shown by the youth exhibitor or family members. If shown by a youth outside of the immediate family, this constitutes a change in ownership.
a. “Family” means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including but not limited to the exhibitor’s parent, step-parent, foster parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, foster grandparent, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, half-brother, half-sister, son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, or legal guardian.
5. All market, dairy, and breeding animals exhibited at a junior livestock exhibition must be fully owned by the exhibitor or household as defined in OAC 901-19-39 as evidenced by a bill of sale or registration, including all showing rights, and in the complete custody and care of the exhibitor on or before possession deadlines.
6. Ownership of an animal shall be considered lost if the animal has been:
a. Leased to a different individual (not the project member) after the applicable possession date,
b. Consigned to or sold through an auction or any other type of transaction that takes place prior to the junior livestock exhibition, after the applicable possession date even if the animal is bought back by the exhibitor.
7. The exhibitor is expected to fully provide daily care for their animal(s) from the possession deadline to the conclusion of the exhibition/sale. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring adequate access to clean, fresh water, feed, and shelter while ensuring good health and welfare of the animal. If not possible, in extenuating circumstances, the exhibitor is responsible for contacting the local Extension office and/or FFA advisor to ensure transparency. Additional paperwork may be necessary, as determined at the local level (i.e., Ohio 4-H Livestock Care Agreement).
Breeding Animal Leases – Clarification from ODA
ODA has clarified their rules for ownership and leasing of Breeding and Dairy Animals. If you are enrolled in a breeding animal or dairy project, you were mailed a letter with the following information. If you do not own the breeding animal you are planning to show, then a lease must be completed and returned the OSU Extension Office by June 1, 2023.
Read the rules here: Ohio Youth Livestock Exhibition Rules 4.17.23
If you need to complete a lease, all leases are due to OSU Extension by June 1:
- Breeding Animal Lease (for goats, sheep, beef) Animal Lease – Breeding Animal 12.20.21 (002)
- Dairy Lease (for dairy calves, heifers, cows) Animal Lease – Dairy 12.20.21
Just to clarify, leases are not needed for market animals as ALL market animals must be fully owned by the exhibitor or household. This leasing information is only for members that do not own their breeding animals.
Now Accepting Camp Registrations!
Washington County 4-H is excited to announce the return of a traditional summer camping experience. We are planning to host camps for youth Kindergarten thru ninth grade. OSU Extension will be offering four camps this year, including one single day camp, one camp that is one overnight, and two multi-day overnight camps. All four of the camps will be held at Camp Hervida near Waterford. Please see below for the dates and camp specific information.
- Junior Camp at Hervida: grades 3-5, June 26-30
- Cloverbud Camp at Hervida: ages 5-8, July 5
- Beginner Camp at Hervida: 2nd grade- 10 years old, July 6-7
- Senior Camp at Hervida: Grades 5-9, July 17-21
Registration costs will cover lodging, meals, daily canteen, evening snack, class and program supplies for the campers. The camp staff and camp counselors are looking forward to a fun and exciting 4-H camping season! Camp t-shirts will be available at additional cost.
For more information about the 4-H camping program or enrollment, please contact the Washington County Ohio State University Extension office at (740) 376-7431, or download a registration form from
Club Officer Training – Pictures
We had a nice turnout for our 4-H Club Officer Training on Monday night. Thanks to our volunteers for teaching the sessions:
- President/Vice President: Travis Morris & Maggie Webster
- Treasurer: Marlene Williamson
- Secretary, News Reporter: Melina Matics
- Historian/Scrapbook: Sloan Matics & Darlene Burke-Ogletree
- Health & Safety/Community Service: Misty Mason
- Recreation: Martha Webster
AED Device Now at Camp Hervida
The Peoples Bank Foundation, Inc. provided funds through their community grant program to purchase an AED device for Hervida 4-H Camp. The unit is housed in the Nurse’s Cabin. Thank you Peoples Bank Foundation for making this possible!!
Thank you Nora Richmond, Nat Richmond, and Melina Matics from the Oak Grove Explorers 4-H Club as they display the new unit.
Congratulations Horse Bowl Teams!

The primary objective of Horse Bowl Competition is to provide an opportunity for 4-H members enrolled in horse projects to demonstrate their knowledge of equine-related matters in a competitive setting, where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail. The competition provides an educational experience for both participants and the spectators.